Thursday, April 8, 2010

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - April 8, 2010

Howdy Sweet Friends
Welcome to Thankful Thursday,
So how has your day been today???
It' s been another warm day here, partly cloudy,
partly sunny,  but nice and breezy.
We sat out on the porch and had breakfast
this morning,  and it was such a pleasant time.
so guess that would be my 
thing that 
I am thankful to the Lord for this week.
I love that we can enjoy using our porch again
just to sit out there and read or to eat dinner
or swing and just sit outside and soak up some
lovely sun and Vitamin D.
I am thankful
that we had Rosie all week.  She is going home
tonight tho,  but we have enjoyed her so much.
She is such a cuddly lil ball of love.
I am thankful
Dee is coming over for dinner when she gets
off work,  and to pick up Rosie.  Pooh!! lol
Now I am thankful that she came and  for the
 great conversation and good time we had
with her tonight.  She is just maturing more all
the time, and is really such a sweetheart.
  We are so proud of her.

I am thankful
that I found a check for $94.00 in some mail
I was going thru,  somehow neither of us saw
it or remember seeing it anyway before!

I am thankful
that some flowers started blooming before I pulled
them up because I thought they were weeds.  Scott
planted pink Zinnias for us last year and we pulled them
up at the end of fall,  but they must have put off seeds
so they are blooming again this year!!  That was a fun
I am thankful
for having a washer and dryer because it makes my
life so much easier.  It would be a real pain in the 
neck and back I might add,  if I had to drag every
thing to the laundromat!
I am thankful
for how a short afternoon nap can rejuvenate me
when I am really tired!
I am thankful
that my sil Susan did not hurt herself too much this
week,  when she took a fall at school. Fortunately
she landed in sand and not on concrete,  which
could have been much worse.

I am thankful 
for a really sweet email I got from my son's girl
friend yesterday.  It was precious,  and so is she.
I am thankful
that some really neat things are happening spiritually
with my daughters friend.
I am thankful
that we finally got a good family picture,  we have
been trying for awhile and the last ones were all
blurry or didn't come out well. Scott's girlfriend
gave me a nice family frame for Christmas so
I want to get some pics in it, and get it on the 
wall finally!!

I am thankful
to know that God is always with me, no matter
what the situation or the time of day,  and that
I always have access to His throne room 
through prayer.
Well,  folks that is my Thankful list for today!
Hope you have a good day tomorrow,
So.................What are you
 thankful for this week????
Blessings N' Hugs,


  1. Hi Nellie,
    I am thankful you became a follower! :) Yes, it is my wedding china Heather by Noritake. When I posted on your table I thought the same thing, and then saw you had been married the same year..Ours will be in May!
    I like you list of happy things...simple but important..
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  2. Hi sweet Nellie, I am thankful for you dear friend. Thankful for some nice weather today and the promise of more tomorrow.
    Have a blessed Friday.
    Hugs, Noreen

  3. What a sweet family picture. Everyone looks great! The last family photo we had was in 2003 after my mom died. It is nearly impossible to get everyone together. Then when your family keeps growing.....One day we will have another one and that will be fun!

    I am looking forward to some mornings outside soon too. we are still pretty chilly in the mornings but summer is coming.

    I am really thankful that Susie didn't get hurt seriously too. She is such a sweetheart!

    So when are you and Jimmy getting a doggie of your own?

    Have a great weekend!

    Hugs, B

  4. Hi Nellie

    I am thankful that I have found your BLOG. You have great posts.
    Your family picture is really nice. In June when my daughter is home we are going to have one taken. All 12 of us. It will be fun

    Your flowers are so beautiful. I just love flowers they certainly do brighten your day!

    Nellie....make those appointments we all need to do those sometimes uncomfortable tests to protect our health. My Colonoscopy is scheduled for the end of May. It will give me plenty of time to think about it. LOL

    Hugs & Blessings

  5. Hi Nellie,
    I just love your name, it is so happy. Your Easter table is lovely, thats how I stopped by. Thank you for visiting and leaving such lovely comments. I got a bonus when I stopped in. Lovely Thankful Thursday post.
    Enjoy your day.

  6. great family photo. how awesome to find some money too!

  7. Hi Sweetie! Wow finding money...such fun! And your family pic is really wonderful! You all look great!

    Love you and your thankful heart...been praising God for your encouraging heart and friendship!!

    Love your flowers and know you were really blessed by that email!!

    Been a kind of weird week. Having some physical issues and helping Mallory with some of her BF's wedding stuff.

    I'm going to the chiropractor in a little while! Hopefully it will get fixed!!

    Love you!

  8. I just love your family photo! What a handsome family:) We have not taken a family photo since Tyler died. Everytime I think, "maybe we should" but I just can't get it done. Glad you have a nice new frame for your are so pretty! And I was am encouraged by your list.

    Enjoy a beautiful weekend. Praying everyday for your friends.


  9. I'm still around and doing better!
    #1. I am so thankful we have our Florida weather back! Nice cool mornings and pleasant evenings!
    #2. Sarah here lately has been wanting to cuddle in my lap a lot. She is going to be 12 this summer. She has lost weight, but still zips around the room teasing the dogs, ha!
    #3. I'm so thankful that Dee is quite the sweet, beautiful lady that she is! She's no longer "a kid," mom!
    #4. I like that kind of $94.00 question. I could use some of those, ha!
    #5. I've got to plant my flowers I bought last week. I think I'll put them outside the back wall between the house and the back garage. It gets the morning sunlight for about 1 1/2 hrs.
    Uncle Harry always had his in the shade with just a little light.
    #6. I'm thankful my washer and dryer is still working well. I've had them about 20 years!
    #7. Isn't it nice to be "that age" to need naps? One more thing that reverts us back to children, ha! (Maybe that's why I need to practice how to walk again, lol!)
    #8. I'm thankful I didn't land on my head, ha! My kindergartners were so sweet! They all gathered around me assisting me. Some were pulling the oak leaves out of my hair, others were brushing off the sand, while one of my bigger boys let me use him to get back on my feet. They all kept asking, ("Are you okay!" I found a perfect object lesson to share, "See why it's important to watch where you're going!"
    #9. It means so much when you get written words from the heart! That's why I hold dear the beautiful cards you have made for me.
    #10.Praise the LORD. I have been been lifting prayers up for him.
    #11. How beautiful! May I have one!!
    #12. I don't know how anyone can live without knowing the LORD. He means so much to my life. I depend on Him for every breath. I have been so blessed by my LORD.
    Love to all,

  10. What a lovely thankful post! And $94 to buy plants and seeds with. Or cookies.



Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday March 6th, 2024, and a previous birthday table from the past

Through him then let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of lips that acknowledge his name. Hebrews 13:...