Monday, March 15, 2010

More ideas.... sprucing up your spiritual life for spring!

Happy Monday Sweet Friends,
Hope this find you well and happy today!
I have been out working in the yard again
this morning,  we got a lil bit done on Saturday
as well,  so it is coming along nicely.  Would
be nice to be finished by the 20th,  but doubt
that will happen!  lol

(Lil signs of spring)

I actually sat out in the sun for about 30 minutes,
I had to pry myself off that chair it felt so good!
My melatonin levels must been doing the a Happy
dance for sure!!  lol
My legs are just a lil lesser shade of white than 
they were!  lol
Well,  let's see what we can do to spruce up
our Spiritual Life for Spring!!
(Think this is an elderberry tree with flowers about to open)
If you would like to see the other posts, their
are 3 of them,  but if you click here, it will
take you to last weeks and then it has where you
 can click for post 1 and 2.
Well, here we go...............
Eat Well!  That may sound like it has nothing to
do with our spiritual life but not true.  For instance,
I have blood sugar problems and when I get
hungry I can be a bear, because it causes my blood
sugar level to drop quickly and makes me very
irritable and tired, and if I wait too long I just shut
down all together and want to go to sleep.  So realize
 if you have those sort of  issues you are gonna be
 more crabby if you don't take care of yourself,  plus
 you are gonna feel bad.
  Also,  if you are a person who eats or drinks a lot
of sugary stuff it too, can make you out of sorts.
  Sugar can really be a drug of choice!!
If you have ever known of anyone who goes into
rehab for drugs or alcohol they take them off of
everything, caffiene, sugar and the alcohol or
drugs,  that is because they know how addictive
caffiene and sugar is!  I think they do allow them to
 have some but it is very limited.  My daughter
is a good example of that as well,  when she
drinks too much coffee she is wired and can
be very irritable and crabby, so she has learned
she has to watch her caffiene intake.
There really is nothing better for us that a good
balanced diet,  with food from all the food groups,
meaning meats, veggies, fruits, fats (the right kind),
 dairy and wholegrains.  I have noticed that even
eating too much white flour will make me feel
exhausted.  Just remember junk in,  junk out,
if you are a very impatient person,  you might
want to take a look at what you are eating
and drinking,  because it just might be the
culprit of your impatience!
Just something to think about!!
(Dwarf azaleas)

Exercise!  Now I have gone to meddling! lol
Seriously tho,  exercise helps relieve stress and
tension, and helps you sleep better at night, makes
your body function better, boosts your immune
system, and endorphins and melatonin levels
which make your mental/emotional state all
the better.
It doesn't need to be real strenuous,  a bike
ride outside or inside on a stationary bike,
a nice 30 min. brisk walk outside or do a walking
video by Leslie Sansone inside the house, or
exercise with someone else with a cd or catch
an exercise program that is on TV.
If you are interested in this area come back
tomorrow for my Heart Tips Tuesday post
cause I am gonna cover this with a little
more details and share some things that
have helped us on our pursuit to healthy living.
Remember that you are a tri-part being,
body, soul, and spirit.  We need to take care
of all parts of our being,  not just one or two.
I think as christians sometimes we think that
all we need to do is take care of our spiritual
part and that is all that is needed.  Well, that
might be the better part,  but ignoring the rest
will cause us problems in other areas. It is a
bit like seeing lovely roses on your rosebush
and just enjoying them so much, yet you
don't bother to water, feed or prune them,
pretty soon they are gonna be a mess at the
very least, and have no blooms, but sooner or
 later  if let go, they will probably just wither
and die, which can happen to someones
spiritual life as well.
Losing sleep, being overly stressed can
lead to all kinds of sickness,  it can also
make us eat more and gain too much weight
leading again to all kinds of sickness, and
worst of all we lose our joy, and we become
cranky and out of sorts and a poor witness
I might add!!
When we are crabby and impatient with people
 they don't think "oh, the poor thing,  she didn't
 get enough sleep or she ate too much sugar, or
she is overstressed cause she didn't exercise,
or because she drank to much caffiene."
They think what is it, with these Christians!!

(First Rosebuds of spring - taken on Saturday)

Go to the beach, lake or river and just sit or walk and
drink in all of God's beauty and thank him for each
thing you see,  like a sandpiper running along the beach,
or a duck floating on a lake or whatever you see that
excites your senses. It is rejuvenating!
Go to a park that is not well traveled and take your
bible and/or a bible study lesson along,  do some
 reading and studying,  sit in the sun for a bit, then
swing on the swings,  then rotate it all again. Spend
a quite a  few hours will be glad you did!
Sit out on your back porch or in your yard and
read your bible or do your bible study lesson.
All God's beauty around you just makes you
feel his presence more!
Practice the presence of the Lord,  by talking to
him like he is in the room or car with you,
because truth is,  He is with you!!  He lives
inside of you all the time,  if you know Him.
I remember hearing a man named Dr.Bill
Gilham talk about this,  and it was wonderful.
He would walk on the beach alone and act
like he was putting his arm around Jesus
and take a stroll down the beach just
talking away.
We can do that too,  or maybe you are
 cooking or making the bed, and you can
say Lord I am so glad you and I are cooking
together or making this bed together or  I am
just so happy you and I can spend the day at
the mall together, just the two of us.
.  Sounds crazy maybe to some...
.but it is a great reminder of the truth!!  and we need to
 tell ourselves the truth of what scripture says all the time.
Truth is He is with us all the time!
Sit in the sun for about 20-30 minutes, 3 times a week,
if possible.  That is a great way to get Vitamin D
and boost your melatonin levels,  which helps if
you have a tendency toward depression.  Again
drink in the lovely weather and beauty and talk
with the Lord and thank him for all His blessings
to you and your family.
Well,  that wraps up our Spring Spruce up!
(First rose of spring on same bush  - pic taken today)

Thanks for those of you who have let me
know the things you are trying, and how much
you are enjoying them, or that they are helping
you,  that has been a blessing to read.
Hope it brings you ever so much
 closer to your Lord!!
That's what it's all about,  Dear ones,
Have a Sunny Day!
Blessings and Hugs,


  1. Hi Nellie,
    What a wonderful and encouraging post. I really appreciate all of the wonderful advice and tips you give. They really keep me on my toes. especially when I feel myself slipping back into old habits. You are such a blessing.
    I am so glad your weather is changing for the better, ours is not quite as cold, and getting warmer each week.
    The pictures of your flowers are so pretty, and I am so longing for my roses to bloom.
    Hope your week is filled with many blessings,

  2. Hey Nellie!
    Loved your thoughtful post....
    Very timely for me.

    I started 7 days ago getting rid of the sugar and w. flour in my diet...
    I would love to go for a full year and see what the results would be.
    Walking or riding my bike everyday too.
    I think I gained 10 lbs. over the winter and I am feeling very FAT these days...soooo

    Nothing will change unless you change your habits today you were posting for me!

    I love this is huge.
    I shall perservere!!!!!!

    We had 60 degrees today and I worked outside most of the day...It was heavenly.and I can feel it this evening!
    Well that's for the tips...we all need to take inventory occasionally...Have a wonderful day tomorrow!

    xoxo~Kathy @ Sweet Up-North Mornings...

  3. Great post! I'm really looking to being outside more. I'm a Leslie Sansone fan, too.

  4. Hey Sweetie,
    Thanks for ALL the helpful tips.
    But I need to tell you that the photo of that freshly baked, warm bread with butter at the top of your post just does me in!
    I am coveting some warm, soft bread right now!
    UGH! Having trouble reigning in my appetite.
    Maybe tomorrow will be different. ;)
    God is Good ALL of the time.


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you all had a lovely Valentine' Day! Hugs,  Nellie Sharing with: