Monday, March 22, 2010

Happy Monday Sweet Peas

Monday Greetings to All You
Sweet Peas!!
Hope your day is going well so far, after all,  it is Monday,
 and usually slow going getting back into the weekly rountine.
It is about 65 degrees here today, and been sort of a dismal,
gloomy looking day,  think it can probably  match what is going
 on in the hearts of God's people to do with this Government
 Healthcare bill's passage.
Funny that I went to bed last night bursting with Joy over
having such a wonderful day with my hubby and children
yesterday,  and rejoicing that this is the 3rd time Megan
has come to church with Scott,  and the more I get to
know her the more thrilled I am about their relationship.
She is a darling girl,  really..............
But somewhere around 4o'clock I would say I woke up 
and started having all sorts of fearful thoughts bombarding
me,  about my children, our country falling apart, and
can't even remember what else, but could not get back
 to sleep. Amazing how the enemy of our soul loves to
 come to us, when we are barely awake and  when the
 house is dark and quiet,  he tries to devour us before
daybreak,  so that we will get out of bed fearful, anxious
and totally lose sight of the power of the
 Lord of our love and lives.
  Hubby arose at 6:00 a.m. and I told him I just realized that
enemy is really attacking my mind with all these negative
 scary thoughts,  when he came to say goodbye as he
was leaving for work,  I was sound asleep,  and he said
are you feeling better,  and I said yes, it has stopped.and I
 knew he had been praying that was why I could sleep.
Later when I got up and checked email and my blog
I read that the healthcare bill had passed,  and again
l felt like a heavy cloud over my head about what 
is happening to our beloved country, then I decided
to read our online devotional and yesterdays was
 about the book of Job,  anyway, to make a long story
 short, what I read made me want to go back and read
some of the Job story.  This heaviness of spirit I was feeling, 
 drove me to the Lord to spend time with him,  so I got out
 my bible and started reading in Job 31,  where Job was talking
 to his friends,  and then I read on till the end of the story.
Well,  all I can tell you is when it gets to the part where
God is talking to Job,  it is a powerful testimony of who
God really is,  I came out of my bedroom a different
woman than I went in,  which is suppose to be what
 happens when we spend time with the Lord. 
 I came out reassured of the fact that Our God is truly
 in control of everything, and He has the power to do
 whatever He desires,  and He is in control of the smallest,
tiniest details of our world and our lives,  and that
He will take care of me and my family and those that love
 and follow Him,  no matter what happens. 
 My job is to keep a close walk with Him,  and to be as
 obedient as I possibly can to what His word and His
 Holy Spirit tells me.
And I might add to keep the enemy at bay for he tells 
us to resist the enemy and he will flee.
I hope if your heart is heavy today and the world
seems to be pressing in with anxiety and fear,
Spend some time reading Job Chapter 38-42.
Trust me it will not be wasted time.
Don't let the enemy of your soul still your JOY!! 
 Do something, don't just sit and just let him
 devour you.
Remember John 10:10 says the thief (satan)
 comes only to kill, steal and destroy:
but I (Jesus) have come that they might have life,
and have it to the full. (that means being full of the
fruit of the spirit..... love, joy, peace, patience, kindness,
 goodness, faithfulness,  gentleness, and self control.
 (Gal. 5:22-23)
Reading, Praying and Praising are a good way to
submit yourself to God, resist the enemy and 
make him flee as James 4:7 instructs.
Just felt the Lord would have me share this 
just in case someone else had the kind of day
I had.
Have a Wonderful Evening with your Family
and/or Friends 
See ya tomorrow!
Blessings n' hugs,


  1. I love this post! I had the similar fears and anxieties last night and today about this health care status. i need to go read what you read and hope it helps put me at peace.

  2. Beautiful testimony of how to rid ourselves of the evil influence. Faith and fear are total opposites so beefing up on faith always eases the fear factor. He can bruise our heel but we can crush his head. Thanks for sharing, Nellie!

    Also Ross still does not have his cast but will get it this week. He is enjoying the added attention he is receiving according to Laura. Kids are so resilient! Thanks for asking! And I am so happy about Scott's girlfriend coming to church. Awesome!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Beautiful! I am going to read this portion right before I fall asleep tonight. I once read years ago that when you're feeling under attack you need to open your mouth and speak the Word of God or start singing praise songs. But it needs to be verbal. Once the devil hears you he will flee. I've been spending time doing just that and reading what you sent me. The Word of God is powerful, it is strong and it will keep me filled with peace, not fear. Thank you Nellie!

  5. Nellie, I so enjoy your honest blog writings! Many of us were feeling sad, the same way as you...but we know our hope is not in our beloved country, but our hope is in the LORD!

    And hey, you also know Pastor Roland! Well dear it is a small world afterall. I'm assuming you were mentioning Roland Coffey over at Jess's place. His son is the main pastor of our church and Roland and Joan now live up here in beautiful Ohio. They are such wonderful servants of the Lord. check this out:
    Have a wonderful day and enjoy the peace of the Living God!

  6. Great post Nellie! Yes, I did pray for you yesterday in the morning... After such an encouraging post, everyone should be able to see why I am such a blessed husband...

    And as Roland would say: "Let's make our last lap our best." And...
    With Christ, the Best is Always Yet to come...

    Love Ya...
    Your Hubby...

  7. Nellie

    Thank you for this post. It is something that I really needed to hear. It is ironic that my post that I will post later today has evil in it too.

    Thanks for also visting me on my BLOG.

    Blessings & Hugs

  8. Joan Coffey shared that phrase with me "make the last lap the best" and I have adopted it as my life slogan!

    Roland is doing wonderfully. You would never know how close to death's door he was. I'll tell them you said "hi" Nellie & Jim!

    Our God is an awesome God!

  9. Nellie - Thank you for so faithfully coming by my blog and leaving such encouraging comments! You are a blessing. And I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one that get "attacked" in the middle of the thoughts can become so irrational and the worry really sets in. Seems so out of place - while you were sound asleep but, obviously it is very effective for the enemy. Thanks for your reminder today. And what a sweet Hubbie covering you in prayer to get back to sleep:)

  10. Nellie, God is faithful. Thank you for sharing parts of your faith journey!
    God bless - Beth


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you all had a lovely Valentine' Day! Hugs,  Nellie Sharing with: