Thursday, April 29, 2010

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - April 29. 2010

(These went on the dining room table)
Hello Sweet Peas,
Hope you have had a good Thursday!!
It has been a glorious, sunny,  cloudless, 
blue sky, cool, breezy, sit on the porch day here!!
Could I say more??  Probably yes!!!  Have hubby
and I enjoyed it?? Yes,  to say the least!!
He worked out there all day.
Around noon hubby and I were enjoying
the lovely day when I got a phone call from a sweet
 and distressed friend who came over and spent most
 of the day with us.  She had just come from court
from getting her final divorce decree!!
To say it is sad is an understatement,  it is not
at all what she ever wanted but for 3 years we
have watched her suffer thru much distress at
the hands of a man that we feel could care less.
She had biblical grounds but she was not the one
to file for the divorce, she wanted her marriage
to work and was willing to work at it, especially
because she has 3 beautiful children.
So my
I  thank the Lord of glory for
is how we have seen justice served on this day.
  The Lord took good care of her and  her children.
She will no longer have to wonder if or when this man
 is gonna help her with child support. We have watched
 her be a sweet, godly, patient and good person to this
 man who has just walked all over her basically!!
  She needed to see some of God's justice,
 and truthfully so did we!
I thank the Lord 
because she has a clear conscience because she
did everything possible to try and save this marriage.
I am so grateful she is left with that in her time of grief,
and I am so thankful that the Lord has given her the
grace to go thru all she has and to be such a graceful
woman of God in spite of it all.
I am thankful
for our other friends finally found out a diagnosis,
not that it was great, but it was better than it might
have been.  It has not spread to his bone marrow
and I guess it is a stage 2 and 3.  He has gotten 2
chemo treatments and so far has tolerated them
well,  and will get another round in 3 weeks,  and
may go home from the hospital tomorrow,  but
still needs lots of prayer for high blood pressure
and sugar problems.  Scary for his wife!!
I am thankful
that another longtime friend who is going thru a lot of
physical issues called and told me that the "Lost in the middle"
 book I gave her has really helped get her thinking straightened
 out.  She will be having a heart procedure next Month.
I am thankful
for the "Lost in the Middle" book, and for Dr. Paul
 David Tripp who wrote the book,  because it has 
helped us, and  so many people that are going thru
 tough and difficult times in their lives.  

I am thankful
that the Lord knows where we will be needed
and when and arranges life for us. I was suppose
to have my daughter and her boyfriend over for
dinner tonight but she called last night to say he
was still out of town and wouldn't be home till
late tonight.  It could have been a very stressful
day otherwise.
I am thankful
for my sweet hubby and for the beautiful flowers he 
brought me on Monday,  as you can see throughout
this post. I got 4 arrangements out of one bouquet
I just love that!!
(These went in the guest bath)
I am thankful
that the Lord is always faithful to give me
things to be thankful for when sometimes
it seems like so many bad things are happening,
which has been going on in the last 2 weeks.
I am thankful
that Jennifer over at trading ashes for beauty
got good results back on all her cancer tests.
Now that is something to celebrate for sure!!
Such wonderful news.
# 10
I am thankful
that although my heart is sad for all these sweet
and precious friends that are going thru such hard
times right now,  I am thankful that God gives us the
capacity to feel their pain and come along side
them whenever possible.
I am thankful
that I know the Lord of glory,  and that He is in
control of this world we live in,  and that He
 knows how to take care of His children.
Praise His Name!!
(this lil guy went on my kitchen sink)
I am thankful
that we had time to watch a Disney movie
last night that made us laugh a lot,  cause we
needed a good laugh.  It was called "Old Dogs"
with John Travolta and Robin Williams.
Some parts were silly but it was a fun and
belly laughs movie at times!!
(Two of the Sunflowers wouldn't face upward so I took them all
 out and cut their stems very short and floated them in a bowl .
These went on my bathroom vanity)
Well,  Sweet Folks,
that is my thankful list for today!!
Somedays you have to dig deep
to find those blessings but they
are always there!!
Please share some of your
 blessings with me......
I could use some encouragement!!
Have a Beautiful Evening!!
Love, Blessings and Hugs,

P.S. Oh yea,  just so you know I did tweak my
chicken casserole recipe on my Heart Tips
Tuesday post this week.
Bye Now!!  


  1. Hey Thankful Nellie....
    I'm thankful for all your thankfulness...
    and I'm thankful you like flowers...
    Love the first photo...
    xoxo~Kathy @
    Sweet Up-North Mornings...

  2. Well - bless you heart....sure hope you are feeling encouraged this evening! Since you asked:) I'll share a few blessings of mine with you: received a call from the doctor and clean scans from this week! daughter and grandbaby arrived safely and we enjoyed an afternoon at the zoo today....Riley says Mimi and Poppy so cute it makes my heart melt! son is recovering nicely from having his wisdom teeth pulled....and I am also blessed and caused to smile when I spend an evening visiting through blogland!! Also look forward to your posts:) Hope you have a sweet weekend filled with good times with your sweetie:) Hugs my friend, Jennifer

  3. Nellie

    What a wonderful post of praise and thanksgiving. I always look forward to Thursdays.


  4. Amen to Janet's comment!!!
    #1. and #2. I'm in prayer for your friend and the future our LORD has for her and her children. I can't begin to understand the heartache of such matters. I have come to think that is why God has blessed me with my singleness. I don't think I could have ever withstood such heartache. Thank you Nellie for you love and ministry in Christ to her needs.
    #3. I shall surely pray for him. I know I hadn't seen him for awhile at school to pick up his grandchild.
    #4. and #5. Not only was the book excellent, but I really was blessed by you and Jim and the class you taught from his book. The LORD was surely present on us all.
    #6. I'm sorry the dinner date had to be "rescheduled." Oh, I have found many pictures of Uncle Harry! Such a resemblence!
    #7. How Glorious of our LORD to make such beautiful flora, even more so when the love of your life gives them to you. You have made them a blessing to him as well with what you have done with them in your home!
    #8. The LORD has so blessed me in the last week since I have totally given the woes of the world over to Him. He has all but said, "See, Susie, you need not worry when I Am in control of everthing."
    #9. I know what you mean. I have been leaving my back door open and the cool air has just filled the house. Not to mention Sarah likes to stay out even after it gets dark.
    #10. My Kindergarten Teachers friends have always been such a close group for years. We also share with one another. It feels so good to do things for them. On the spur of the moment, one may bring in Dunkin Donut coffee for everyone, another day one will bring in cake, still another day one will order out for us. Today, I brought everyon a Perkin's Muffin. Those are so good! We bond because of the harsh things happening to teachers this day and age as well as bonding because of the friendship we have had over the years.
    #11. I too am so grateful for the LORD's Love for us. It is by His Grace and Mercy that He blesses us in any situation we find ourselves.
    #12. I had a DVD on "Earth Day" that the children watched for science. It was so cute. The story line was done through singing and cartoon characters. The children really enjoyed it (as did I.)

  5. I am so blessed and grateful for more things than I can ever express. At this moment I am GRATEFUL that somehow in all this big wide world, I found you or you found me and now I can visit and share in your moments, through what you are willing to share...


  6. Those are gorgeous flower shots...I loved all of them and the colors where so vibrant. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Have a great weekend!

  7. I have also found so many I know to be suffering right now. It does require extra encouragement, doesn't it. It is natural for us to take their burdens upon ourselves because we love and care for them. I am thankful for you Nellie and for Becky for helping me find you. You are such a light to everyone and I so appreciate and love you and your family. I ma thankful for the fact that we can chat nearly everyday. I have come to depend on it quite a bit.

    Tomorrow is Sunday again...thank heavens. May you be lifted up in His Love!

    XOXO ♥ AB


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie