Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Happy Emotionally Healthy Heart to Me!!

Hello Sweet Friends,
and welcome to Heart Tips Tuesday, Not!! lol
I have been soooo busy having fun, being pampered,
and loved on, that I haven't even had time to think
of what to post for Heart Tips Tuesday!!  Sorry if
you are disappointed in any way,  I will try my best
to get with the program for next week!! lol
I do have some tips however,  for making someones
heart emotionally healthy,  cause I think if mine could
feel anymore loved it might just burst!
As some of you might have figured out,  I had a
birthday this week.  Thanks so much to all you
Happy birthday Well wishers.  I so appreciate
your sweet thoughts.
Hard to believe, sometimes you wonder how
you got here so fast,  but what we lose in youth
we make up for in wisdom, I think!! 
At least, that's my story and I am sticking
to it!! lol
It has been a Wonderful 3 days I have to say!
I feel like I should write my Thankful Thursday
post today!!   Seriously!!
I am thankful for what a great time we all had
as a family on Sunday.  They all made dinner
for me and cleaned up after and put everything away,
  Finally ... the good fairies actually did show up!! lol
Scott and Megan bought me 2 new games, cause
they know how much I love to play games,  and 
we played one,  called "the Last word",  it was
 so much fun,  but I felt like I was brain dead the
first round and just as I was starting to get the
hang of it,  it was time to stop. lol
Maybe I will do better the next time.
Jim took Monday off,  so we could go shopping
and spend the day together. Didn't do exactly what we
 were planning originally but that was fine with me because
 we got more stuff to try in the bathroom,  one of these
 days we will get it figured out!  lol
and it will be lovely!!  For Sure!
We had shopped till we dropped then went to
Red Lobster for din din,  it's was delish!!
Most of all we had a really fun time together!
We found this salad/dessert plate while we were at Home Goods,
and thought it was so cute,  we decided to buy one and make it for
Special celebrations.   When we have Birthday Celebrations or
whatever we are Celebrating the Special Person can have their cake
or dessert on the Queen or King for a day plate!!

This is a close up of the Crown,  and the actual color
of the plate.  Don't know why that came out so dark.
Isn't it just the cutest!!
I have never gotten more birthday wishes than
I did this birthday,  it was amazing,  and most 
of that is due to Facebook and blogging.  I
got 22 facebook wishes and quite a few blog
wishes,  5 phone calls,  1 ecard, 1 email, and
8 Birthday cards,  and 2 gift cards, and a one
 free smoothie from our favorite place (Planet 
Smoothie) . All this took place between Sunday 
and Monday. I am telling you I am overwhelmingly
surprised and touched beyond words.
There is more to come tomorrow.........
I will tell you about the emotional heart
tips then cause it was getting too long,  so I
decided to stop.
I hope you are all doing well and I hope
you have a Wonderful Evening with
your families,  friends/and or Pets.
Hopefully I will get around to visit soon,
I have been reading just not commenting
cause it has been rather busy lately.
Hugs and Blessings,


  1. So glad you had a great week - and that you were spoiled! That is what birthdays are for!! Love the cute plate (don't you just love HomeGoods?) and the idea of celebrating like royalty when its your big day!! I love making a big deal out of birthdays!!

    Happy Happy Birthday, friend!

  2. Happy Belated Birthday.. I love that I have found you and you are a new friend.

    Blessings & Hugs

  3. sounds like a perfectly wonderful birthday!

  4. Nellie, I love your special plate and I am glad you had a good birthday! You deserve it!
    Hugs, Beth


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday February 13, 2025, and Valentine's decorations from the past

    For God so love d  the world that he gave  his one and only Son,   that whoever believes  in him shall not perish but have eternal life....