Sunday, March 7, 2010

quick update on family who lost their son

Sweet Praying Friends,
Just wanted to let you know that your prayers
are being heard.  I was able to speak with my friend
today,  and it is amazing how well the Lord is holding
them up.  They have an amazing attitude, and she is
most worried about the person who hit him,  who is
17 yrs. old,  and the fact he will have to live with
this the rest of his life.  She knows her son is with
Jesus, and of course, they have a long road ahead
of them, cause they are already missing him, and
the accident happened right in front of their home.
They saw him right after he was hit and of course,
as you can imagine it was a horrific sight,  so please
pray that the Lord will erase these awful pictures
from their memory, cause I am sure that every time
they walk out their front door, it is gonna be a
remembrance.  Thanks for praying and please
keep it up.  What a blessed hope we have in
Jesus, and she is proof positive!!
Love and Blessings dear ones,


  1. Hey Gal,
    I have been praying continually for them, Nellie. I'm so glad you got to speak with her. I know just hearing your voice had to help.

    Love ya and will give you a buzz tomorrow. I will be running around my MIL again!

  2. Oh and your blog looks adorable!!

  3. Nellie, this is such a sad story! I am so sorry this happened to your friends. It will be a long haul for them but having their faith and the Savior in their lives will make all the difference along with supportive friends and lots of prayers. Jim's brother was killed in an accident when he was 26 and that was 35 years ago now. Jim's mom still mourns, poor thing! But she has accepted it but just never forgets. I think it is that way with most parents overtime. What a blessing to know the separation is only temporary. And how valiant of the parents to be thinking of the welfare of the driver. He does have a very rough road ahead. Praying for blessings for all involved.

    Love, B

  4. What a sad, sad thing to happen. Your posts are very encouraging and filled with the beautiful promise that we will see our loved ones again. I will pray that the image in these parents minds will be filled with the ones of his life growing up, not the last few minutes of his life and this tragedy.

  5. Thank you , Nellie for the update. I have been in much prayer for his family. I am so thankful to know he is with the LORD by their testimony to you. It will appear to be a long separation, but as the Bible says, the years of this life are short when compared to eternity. What hope we have in our LORD to see Him in all of His GLory and our loved ones with Him! I will continue to pray for their comfort. I pray the Holy Spirit will wrap them in His Love. I am so thankful Jesus sits at the right hand of the Father making our prayers perfect and that the Father in turn sheds a Love upon us that we now can't comprehend! One day that comprehension will be awesome!

  6. Nellie - certainly praying for your friends. There is nothing that begins to compare to a grieving parent's hurt....but God is faithful. I would love to send them a card if there were a way to do that....


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you all had a lovely Valentine' Day! Hugs,  Nellie Sharing with: