Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Welcome to Heart Tips Tuesday -strawberry & cream crepes

Howdy Sweet Friends,
Hope your day is going well.
I have been out working in the yard again,
pruning and feeding my rose bushes,  and 
sweeping the walkways,  and watering a bit.
It is so nice out......I just love love love
this time of year,  it is my favorite time for
working in the yard always!! 
Welcome to Heart Tips Tuesday today!!
Let me show you this!!

This was my breakfast this morning,  my treat
for working in the yard.
Here is a closeup.  It is a decadent strawberry 
and whipcream  filled crepe.  In fact,  I had two!
and the great news,
They are completely heart healthy 
and delectable I might add!
This is all I used.

Well,  I did add just a lil sugar to the strawberries,
cause they were completely sugar free.
Found the crepes in the fruit (produce) Dept.
at Publix,  had the frozen strawberrries but
fresh would be even better,  and had the Reddi
whip fat free whip cream,  it is only 5 cal. per
2 tablespoons.
The crepes are ready to be used.  I noticed
mine didn't look as toasted as theirs on the 
front of the package, so I suppose you could
lay them on a griddle and brown them if you
wanted to,  I might try that next time.  I thought
they tasted fine tho, and they don't tell you to
do that anywhere.
Anyway,  I just laid it on the plate flat,  did
a  row of whipcream down the middle then
put strawberries on top of that and folded
it over,  put a lil dollop of whip cream on
the top and added some more strawberries
and pecans,  and it was wonderful!
Probably took about 3 mins. at the most.
You do need to eat it rather quickly cause
the whip cream melts fairly fast.  Not like
cool whip,  but cool whip is a No No,
it is full of hydrogenated oils!!
The only real splurge in these crepes is they
cost $5.00 for the crepes,  but it is these 
type of lil indulgences that keep us on our
good eating plan,  we don't do them often,
but they are worth every penny!!
Strawberry and cream crepes,
They are a good thing!
Give them a try.......they also have other
ideas on the back of the package,  just make 
sure you use heart healthy ingredients now!! lol
Well, You have a Wonderful Day and Evening,
I am going to sit in the sun and read my
new book by Joyce Meyer.  Actually it isn't
new I have had it for months,  just haven't 
gotten around to reading it yet.  It is called
"7 things that steal your Joy"!  I am almost done
 with chapter 2 already, and it is good,  a lot of
 the same stuff I feel the Lord has been teaching 
me these last years!!  Love it!!
Thanks for stopping by Sweet Peas,
Blessings n' Hugs Galore,


  1. Hello there sweet friend.

    My this looks yummy! I am sure it gave you fuel for that forray into the garden!..,

    I have gotten 'the kinks ironed out' with Google Crome;thank goodness! Believe me, you don't want to be locked out of editing your own blogs because 'the confounded thing' cannot to remember your password seemingly!..,

    What a surprise Nellie!..,Thank God it's been worked out!

    Blessings, Wanda Lee

  2. Hi Nellie,
    That looks very good, and yes, I think you could brown it a bit in a pan sprayed with Pam. I can't wait for the local strawberries! I am always waiting for something, LOL!

  3. Hi Nellie

    Wow does that crepe look good. When we had a breakfast at work one of the girls made a low fat crepe so I need to check that out.

    Thanks for all the encouragement!

    Blessings & Hugs Janet

  4. I have always enjoyed crepes but thought they were way to difficult to make at home...who knew there was a shortcut!! YIPPEE...I can imagine lots of different ways to use - especially for a light summer dessert after dinner! And I've never had one for breakfast - what a great idea! Such a treat:) Have a great Wednesday, friend.

  5. Love the shower curtain you decided on!!!

    And I make crepes quite a lot! I love them! Actually the best part of making homemade ones is I get to eat the first one, the cook's treat, the one that comes out of the pan not quite right, rolled up with a little bit of sugar. My mother use to make them for us like that as a treat when we were little.

    Anyway, I use my crepes to make my homemade manicotti. And for desserts by filling them with pudding and fruit. YUM!!!

  6. What a great idea for breakfast or dessert. I think half the battle with all the food is just avoiding boredom and planning ahead so you have something good to reach for when you need it.

    Your day sounded very relaxing. I ran around all day but I am done now at 9:15 and so am going to go read my book now. I am learning so much about WW2~very interesting and perplexing too.

    Have a great night and day tomorrow! I have work to do in the house tomorrow and also outside and in the warehouse...hmmmm. Maybe resting on Sunday after church...hopefully!

    Love you dear friend. B

  7. Looks too yummy! Never made one.......

  8. those sound delicious! enjoy your book!

  9. Never tried to make them and little one has been asking me to buy them for her to try. She loves strawberries too. I'll let you know how they turn out :)
    7 things that steal your joy sounds like something I need to read. Let me know if you recommend it.

  10. If you go to my blog and look under the "recipe" section, on the left hand side of my blog, in there is the recipe for manicotti, which I use my homemade crepes for. I use a regular skillet. They're very EASY to make and you can make the crepes for pennies. I always stack them with wax paper in between each crepe and wrap them up until I'm ready to use them. And just so you know, I do use the sugar free pudding! Enjoy!

  11. Dearest Nellie,

    I have a tender hearted favour to ask of you dear lady..,, One is to kindly forgive me my dear for availing myself of Scone Queen's 'nom de plume' to comunicate with you when all else failed at the time; (as mentioned we are partners team members on her blog).~ She laughed heartily; she doesn't mind in the least, as I was already signed in while posting amidst guest posting on her lovely, 'The Tea Trolley' blog..,

    I just didn't want so much time to elapse as had before Nellie! ~ When I realized that I was having Google Chrome temporary troubles, dear Rose didn't mind helping me get through to you in the least.~ We have been fast friends since the age of twelve; I'm now 50!.., (Don't tell anyone)!hehe..,

    Secondly, I wonder if you would also kindly go and visit dear lady Pamela, a.k.a. Paper Butterfly, another dear friend of 24 years!

    I believe you know her Nellie. She is such a dear and lovely christian lady and has the wonderful, 'Breath Of Fresh Air-Paper Butterfly' blog.., She has just begun posting relatively recently again after awhile where she too was experiencing considerable computer problems!~ I just love her recent 'Scottish tea' post and thought you would also enjoy to see it Nellie..,

    Scone Queen, a.k.a./ Rose is under the weather with severe bronchitits and has also just lost her father-in law..,I'm sure prayers would be appreciated!

    Thanks Nellie, you're such a sweet lady and and an encourager! I do believe for any non Christains that may read these comments that it is so important to shine forth the grace of God by being kind hearted and forgiving one another, as YOU ALWAYS HAVE MY DEAR and as God's word lovinglyand clearly admonishes!

    That is what I love about the community of believers within our blog community; we support one another in so many ways, as well as in prayer Nellie!

    I look forward with delighted anticipation to our next chat!~ I can hardly wait dear 'bloggy friend'!!

    Please pop by for a visit sometime.

    Cheers and love from Wanda Lee


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie