Thursday, April 3, 2014

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - April 3, 2014

All pics were taken on the way home from Asheville

The grass withers and the flowers fall,
 but the word of our God stands forever."
Isaiah 40:8

Greetings Sweet Friends,

So how is your garden growing??  
Hope you are having some time 
to get out, and enjoy the spring 
weather some, even if you aren't
gardening or working in the yard.

The only thing I did outside this week besides
sitting in the sun,  was to put in some more mulch
 where I weeded last week, andt it looks even
 nicer....  Love watching it come together, 
day by day.

Well, am still working on the spring decorating,
got some more stuff out last night, cause I just
sort of put a few things around to make the
house presentable for last weekend, after taking 
down the Winter things.........but now I will 
be on to some serious spring decorating.  

Well...On to Thankful Thursday,

I am thankful

for all the lovely birthday celebrations
I have had in the last few weeks.

for all the lovely cards, ecards, face
book wishes flowers and gifts I received. 
I feel very well loved ......

I kept seeing these beautiful pink and white trees and had to get
 a closer look, so fortunately someplace we stopped in Ga. had
some as landscaping at a hotel, so got a few shots.

to be 62 years old and still kicking.  lol
I think anything we lose in the aging process
 we really gain in wisdom and contentment.

that I found a bakery that I have been looking 
for.......for years now. My nephew and his wife
 had them do the cheesecake at their wedding 
and it was awesome, they had regular, strawberry
 and Keylime.  So have been wanting the strawberry
 and keylime for ages.  They had moved to another
 city close by, and hubby got it for my birthday
 dinner and it was wonderful.

 that Scott, Megan and the baby are going up
to visit Dee and Jerry for the first time. They
are all excited, and I know they are all gonna
have a great time.

for lactaid milk, I used to use it years ago
but quit cause I had trouble with more
things than just milk,  so I just used the
lactaid pills,  but we decided to try it
again for our kitty, believe it or not, lol
and it has been nice not having to worry
about taking something everytime I used
milk in something.  

for a surprise and sweet email from a blog
 friend who has not been posting for quite 
awhile.  It was great to hear from her and 
good to know she is gonna be starting
 up again soon, cause I have missed her.

that our breakfast fellowship for our class last
Sunday went so well.  We really had a fun
time sharing with each other.

This is something different, but saw these starting to bloom all
 over the place too. Anyone know what they are??

that our Pastor has been teaching and preach-
ing on the importance of family this year and
will continue it thru the rest of the year.  He is
trying to inspire people to realize their life and
family is not just about them, the legacy they
leave goes on for generations and generations
after them.  So we should be doing all we can
to work on our marriages and family lives.

As you probably already know, hubby and I are 
very big marriage and family proponents. We
feel every couple should attend a marriage class
 or a marriage seminar at least once a year for
 a tune up.  The couples in our church that have
the best marriages are usually the ones that
 show up in marriage classes or go to marriage
seminars or conferences.  

We think a lot of people don't go because they 
are afraid some one is gonna think they are
 having problems.
 if you happen to have that same thinking
let me encourage you with this thought........
Guess what??  Everyone has marriage problems
at some time or other and we all have things to
 work on and overcome. So staying away from 
anything to do with marriage is surely not 
gonna help you.
if you need help, talk to your Pastor or call 
good bible believing church, cause they can 
either help you or refer you to someone who
 can,  but by all means, don't just sit around
 and wait for your marriage to implode on you! 
 It is never too late to try...........even if you
are the only interested in getting help.....
you should go because changes in one person
can affect the other person in positive ways.

If it wasn't for us getting serious with the
Lord and getting the good teaching we got 
hubby and I would be a divorce statistics our-
selves, but instead we had Anniversary 43
in Novemeber,  and have been teaching 
marriage classes for years.......
Is our marriage perfect,  absolutely not,
cause there are no perfect people,  but
I can tell you we have a very good and
fulfulling marriage that we wouldn't trade
for anyone elses.
God is more than able to help, heal and
restore your marriage.

and if you are divorced please don't hear
 me condemning you in any way, as I know
 there are biblical reasons for divorce and 
sometimes you yourself didn't even want the 
divorce,  but you had no control over that
or maybe you just didn't know there was
a better way.
 Also know that God doesn't hate or condemn 
you if you are divorced, He just wants you
to look to Him for help now.  God hates
divorce...not divorced people!!

Well, I am getting off my soapbox now.
This is just an issue very near and dear
to my heart.......because I came from 
divorced home myself,  so I know  why
 God says he hates divorce......cause I
 have experienced it firsthand.  I

I am thinking these are white and pink cherry blossoms
or apple blossoms. Does anyone know what they are??

for a private  backyard, a lounge chair,
cellphone, and a gloriously sunny and beautiful 
day of 88 degrees,  and the time to sit outside
 and enjoy it, while talking to my sweet daughter
on the phone, and the way it makes me feel 
afterwards.   What a blessing................

for smoothies,  just had a banana, peach and
strawberry one with vanilla frozen yogurt.
Yummo.......nice for cooling off after being
out in the delicious sunshine.

that our cat Molly doesn't seem to be itching
and scratching as much and that her places
are healing, and her hair seems to be growing
back. We are hoping it is due to the new food 
we have been feeding her............

Well, Here's the ol' list for this week........
Would love to hear what is on your list.

So what are you thankful for???

I am thankful too, that you came by and will be
even more thankful if you leave a comment.  lol

 Accidentally got these lil girls who were out there playing.

Love,  Hugs, and 
Delightful Sunshiny Blue Sky Blessings,


  1. That's quite a list Nellie. Glad to hear your list was something to achieve. I just had a birthday too, so happy belated birthday. I am very thankful to be alive after battling three cancers...

  2. Hi Nellie! So many things to be thankful for. So true about marriage seminars and focusing on marriage and family. Sometimes folks get too busy and don't focus on these...its sad. Your smoothie sounds YUMMY!
    Hope you have a wonderful weekend...

  3. #1. Isn't it wonderful! Family, friends, and most of all our LORD being there in the midst!
    #2. Agape is the best kind! I had to remember this, this past week!
    #3. And we still keep learning in that manner, thank my LORD!
    #4. It is such a blessing when family leads us to the things GOD would have us enjoy in life!
    #5. Yes, and Brooklyn's too young to say, "Are we there yet?" LOL
    #6. What is it that makes many adults not able to "digest" milk! I now have that problem with it too! We can surely understand babies that have problems with it.
    #7. If it is who I think, I have surely missed her too!
    #8. I think this is the greatest time in the LORD, sharing with others in His salvation!
    #9. Praise the LORD for them and what you and Jim do for them too.
    As a single, overcoming problems can be harder sometimes because of not having the support right beside you! Thank the LORD for "extended" FAMILY.
    #10. We are so blessed! GOD is so good all the time...
    #11. Yogurt "milkshakes," yum!
    #12. Yea, thank you LORD for the blessings on our animals too!
    Have a blessed weekend! Susan

  4. Lovely theme for a blog post. This was refreshing to read. Thanks. xCathy


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie Sharing with: