Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Welcome to Heart Tips Tuesday - Products

Good Morning Sweet Folks,
Hope you had a good weekend,  and that your Monday 
and Tuesday have been good this far!!
We had a pretty good weekend,  we actually got a lil
work done on our bathroom............Finally!!
  We got the towel rings hung,  and put a few things on
 the wall.  Got some new towels in the right colors, from
 lovely Bed and Bath gift cards I got from Susan for
 Christmas and My birthday,  Thanks Susan,  we love the
 new towels,  they are apple green and robins egg blue,
 and they look great.
  We still need a picture or something for over the towel
 bar, but I have an idea just gotta see if it will work. We
did get some wood work painted as well,  but have more
 to do (4 door frames total to be exact)  A lot of door frames
 for one lil room. Jim put the 2nd coat on around one of the
largest door  frames, but it is gonna take another coat,
 we are hoping that  will be the last coat.  I am still priming
 the woodwork,  have 2 more frames to do, but we have
 made some progress anyway, so I can deal with that.
Has anyone every used modge podge on ceramic????
I need to know if it will work????
 I am having trouble finding bathroom accessories like
 a toothbrush holder, and soap pump and what have
 you, that I really think looks good.  So I am thinking
 about putting some  wallpaper leaves on some plain
 ceramic pcs. and then modge podging  them, just 
don't  know if you can use it on ceraminc or not!!
If you have ever tried it please leave me a comment
 and tell me what your experience was!! 
 Would so appreciate it!
Still have to order the cabinet pulls and handles, but we
are getting closer to finishing all the time.  What a delight
it will be to have this job finally completed,  but it is
looking better all the time!! 
Sunday we were thrilled to have both the kids visit,
but at different times.  Dee came for lunch and rescued us
at Bed Bath and Beyond cause Jim lost his car keys,
will tell you more about that on Thankful Thursday.
So she stayed until about 4:30, and Scott and Megan
got here about 4, and they stayed till about 9:30
so we ordered pizza and had strawberry crepes,
out on the porch, and had such a nice chat,  it was
really the first time we have had a chance to just be
with the 2 of them for any length of time, just us
 and them, so it turned out  to be a delightful day,
  but boy,  were we tired the next day!!
  But it was a good tired!! lol
Well...........Guess I should hush and get on with
Heart Tips Tuesday,  huh!!  
Just had to catch up since I didn't get to post
yesterday!!  lol
Guess what hubby came home with last night.
He stopped at Sam's on the way home,
and found these..................

They are delicious and addictive, but they are heart
 healthy,  you can have 38 and they only have l gram 
of Saturated fat and no trans fats.  Target had some
that Archer Farms makes that were just like these
 that I found 3-4 years ago and I love love loved
them, and they quit carrying them. Seriously, they
 are the closest thing to tasting like McDonalds fries,
 the old good tasting ones, not the new cardboard
 tasting ones like Burger King  has.
Kid you not, they are awesome and go great
with a Hamburger!!
I will give you their 800 # and their web address
so you can check out where they carry them in
your area. Phone: 1-800-913-6637 or click here.
If you can find them,  Try em' you will love em'!!
and they have no preservatives are bad anything!
Imagine that!!

I like to keep these single serving applesauces
and peaches on hand for when we run out of
fresh fruit,  we have something in the house we
can still eat.
I just discovered the mango/peach and it is
absolutely delish. However, they do have
some added sugar,  so if you are diabetic
make sure to check out the labels.
  I have bought the strawberry one for ages,  and
 if I am baking something and want to use applesauce
 in place of oil I just use the strawberry applesauce,
 and you would never know.  The applesauce make
cake batter or muffin batter very moist.  You would
never know it didn't have  any oil in there.
  The diced peaches are great for putting on waffles
 or crepes (make sure to drain them first) or just eating
 plain with a cheese stick and wholegrain crackers.
  A nice snack!!

A few weeks back we found these black beans tortillo
chips at Publix, and the were especially good with
this Athenos Roasted Red Pepper Hummus, also from
Publix Supermarkets,  one of my favorite stores..
Just in case you don't know it is made from Chick Peas
and has olive oil  and other ingredients of course,
but it is a heart healthy snack.  You can eat it with
chips or better yet cut up veggies.
If you don't think it sounds good,  give it a try at
least once,  cause I think you will like it,  I wasn't
sure about it either until I tried it and I love it now.
Especially the Roasted Red Pepper one,  they
have other flavors as well.
Hubby found some low fat Hummus at Target
(roasted red pepper) and it was even better.

This is probably one of the healthiest popcorns
and it is approved by the American Heart Association.
We love this Raspberry Vinaigrette Salad Dressing.
It is awesome with a salad of romaine, purple onions
 strawberries with walnuts.
In fact,  I am gonna make it tonight with some
parmesan crusted tilapia and corn on the cob.
Ummmm, I am making myself hungry as I write!! lol
Well,  that is my tips for today!!
Hope you have a delightful evening with your
family and or friends.
Thanks for stopping by.
Blessings and Hugs,


  1. Sunday sounds like a perfect day to me! Those veggie straws sound good. i'll have to check them out-hopefully they are gluten & dairy free!

  2. Great tips, Nellie! I love the Raspberry Vinegarette, I use the "house" brand, it is cheaper...
    I love those Laughing Cow Lite wedges smeared on a Granny Smith apple! Delicious!

  3. Nellie, thanks for the great tips. We always dose our salads with the Ken's Raspberry dressing--it's great, isn't it? And yes, the veggie straws are addictive...love em!
    Thanks for stopping by and blessing my day,

  4. Nellie

    Thanks again for a wonderful post. My problem her in Oregon is I can't find some of these things. But I am looking believe me.

    I have already used several tips. Yummy...



Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie