Thursday, April 1, 2010

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - April 1, 2010

(I thought this was a nice place to put my card from Becky,
since it went so well with the green basket I found when we 
were at Home Goods on Monday.  It was all green berries
and leaves,  so I embellished it with the Easter eggs, 
 ribbbon and some yellow dried flowers. Now every
time I walk by I can see my card and  basket)
Greetings  Sweet Encouragers
Welcome to Thankful Thursday!!
Hope you have been having a good week,
just one more day till the weekend!  lol
Bet some of you are very excited about that!
It has been a very good day here again,  I am
just truly amazed,  is all I can say!!  I am truly
 about to bust to get on with Thankful Thursday!
Today I am thankful to the Lord
for another dear friend of 27 years who came
by to visit last night and showed up with this.
I was just thrilled she was coming over cause I 
haven't seen her for awhile.  I love Gerber daisies
and the minute I saw them I knew the perfect
 our freshly cleaned porch.
An another Sweet loving card and money too!
I am thankful
for the great time I had with my daughter today
getting a pedicure and having lunch and just 
hanging out and talking. She is such a treasure, 
 and I just love her to pieces.
I am thankful
for the conversation that came up while we
were getting our pedicures with the ladies that
were doing them,  some neat seeds were sown
due to my daughter bringing up about going to
church on Sunday.  Very Interesting!! 
I am thankful
I got to see Rosie (my grandaughter dog) and
hang out with her some too!  I just adore that
lil dog!  She is such a Sweetheart!
I am thankful
for every person that took the time and effort
to make my birthday soooooooo special and
sooooooo long this year!  My socks are truly
blown off!! lol
I am thankful
that the Lord will bless all you dear ones for
all your acts of love and giving!

(I found a place of honor for the lil birdie and cage,  
I put it on the hearth of our fireplace,  love it there)
I am thankful
for my hubby, children and grandaughter dogs,
and really for all those that I love whether 
family or friends..
I am thankful
that both my children should (Lord Willing) be
in church on Sunday along with their friends,
and will be having dinner with us after!
I am thankful
for my pretty new pedicure and that my
feet are finally sandal ready!! lol
and it didn't cost me a penny,  the best
part of it all!! lol
And I must say it was quite enjoyable.
Yes, and these are my toes!! lol
Just couldn't resist,  after all it is April
Fool's day!!
I am thankful
for all the Joy that God can put in one heart,
for I have truly felt that these last 5 days,
and what a blessing it has been!!
I am thankful
that we are able to enjoy our back porch 
again.  It is like having another room in
your house where you can hang out.
So Refreshing and fun!
Last..... but definitely no where close to least
I am thankful
for my Lord Jesus Christ and all He did for
me on that cross,  and that He rose from the
dead to give me and all those who believe
in Him eternal life with the Father in Heaven.
John 3:16
Praise the name of Jesus!

Well,  Sweet Friends,  thank you for
letting me share my heart with you!
I wish you and yours a most
Blessed and Holy Easter!
What Are You Thankful For Today!!
Love, Blessings and Hugs,


  1. FUN, FUN, FUN! Love all your photos, especially your centerpiece! Sure wish I could duplicate that for my table this Easter.
    We are having a crowd and there is no time to decorate. =(
    Easter Blessings to you and yours!

  2. I just love spring!! The LORD just seems to make everything anew (even me, Praise His Name!)
    #1. Friends are just so special! Tomorrow a teacher friend and her two children are coming by to see the birds!
    #2. I remember when mom and I used to do the same (go out to eat, that is.) It was just so relaxing and joyful.
    #3. It is amazing the opportunities the LORD brings our way to witness. I pray the Holy Spirit to make His witness show more through me. I do want to be that vessel.
    #4. She is one great little bubble of joy. I really love her lil' swagger she has when she walks.
    #5. Now, I know what to get you for your birthday next socks! Ha!
    #6. The LORD knew what He was saying when He said it is truly more blessed to give than receive.
    #7.Isn't it great to have the joy and love of the LORD through our friends and family!
    #8. I am definitely in prayer for the whole family to be in church Sunday. I have the sound system for the Sunrise services. So, I will stay for the first service. I'll see you after for Easter Blessings!
    #9. You couldn't fool me! Your toes are one of a kind (or should I say 10, lol!)
    #10. Joy definitely is eternal, no matter what else!
    #11. Sarah enjoys my back porch, sometimes Sam, even more Gracie, but Dolly has found it to be best of all. I wonder where she is sometimes and I can find her on the back porch!
    #12. "For I know whom I have believed in and am persuaded that He is able to keep that which I have committed unto Him against that day." Praise our Holy Almighty Creator Savior God for Eternity with Him in His Heaven because of what Christ did for us on the Cross of Calvary for our Salvation.
    Thank you, LORD, for Your Death, Resurrection, and Ascension. For the Day is coming when the shout of Your Archangel and the Trump sounds and we hear Your Almighty Voice say, "Come up hither for the Wedding Feast of the LAMB that was slain from the foundation of the world!"
    With the LOVE of our LORD,

  3. Nellie darling wishing you and your family a joyous and blessed Easter. I am so lucky to have you as a friend my lovely, therefore, when I count my blessings this Easter I will count you twice luv.

    Love & Hugs

  4. What a fun post. I love the cards the flowers, your basket from HomeGoods and the cute toes! It sounds like you have a great Easter planned and spring is here. Well, there. It is still cold and rained yesterday here.

    Jim has been on vacation this week and working like a dog to get things done. I think every last square inch of painting in this house is now done! Yay! Next week we turn our attention to the outside. He will be painting the exterior of the addition and then the entire outside will be freshly painted as well.

    I gave away thousands of dollars of home items yesterday to some friends. It was fun to do and I decided to do that rather than try to sell everything. There are a lot of sweet young couples in our ward that didn't have too much so I was happy to do it. I think everything will be gone in a few weeks. We are moving closer to retirement daily. It is going to be fun.

    Yes that mosaic was from Cindy at My Romantic Home and yes, you are the only Nellie in my life! I would love to see the mosaic you made. Her blog is amazing so I linked back to it so my readers could check her out too!

    Have a beautiful Easter, Nellie. We are going to my brother, Steve's house after church. Should be a lovely day.

    Check out my blog today for a fun Easter tradition of Laura's.

    Love, B

  5. love the pedicure! My sister and her family were here for Easter from out of town, and we decided to emmulate Jesus (big smile) and wash each other's feet!! We gave each other a foot bath and foot massage, etc. It was fun. Your centerpiece is beauiful!


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie