Monday, April 5, 2010

Happy Monday Sweet Peas

Afternoon Sweet Peas,
Hope you all had a Wonderful Easter!
Full of gratitude and love for your Savior
and family and/or friends.
Well,  we were just in "Hog Heaven" cause the
Lord was willing, and both our children and their
friends were able to come to church, which made
it all the more joyful for us! They even brought
 the grandaughter dogs out beforehand, so was
happy about that.  We love to see them too!
And Susan, Jim's sister was here as well.
Our Easter Service was just great and a very Joyful
 Celebration! A true Celebrationof Christ's love
 and Resurrection! and the music was Wonderful
as well, and so was dinner and dessert I might add.
We had an awesome Easter and really I had an
awesome week!  
I have to say I am worn out today tho from all
of last weeks fun activities!  and am so happy I
have nothing that I have to get done today.
Joey, and Rosie and I have been having fun
in the sun,  and hanging out on the porch, 
cause they both got to stay and visit with
us for a day or so. They really love to sit
in the sun,  seriously.  They are home alone
while their Mommy and Daddy work so they
don't get to spend much time outdoors, so they
 take full advantage when they are here.
Joey was looking for lizards and is taking
time to smell the roses.............
Well daisies anyway!
Even dogs need to slow down their lizard hunt
to take time to smell the flowers! lol
I love this picture!!
Miss Rosie loves to swing! as well as sit in the
sun like Joey......So Grammy has been spoiling
 them rotten all day!!
Wanted to tell you about the Azaleas....
On Sat.  when I was working on Easter dinner,
 thought I heard something, was hoping it was hubby
 doing something since  he was outside, and  I had my
 hands in chicken,  then a few mins. later heard it again
 and realized someone  was lightly knocking on the door, 
 thought it was hubby needing something. It turned out to
 be our little neighbor girls approx 2 &5 yrs. old,  each
with an arm full of Azaleas. The girls  were so adorable
 and said can we come in....their dad was out talking with
 my hubby, so they came in and looked all around and
said you have a bird cage,  but for some reason I thought
 they were meaning bird house, and I said yea, I have quite
 a few and I was showing them,  and they said
do you have birds and I said yes,  and started showing
 them figurine type birds and they said do you have a 
real bird??? and I said No, just fake ones, they seemed
 to like the word fake and seemed to  know what it meant
 cause they would say  look a fake flowers, and a 
fake strawberry!  they were a hilarious!
 They were truly a lovely fun Surprise!!
Also, I had food every
where in the kitchen and thought what do
I do with the azaleas,  so put them in my sink in
the bathroom for the time being,  then later
transferred them to the vase you see on
my header picture,  they were even more
beautiful once I got them in the vase.
All those dead hibiscus plants we have
are gonna be replaced with Azaleas for 
sure now!! lol  Cause they look gorgeous
on my porch since we have that same
color of pink, of course, they would look
 gorgeous anywhere, but I love being able to
 look from my kitchen and see them out there
 on the table
I tell you my house is like a florist shop anytime 
with all my  faux flowers, (that sounds so much
 better than fake)  but this week it is like a florist
 shop with real flowers!
Course, I love love love it,  since I am
the Queen of Flowers!! lol
Thought since it isn't too far passed Easter
I would show you a few of my Easter 
decorations before I put them away,  just
never got a chance to do it before.

I love this figurine of Jesus with the lil children,
it is always on my coffee table or mantle every
spring and summer! It was given to me by 
a sweet neighbor/friend who has since moved
away.  She had cancer and  then her husband
 died and she had to move and I have never 
heard from her since.  Am hoping she is okay!
I had found this large glass chimney at a Hospice 
shop for $2.50, a month or so ago,  and it took me a
 while to figure out what to put under it, and to camaflouge
the hole in the top!
Decided to go with an Easter Egg theme
for now.
Pulled the ribbon and bird off an old birdhouse
that I had ,it had a bunch of dried flowers
and it needed a change,  so figured this would
work for the top to cover the hole in the chimney!
The red and green eggs are almost 40
year old,  we got them when we lived
in Germany all those years ago.  They
make Easter Egg trees over there to
celebrate Easter.  I loved the idea cause
I had never seen it before,  usually they
use forsynthia branches,  course, that
was then, who knows what they do 
now!  Both egg cups were given to me
by an old and dear friend.
This ballerina bunny was my daughters
when she was little, so I just stuck her
on this lil bench and put her on top of
the fireplace doors.
I forgot who gave me this bunny,  I am thinking
it was hubby,  but he gave me the one Rosie
is sitting by one the swing,  so not sure about
this one,  but think she is so cute hanging 
on the chair.
The brown bear used to belong to my son,
and the hat used to belong to my Aunt, she
used to where it when I was a kid,  it used
to have netting that went over her face,
and the purple bunny I think I got from
my friend Diane who also gave me the 
egg cups.
A few of these eggs are from Germany,
but most of these are some I found here
and they are wooden or styrofoam covered
with flocking I guess you would call it.
The brown bunny my daughter gave me
some years back.
I got the lil birds earlier in spring and I found
these candle eggs a few months ago at
home goods.  Used 2 on the table as well
This lil pot came from another old an dear
friend,  it had a plant in it at one time.
Guess I should have taken a pic of the whole
mantle really but only this side had Easter
stuff,  everything else in the house is just
the usual spring decor,  which I will show
you lil by lil probably over time.
If you want to see our Easter table be
sure to come back for on Wednesday.
Hope you are all doing well,  and that
you have a great week ahead.
Blessings n' Hugs,


  1. Nellie, you are a wonderful friend, keeping all the lovely gifts from people and using them at the holidays. Each seems to have a little story. And you are so good about re-purposing things. That is great.

    You are also quite the doggie grandma! Wow, wait til the real ones come your way!

    I am glad you had a ncie day of rest today. I need that but not til next week. Jim is home again this week and we have been spring cleaning aka getting all the wallboard dust out of everything. We have done it so many times this past year but this should hopefully be the last. He finished painting the hallway and doors and got the closet doors and main door into the bathroom done yesteday. Yay! Now it is really all done except for some window shades that he wants to put up outside that a are electric and operated from the inside. First bid was 3,000 so clearly that is NOT happening. He says he is going to design his own. OK, then...! He will do it.

    Well I better get some dinner going. Glad you had such a nice Easter and I am really glad sweet Susie came too.

    Hugs, B

  2. What a wonderful time I had!! I loved your little bags of Easter goodies! I really had an enjoyable time! Today's din-din was good too!
    Nice pictures!
    Love you all,

  3. Hi Nellie...
    Looks like Easter was Grand at your house.
    Your dog is spoiled for sure!!!!!
    Love all the Easter photos and your special touches!!!
    Love to you and yours,
    xoxo~Kathy @
    Sweet Up-North Mornings...


    Oddly enough dear Nellie, this is from Wanda Lee from The Plumed Pen, and not Scone Queen!!

    You see Nellie, 'Rose', a.k.a./ 'Scone Queen'; (my dear friend who lives on the opposite coast,
    in Vancouver where the 2010 olympic games werer held; she and I both have access to HER blog, so that I can 'guest blog' from time to time more easily on her blog, kinda like blog 'team members' if you will); whereby I could't get blogger to recognize my Google account info., and sign in properly, I used her code to get in and post you this comment)!..,I have been having trouble with blogger since I switched to the new 'Google Crome' web brouser!~ (She won't mind, whereas I've clearly explained 'how and why' I did so)!~ (Also as an aside Nellie, I'm sure she would love to hear from you also though, she'd be delighted)!..,

    My I enjoyed your post today! All about your wonderful Easter, your Easter dinner, dear little Easter decorative gifts from your friends, flowers faux and real, birds faux and real and those precious little neighbor girls..,so sweet!

    You warm ,chatty, conversational style of writing makes me feel as if I'm there, actually chatting with you Nellie!

    We had a wonderful Easter, yet yesterday just before I ate and definately afterwards, I took a 'weak spell' unfortunately, just like I used to have in the summer when I was so sick with Anemia.., Please pray for me Nellie!

    I'm going to have to diligently really concentrate on my health and curtail my blogging considerably;(my sisters are nurses, as well as my cousin being a doctor; one of my sisters is correct in inquiring as to whether I was getting careless with taking my iron and sadly I had)!

    You see Nellie, I was feeling so much better and assumed I didn't need to take iron any more, or at least not at such a high dosage!.., I began in earnest last night with 'a wellness cocktail of green goodness'! Also Nellie I need much more rest; I must get fresh air, and excercise as well; I'm so bad that way!~ I get busy and therefore unintentionally careless!..,

    I will be keeping in touch with you my sweet friend, your kind comments of concilliation meant so much to me; thanks ever so much!

    Enjoy your garden and take care my friend!

    Have a marvelous week and I'll pop over soon..,

    God bless you Nellie,

    P.s.~ I'll look forward to speaking on the phone once again, hopefully soon!

    Cheers and hugs from Wanda Lee @ The Plumed Pen;(via my dear friend,'Scone Queen's' Google account sign in info.,).

  5. What a wonderful post. I loved the dog sniffing the funny.
    Sounds like you had a nice Easter too.
    I love your decorations!

    Blessings & Hugs


  6. Hello there once again sweet lady,

    Here I am once again as 'me'; not just 'proxy' 'moi'!.., He he

    My that dog and kitty are just too cute;(forgot to mention that in my last comment). lol

    It seems that once I get re-setup with Google Chrome the problems should work out with regard to my password being dropped and needing to be endlessly reset; (what a frustration)!

    Thanks once again for coming by, and please do keep me in your prayers dear Nellie for my renewed health by the grace of God, as well as the diligence and self discipline to be a much better steward!~ I know I can , because until recently I did, and it made all the difference!

    So glad you had such a precious family time at Easter!..,

    Cheers and blessings from Wanda Lee @ The Plumed Pen

  7. I love how your pup is stopping to smell the daisies..what cuties they are!! I really like your decorations - so fun to make our houses into "homes"...unique and special for each of us! Glad your Easter was special...enjoy this new week!:)


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie