(Sweet lil bird, from a Sweet, lovely friend)
Afternoon Sweet Friends,
And how are you today??? Doing well I hope.
Yesterday I was telling you about how loved I felt by all
that transpired for my birthday. So I also wanted to share
some thoughts about that with you!!
I think it is the desire of every human being to be loved
by others; we want that, we desire that, and most of all,
we need that! And it is the Most Wonderful and Marvelous
thing to know we are loved by our Loving Heavenly Father,
and that should Top our list!!
But I think we all know we need a little Jesus with skin on
(as my dear friend Diane says). We need the love of family,
friends, sisters and brothers in Christ, neighbors and
sometimes even strangers. Yes, many times we can sense
and feel the love of God, and other times God uses plain ole
people just like you and me to make others feel loved.
After all Jesus said in John 13:34-35 (NIV)
"A new command I give you: Love one another.
As I have loved you, so you must love one
another. By this all men will know that you
are my disciples, if you love one another."
Now I wanted to say some practical things about that
and what it looks like comparing it to some of what
happened during my birthday.
Cards -Cards are a Wonderful way to express your love.
Even if the card has nice words, adding a lil personal note
makes it soooo special. Now this is just me, but I do not
believe in wasting good money on joke cards, I think if
I am gonna take my time making or buying a card for
someone, it should be something that will build the person
up and make them feel loved. And I know anytime I have
recieved one, I feel a bit disappointed, almost like that
person didn't have anything nice to say about me or
something, know what I mean???
See these cards.....Not a joke card in the bunch!
I believe we have plenty of time for joking and I am
all for fun, but it is like another friend Tracey from church
says, I would rather have my flowers now than at my
funeral! Good Saying, just another way of saying let's
love on people while we still have them, and not regret
later that we never told them how we felt about them.
I think we all think good things about each other but so
many times those words never get out of our mouths
and they could make such a tremendous difference to the
person receiving them. I think we need to learn to be
lavish with our praise and love for others, and every
chance we get pour on the love...........Love is the least
expensive and the most important gift you can ever give
anyone!! Cards are a perfect way if you have
trouble saying things to others, say it in writing,
but say it!! It could change someones life!
Sometimes the enemy of our soul tricks people
into thinking that no one cares about them or
loves them, when there could be a whole host
of people that adore them, but never take the
time to every say it!! I have actually known of
those situations and seen the disasterous results.
Seriously, you pouring out your heart in words
spoken or in words written could literally change
someone's life, I am dead serious!!
I have read where it say it takes about 10 good
or positive words, to undo 1 bad word, meaning
if someone says one derogatory thing to you, it
will take 10 encouraging statements to erase it.
Whoa............sometimes I think it might even
take more than that! So realize someone you
love maybe have had someone say something
derogatory to them today and guess what, they
need you to pour some loving words on that
negative thing!!
Gifts - not that gifts are always necessary cause
sometimes a card full of loving words can be
just as much a gift as anything you could give.
But if you are going to give a gift be sure that
when you are choosing it you are thinking about
what the person you are buying it for likes...
not what you like. Sometimes that takes a lot
of thought and sometimes I ask the Lord for
ideas, and he has given me some good ones.
There are times when you just aren't sure if the
person will really like it or not, so I usually try to
give a gift receipt, or at least tell the person if
this does not fit properly or you don't care for
the color, or it isn't your cup of tea, I will not be
the least bit offended if you return it. I bought the
gift for you, and I want you to like it, so if you
aren't happy with it please please get something
you will be happy with! Of Course, We should
always be grateful for any gift we recieve because
the person doesn't have to give us anything,
Time - I think the gift of time is a wonderful way to
say I love you and I enjoy spending time with you,
I love that my hubby takes the day off if he can, to
spend the day with me on my birthday and
Anniversary. One birthday my daughter, and I
got subs and a fruit salad from Publix and
went to the park together and just lunched
and talked, it was my idea of a fun day.
In fact, tomorrow she is taking me to get a
pedicure. She many times chooses gifts that
we can enjoy together, and I love that!
Then yesterday, our Sweet Friend Becky from
Afternoon Sweet Friends,
And how are you today??? Doing well I hope.
Yesterday I was telling you about how loved I felt by all
that transpired for my birthday. So I also wanted to share
some thoughts about that with you!!
I think it is the desire of every human being to be loved
by others; we want that, we desire that, and most of all,
we need that! And it is the Most Wonderful and Marvelous
thing to know we are loved by our Loving Heavenly Father,
and that should Top our list!!
But I think we all know we need a little Jesus with skin on
(as my dear friend Diane says). We need the love of family,
friends, sisters and brothers in Christ, neighbors and
sometimes even strangers. Yes, many times we can sense
and feel the love of God, and other times God uses plain ole
people just like you and me to make others feel loved.
After all Jesus said in John 13:34-35 (NIV)
"A new command I give you: Love one another.
As I have loved you, so you must love one
another. By this all men will know that you
are my disciples, if you love one another."
Now I wanted to say some practical things about that
and what it looks like comparing it to some of what
happened during my birthday.
Cards -Cards are a Wonderful way to express your love.
Even if the card has nice words, adding a lil personal note
makes it soooo special. Now this is just me, but I do not
believe in wasting good money on joke cards, I think if
I am gonna take my time making or buying a card for
someone, it should be something that will build the person
up and make them feel loved. And I know anytime I have
recieved one, I feel a bit disappointed, almost like that
person didn't have anything nice to say about me or
something, know what I mean???
See these cards.....Not a joke card in the bunch!
I believe we have plenty of time for joking and I am
all for fun, but it is like another friend Tracey from church
says, I would rather have my flowers now than at my
funeral! Good Saying, just another way of saying let's
love on people while we still have them, and not regret
later that we never told them how we felt about them.
I think we all think good things about each other but so
many times those words never get out of our mouths
and they could make such a tremendous difference to the
person receiving them. I think we need to learn to be
lavish with our praise and love for others, and every
chance we get pour on the love...........Love is the least
expensive and the most important gift you can ever give
anyone!! Cards are a perfect way if you have
trouble saying things to others, say it in writing,
but say it!! It could change someones life!
Sometimes the enemy of our soul tricks people
into thinking that no one cares about them or
loves them, when there could be a whole host
of people that adore them, but never take the
time to every say it!! I have actually known of
those situations and seen the disasterous results.
Seriously, you pouring out your heart in words
spoken or in words written could literally change
someone's life, I am dead serious!!
I have read where it say it takes about 10 good
or positive words, to undo 1 bad word, meaning
if someone says one derogatory thing to you, it
will take 10 encouraging statements to erase it.
Whoa............sometimes I think it might even
take more than that! So realize someone you
love maybe have had someone say something
derogatory to them today and guess what, they
need you to pour some loving words on that
negative thing!!
Gifts - not that gifts are always necessary cause
sometimes a card full of loving words can be
just as much a gift as anything you could give.
But if you are going to give a gift be sure that
when you are choosing it you are thinking about
what the person you are buying it for likes...
not what you like. Sometimes that takes a lot
of thought and sometimes I ask the Lord for
ideas, and he has given me some good ones.
There are times when you just aren't sure if the
person will really like it or not, so I usually try to
give a gift receipt, or at least tell the person if
this does not fit properly or you don't care for
the color, or it isn't your cup of tea, I will not be
the least bit offended if you return it. I bought the
gift for you, and I want you to like it, so if you
aren't happy with it please please get something
you will be happy with! Of Course, We should
always be grateful for any gift we recieve because
the person doesn't have to give us anything,
Time - I think the gift of time is a wonderful way to
say I love you and I enjoy spending time with you,
I love that my hubby takes the day off if he can, to
spend the day with me on my birthday and
Anniversary. One birthday my daughter, and I
got subs and a fruit salad from Publix and
went to the park together and just lunched
and talked, it was my idea of a fun day.
In fact, tomorrow she is taking me to get a
pedicure. She many times chooses gifts that
we can enjoy together, and I love that!
Then yesterday, our Sweet Friend Becky from
over at Holiday in the Sun came over to sit a
spell and chat, my favorite thing to do!! lol
spell and chat, my favorite thing to do!! lol
And she came armed with yellow Mums,
a small lovely cake plate, that she had made,
with strawberry pizza, she had made as well.
with strawberry pizza, she had made as well.
Delicious!! and a absolutely gorgeous
handmade card that was so sweet , and
a lil birdie in a cage. Everything was
packaged so beautifully too, This girl
has such a flair......... I tell you........
.It just made my whole day!
Is the packaging even a gift, lovely glassine
bag and curly ribbon and bow and irredescent
Easter grass and doilies and colorful tissue paper.
What a vision of lovliness, I didn't even need
to open it, it was a gift in and of itself.
But then I did and it has this inside.
and look she put the nest and birdie inside,
how sweet and cute is that!
Then she had this adorable lil cake stand that
she made with a candlestick and plate,
I just love it, but even more
it had this on it!!
This is strawberry pizza with a pecan sandy crust,
They were so delicious, and made by the sweet
hands of Miss Becky too!
How thoughtful and delightful!
I had already taken a pc off the plate before
I thought to take a pic, couldn't wait to get
into those sweet babies!! lol
And here is the Beautiful card she handmade for me.
Isn't it so pretty, and filled with loving and encour-
aging words as well.
and look at this... even the envelope is special with
little flowers on it, so cute! Couldn't bring myself
to throw it out.

Here's the mums in a vase, and I attached
all the trimmings from the gift bag. Doesn't it
look so nice. I placed it in my freshly painted
bathroom and I love it!!
Here's a closeup of the decorations,
think they are so festive....
Some type of lovely Chrysanthemum, I think!
All I know is they sure are pretty.
Another good lesson is how wonderful it can be to make
gifts for someone. I can tell you I was totally thrilled by
all that Becky did, cause I know how much thought, love
and work went into all that!
So hope I have given you something to think about the
next time you have an opportunity to celebrate something
in someones life. All I can say is if you treat your loved
ones and friends the way I was treated this week, they
will definitely have an emotionally healthy heart!!
I also, want to say that I love love loved all my
wonderful cards, They were so sweet and
cry worthy!! lol
Is the packaging even a gift, lovely glassine
bag and curly ribbon and bow and irredescent
Easter grass and doilies and colorful tissue paper.
What a vision of lovliness, I didn't even need
to open it, it was a gift in and of itself.
But then I did and it has this inside.
and look she put the nest and birdie inside,
how sweet and cute is that!
Then she had this adorable lil cake stand that
she made with a candlestick and plate,
I just love it, but even more
it had this on it!!
This is strawberry pizza with a pecan sandy crust,
They were so delicious, and made by the sweet
hands of Miss Becky too!
How thoughtful and delightful!
I had already taken a pc off the plate before
I thought to take a pic, couldn't wait to get
into those sweet babies!! lol
And here is the Beautiful card she handmade for me.
Isn't it so pretty, and filled with loving and encour-
aging words as well.
and look at this... even the envelope is special with
little flowers on it, so cute! Couldn't bring myself
to throw it out.
Here's the mums in a vase, and I attached
all the trimmings from the gift bag. Doesn't it
look so nice. I placed it in my freshly painted
bathroom and I love it!!
Here's a closeup of the decorations,
think they are so festive....
Some type of lovely Chrysanthemum, I think!
All I know is they sure are pretty.
Another good lesson is how wonderful it can be to make
gifts for someone. I can tell you I was totally thrilled by
all that Becky did, cause I know how much thought, love
and work went into all that!
So hope I have given you something to think about the
next time you have an opportunity to celebrate something
in someones life. All I can say is if you treat your loved
ones and friends the way I was treated this week, they
will definitely have an emotionally healthy heart!!
I also, want to say that I love love loved all my
wonderful cards, They were so sweet and
cry worthy!! lol
and loved all my gifts and surprises!
It has been a Fantastic week I have to say!
Thank you to everyone who made my birthday
so Special, and May the Lord bless you abundantly
for your goodness, sweetness and love to me.
So sorry this is sooooooooooo long, I never intend
that, but it just sort of happens. Thought it wouldn't
be too bad since it had so many pictures.
Have a great day tomorrow!
Blessings and Hugs,
It has been a Fantastic week I have to say!
Thank you to everyone who made my birthday
so Special, and May the Lord bless you abundantly
for your goodness, sweetness and love to me.
So sorry this is sooooooooooo long, I never intend
that, but it just sort of happens. Thought it wouldn't
be too bad since it had so many pictures.
Have a great day tomorrow!
Blessings and Hugs,
Oh I feel so bad I missed your birthday!!!! How sweet is Becky? Love the things she brought with her to you! Sounds like you did have a great day filled with much love from everyone! Know this PA girl feels the same way!
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ReplyDeleteThis is a wonderful post, Nellie! You deserved all that love and attention and more, sweet friend! That Becky is one amazing woman too and friend. I know when I won her blog give away last fall it was the same way. Everything was beautiful and every detail wonderfully and thoughtfully put together. I have another friend named Lee that does that. Here gifts are so magnificently wrapped. This world is just full of the best people...I am glad I know so many of them and call them my dear friends!
ReplyDeleteLove is really what does change everything. Read the post from My Romantic Home's Cindy today. Amazing story~a gift in and of itself.
Have a wonderful day, Nellie. I know you will. I am planning on it too. I am going to my warehouse today to start dismantling it but I am going with my friend, Maureen, and I know that will make some hard work a lot more fun.
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ReplyDeleteI don't know if it is my eyesight or my fingers but I cannot type today...
ReplyDeleteP.S. I have heard those mums are called Spider Mums. They are fun. I love mums, they last so long!
Hi Sweetie,
ReplyDeleteIt was a delight to share in the JOY of your birthday! I am so glad you are enjoying your gifts!! Love what you did with the flowers! They look awesome! I just couldn't resist those big pretty blooms!!
I hope this comment posts. I tried to post last night and it wouldn't let me. I think it is just my computer generating weird stuff!
Love you, and hope your day is wonderful! We have some errands to run and then we're going to do something fun...junkin' or something!
Oh and I made GREAT headway in organizing my workspace last night!! Made me feel so good!!
Now I'll be able to feel inspired and create in there!! WOOHOO! Still have some work left in there, but will finish that tonight!
Cards are soooo important. I have kept all of the beautiful cards you have made for me. I have them in an opened box next to where I sit. It is so good to pull them out anytime and read what all of my loved ones have said to me. I have even categorized them into holidays. (I have just recently started putting the date on the back corner so it helps me remember what year - since I have so many, lol!) I even have cards that parents and children have personalized to me over the years in teaching. I have them next to my classroom pictures of all the years I have taught.
ReplyDeleteKeep up your beautiful work!
Hugs and more hugs,
What a wonderful post. So glad your birthday was so special and you received so much love. Yes, Becky is just wonderful. How I love her. You two living near each other must be a real blessing to you both. I too am kind of big on cards. I actually love all types, but those hand made ones really can't be beat. Have a wonderful day. Blessings, Debbie
ReplyDeleteHi Nellie, What a dear sweet sister Becky is and of course she'd want to shower you with love because of all the love you give to others. Wish I would have gotten a card in the mail to you my birthday sister. You are both such amazing women and I'm proud to know you.
ReplyDeleteHugs, Noreen
Someone who is loving deserves love in return :) Fun post! I like the part about hving your flowers now. :p lol cute, sassy, and absolutly solid in truth. :)
ReplyDeleteHi Nellie, and happy birthday. My son's and my hubby's were both last week! I love beautiful cards too and I do like some of the funny ones. It just depends on the person...that's what I try to think about. I love to make cards too when I have the time and it is so nice when people really do appreciate all the time and love that go into doing that! All your flowers are so pretty! Have a great week!