Thursday, April 15, 2010

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - April 15, 2010

Morning Sweet Friends
Welcome to Thankful Thursday!!
So how are yall today???
Things went well with our couple last evening
and I got a good nights sleep,  and just had
some peach crepes and coffee,  so I am in
good shape here!!
Just made hubby his first strawberry crepes,
he is sold............he really liked them too!
So guess 
I am thankful to the Lord
 for these delightful crepes we have discovered.
and now for the recipe for them that Lois
over at wife of a colonel shared with us.
So I am gonna try and make them.  She 
said she puts pudding and fruit in hers.
Think that will be our next dessert for
our next family dinner,  whenever that is!!
I am thankful
 for the gift of prayer,  and how it can
 keep us from worrying, in these trying times
in which we live,  and that when every
thing seems out of control and we feel
likes there is nothing we can do,
we can always pray............which
is really the best thing anyway!!
I am thankful
 for the gift it has been to me and my family
for me to be a stay at home Wife and Mom
all these almost 33 years.  I have loved it
and treasured it,  and feel so priviledged
to have been able to -  because I have felt
that was my calling from the Lord.
I am thankful
 for the fact my hubby has a good job
 and things seem to be going well there still,
and He loves his job!!.  It is such a Wonder-
ful thing for a man to really love his job!!
I am thankful
that even when he took the job after
 being laid off 10 months and having to make
 concessions in pay and vacation time, and he
 had a much longer commute, and we wondered
why...........The Lord knew exactly what He
 was doing, as always!!   It turned out to be
the perfect job for him,  no stress and he
was able to work from home after his bypass
 surgery as he was convalescing, which made his
 recovery quicker I think,  since it gave him 
something to do and  think about since he could not
 lift or do much else.  Plus for the last 3 yrs. I think 
it is, he has been able to work at home on
Thursday and Fridays. So because he has no 
commute those days it saves on gas and adds 4 hrs.
 to our week.  So what a huge blessing it has been!!
I am thankful
 for the fact we can pay our bills every month,
not everyone can say that today.
I am thankful
for utilities like lights, and water and refuse
pick up!  Life would be quite different
without them!
I am thankful
that I was spared from 2 falls this week.
One last Friday when we were working
in the yard,  I did  scrape my legs up but
 could have fallen on a yard oranament which
I am sure would not have been good for my
back,  the other one yesterday, I tripped
and could have fallen on my knees on tile.
I am thankful
that things went well with our young
couple last evening,  and now I think
we are at the point we can start giving
them some tools to work with.
Thanks for those of you who prayed
for us.  God is good!!
I am thankful
I get to spend the evening with my
lovely daughter and Rosie since hubby
 has a board meeting!!  Yippee!!
I am thankful
for the new Joyce Meyer book I am 
reading.  Like all her books it is very
good.  She is such a neat lady,  and
has really overcome a lot,  and really
has helped a lot of people,  and really
wants to help people understand what
having an abundant life is all about.
She is truly a blessing to everyone!!
I am thankful

for some really good news I just got
from the couple we were working
with last night.  The Lord is really
working and boy, is that exciting!!

Well,  Sweet Folks,
Thanks for coming by .................
Now tell Me............
What are you thankful for today???
Love, Blessings, and Hugs,


  1. So sweet to see how God is using you to be a blessing in the lives of others...and that you are willing to be used. And I'm with - what a wonderful thing when Hubbie loves his job:) and to be able to pay the bills each month. God is so good! I really need to try those've got me sold!!

  2. Nellie darling I am thankful for you my friend and for this lovely blog of yours which is full of inspiration for all of us. Love your list, I am going to make my own now.

    Love & Hugs

  3. Hey Nellie,

    What a wonderful Thanksgiving List!
    I too am so very thankful for the everyday things we so easily take for granted like electricity and indoor bathrooms...and in Florida ~ Air Conditioning!
    So thankful that my Hubby likes his job too!
    Blessings this evening and I pray that you have a fun, restful weekend.

  4. What a beautiful list! So many blessings to be thankful for! I guess that today I would be thankful for healthy children, the joy that creativity brings (we are made in His image - the Original Creator!), sunshine, and a hardworking husband! Oh, and to answer your question...I'm still working on my kitchen. Hopefully it will be done soon!

  5. What a great list of things to be thankful for! Today I am thankful that I am finally getting a little energy back, I've been so tired lately. Also for beautiful spring weather and a great week with my grandkids--the two that I babysit 3 days/wk. They are so precious and I try to make the most of every moment I have with them. I'm so thankful for my hubby-- that he is such a Godly man, a hard worker, and tells me many times a day that he loves me! How great is THAT? Thanks Nellie for always being so upbeat and encouraging with every word. I'm thankful to know you in blogland!

  6. Nellie, You are such a positive person, so full of gratitude. I think we all need to stop periodically and count our blessings (like you have done); I know I take a lot of things for granted, and I have been so very blessed, way beyond what I deserve. Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving me a sweet comment! I appreciate you!
    Hugs and blessings, Beth

  7. Yes, I have been resting well too. Last night has been the best since my fall. Many thanks to the LORD for every day getting better!
    #1. I can hardly wait for summer to get here so I can have enjoyable mornings without my brain being in gear about school from the moment my eyes open in my comfy bed!
    #2. Thank the LORD for prayer. Just yesterday we (at school) were given information of a more intense year next year with flexable grouping, more data collecting, more, more, more.....I felt the anger rising in me, but the Holy Spirit reminded me He would take care of things as He always has! Praise God, He led Gov. Crist to veto that "stupid" bill that would have placed more "bricks" on the backs of teachers. I as well as many others have been in deep prayer and our prayers were answered!
    #3. You have been greatly blessed!!!
    #4. It is such a great comfort to work at a place that has Christian ethics. I'm so glad Jim is enjoying his career!
    #5. I wish I could find a stress free job! (Not that I don't love teaching, but the politics behind it has made it to become unbearable at times.)
    #6. Praise God from whom all blessings flow! He has so bless me. I have been giving $135. above my tithe and I can't believe how He is blessing me! I have this "extra" money I never had before! It is true that God blesses when you give with a thankful heart.
    #7. I always pray for those I see that work so hard to help us in our community with our utilities, garbage, and safety! When I see them in passing, I pray for the LORD's blessings on them for the hard work they do.
    #8. Thank you, LORD for your protection on Nellie! I realized in my on fall almost 2 weeks ago, it must come with older age. In the last five years, I have had 3 bad falls. Praise the LORD, the other two didn't harm me. This last one was covered by workman's comp, I still need to go to my chiropractor. I feel a place in my back stiffening that he can adjust to keep it from getting worse.
    #9. I am so thankful the LORD has you to assist others with your Holy Spirit witness.
    #10. Pastor Keith sent me the info for the meetings I go to, but this month was one I didn't have to go to unless I wanted to attend. My meetings are every two months.
    #11. She had a great testimony for our LORD. Alice and I went to one of her meetings a few years ago. It was very uplifting to see her in person.
    #12. Good news comes in great "packages!"
    Love you all,

  8. Wonderful list ! You have a wonderful Blog , too. I have enjoyed my visit .

  9. CORRECTIONS! You noticed the time I was writing and it was Thursday night! I'm usually in bed and asleep by 9:00 p.m. #6. I should have written "blessed," and in #8. I should have written "own." I didn't proof read before I posted. I will from now own!
    Love ya,

  10. Lots to be thankful for, first odd crepes sound yuuuummy! Im glad you didn't fall, and my mom loves Joyce Meyers too. :) LOL

    I am thankful for a lot right now. I sort of reached a mental low point recently, it just came out of the blue. I am countering it though, with greatfulness. I have so much to be happy about, and when we can;t see the forest for the tree's it just means it's time to climb a tree. lol :)

  11. Rejoicing WITH you! We've returned from a refreshing vacation - safe, rested, and ready to return to our "normal" lives...

    I'm thankful for a generous brother and gracious sister-in-law who treated us like royalty while we visited them.

    I'm thankful for a thoughtful, hard-working husband who loves me as nearly as Christ loves His Church as I could imagine!


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday March 6th, 2024, and a previous birthday table from the past

Through him then let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of lips that acknowledge his name. Hebrews 13:...