Monday, April 7, 2014

Weekend catchup

Morning Sweet Friends,

How was your weekend?  Fun, 
relaxing, productive, relational,  
busy or maybe even boring??

Our was the a bit relaxing and fun and relational, 
yet very productive.  Have been trying to get
 our screened in porch cleaned and the floor sealed
since the Fall. We got the room all cleaned in the
 Fall, then when we went away to see Dee, racoons
 came in after our cats food and made a mess of it, 
 and then we were getting into Thanksgiving and 
Christmas and had other fish to fry, so just decided
 to leave it be until the spring.  So the furniture 
has just been stacked up, and things in disarray,
for awhile now............too long!  lol

 So I am ecstatic to say the least!!
It was a big job but am so happy it is done,  now I
 can have my room back.  So putting that all back
together will be the focus of my week.  Have a lil
painting refreshing to do,  and need to clean the
 rugs we use out there,  and find a new tablecloth.

Am writing today because my computer might
possibly be down this week due to something to 
do with microsoft not supporting my operating
 system,  so we are trying to determine if we need
 to just get a new computer all together, but I will
 not be virus protected on this computer as of
 tomorrow,  so want be able to use it.  Might be
able to use the lap top but don't think I can do
any pictures unless I have some time to down
load them today, and could pull them off of
Picaso web album.  Maybe you will hear from
 me,  and maybe not!!  So we'll see.................

Also have to finish my spring decorating,  have
finished the family room, so now on to the dining
room and living room.  I am sorta planning our
Easter table in the back of my mind, figured the
rest out pretty much,  just gotta figure out the
 centerpiece now.

Have a dental appt. this morning and plan to do
 some errands since I will be out anyway!  Am
looking forward to Wednesday and seeing our
lil darling,  as we haven't seen her since last
Wed.,  since she has been in Asheville seeing
Auntie DeeAnna and Uncle Jerry.

Here is a recent shot of her.  Amazing how
 her baby look is fading so sad!

Included these teaser pictures you see.....I got
up about 5 in the morning on Sat. cause  my back 
was hurting, so on my way back to bed the sun was
 coming up and as I walked thru the house I was
 just sort of taken by surprise by all the white on
 the fireplace, and how it looked in the early morning
light,  so just took a few shots for fun,  will show
you some better shots next week!!  lol

Have a Happy Happy Happy Monday

Thanks for stoppin' by

Love and Blessings,

P.S.  If you feel so led please pray for
a 10 mo. old baby named Kiley, as
she is in intensive care on life support.
Pray for wisdom for the Drs. because
they are still trying to determine what
the problem is and it has been 4-5 days
already..................and of course, pray
for the her Mom and family as well.


  1. I hope those computer problems aren't "universal." Windows keeps popping up on mine. I think it's because I'm using "Apache" to download and not their program.

    I've got to get in gear and put the black plastic or old house mats in the flower bed and put bark over it before the weeds take it over again!

    What a fantastic picture of Brooklyn at the beach. She is just growing by leaps and bounds!

    I can't sleep in due to my "rooster!" Sarah starts meowing as soon as the sun comes up! ha!

    Praying all goes well with your dental appointment!
    Love you all, Susan

  2. Your blooms look beautiful, Nellie! Spring is such a refreshing time both inside and outside. That pull to do Spring cleaning inside has to be weighed against Spring cleanup outside, but there is such joy in both. I cannot believe how big Brooklyn is getting -- such a cutie!

    Good luck with the dental appointment. I dislike going to the dentist only slightly less than going to the doctor. Both are UGH-ish!

    Sorry I missed your birthday. Happy be-lated!

  3. Your sweet granddaughter IS growing up! Glad you get to spend so much time with her and watch her change up close and personal :)

  4. Nellie, thank you for coming to visit. I always enjoy your visits and your sweet comments...they are soothing to my soul. I am having continued health issues and trying to get into see a doctor at Mayo Clinic. Please keep me in your prayers.


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie Sharing with: