Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Today I am doing a White Wednesday Post!!

Good Morning Sweet Peas,
So......How is your day going???
Going well,  I hope!!
Mine is going well so far, so good!!  lol
It is only 9:30 here,  so haven't accomplished too
much so far,  ate breakfast, cleaned the kitchen
put some clothes into wash, read a few blogs
 and commented, and decided to participate in
 White Wednesday for the first time.
 I have heard about it but never actually seen one, 
 but as I was visiting around and kathy over at 
Sweet Upnorth Mornings was participating in one 
over at Faded Charm Cottage, so thought since I found
 out where to participate I might as well join her.
  I have white things all over my fireplace,  so thought
 it would be fun and different for a change.
I love anything that is white but especially
white ceramic and wood pieces.  They
make my heart sing.
and as much as I love white I love white creamers
and pitchers too!
This one and the next one are 2 of my
favorites from homegoods store.
Seems like lately they haven't been
carrying any creamers but they
do have pitchers.
White flower from the painting.
Pitcher from homegoods.  Love it!!

Think I got this pitcher at Target,  but can't
remember for sure.
Well,  that is my White Wednesday Work up!!
Make sure to go over to Kathleen's at
and see all the other fun and unique
 White Wednesday Posts.

Hope you all have a delightfully White Wednesday
Even just a delightful Wednesday !!
Thanks for coming by sweet folks,
Blessings and Hugs,
P.S.  For those of you who feel so inclined...
if you would please pray for my friends hubby,
he is the same one who was in the hospital
with bleeding ulcers about 3-4 weeks ago.
He has been in the hospital for a week now, 
 and they say they think he has Lymphoma,
but they have still not come up with a diagnosis
yet,  and now he has pneumonia on top of it.
His name is Al.  Thank you so much for praying!!


  1. Good one Nellie. I joined a new meme this morning too it is called Woohoo was the first day. I just picked an older post~the garden tour and put it on.

    It is fun to do them sometimes but I have seen one friend quit blogging completely because Pink Saturday make her feel so pressured to comment on every single entry. Crazy! I haven't been to any of the white ones...that should be fun.

    I read a few blogs including yours last night but didn't comment since I was already exhausted and didn't get home and have dinner until 9:30. I did read Susie's and that story about your parents in law she is doing is so interesting. I need to go back and comment on yesterday's about Jim's dad's passing. Whoa!

    I remembered this morning I forgot to send my e-mail to you. It is I remembered while sitting in the dental chair getting a crown prep... Ugh! But it is done now so fabulous! I was there from 8:30 to 10:45. They are such gabbers there and they always ask me so many questions about working in the oral surgery office. I can barely remember..thank goodness.

    Anyway, not my favorite thing to do but I am pushing along and getting all my check-ups done. I haven't heard back from the mammo but I am assuming it was fine as it has been two weeks. And my eye exam was great now I am ready for the big primary care physician, blood work, etc. Wow who said you wanted a full health report! LOL, you know how old people get...shoot me!

    I do have to tell you that I adore HomeGoods too. I think my heart use to actually speed up when I first discovered it a few years back. We don't have one in our town so it is a bit of an excursion for me but that is the good news. I think I could go in there weekly and I rarely leave without something. And since I just unloaded all my work stuff I should be over it but I not so sure I am. I love household stuff...obviously!

    Well I think the anesthesia has worked some weird business on my brain..I cannot stop rambling! Hmmm, I better though!

    Love you...B

  2. Cozy comments are not supposed to put the reader into a coma. Sorry for the long one! :-)

  3. Hi Nellie, I love all of your white accessories-so pure and elegant. Reminds me of a lost lamb coming home to Jesus-we become whiter than snow.
    Have a wonderful day and rest of the week my friend.
    Hugs, Noreen

  4. I just love white pitchers. It's really the only thing that I actually collect intentionally. Yours are beautiful!

  5. I'm a huge fan of white pitchers too. I've just started to scout out for a few more. They look good with anything. Thanks for stopping by today and leaving your lovely comment.


  6. Love your whites Nellie!!!!
    Glad you joined in...My maiden voyage too.
    Pitchers are a weakness of mine also...
    Hope your having fun today...
    I am
    xoxo~Kathy @
    Sweet Up-North Mornings...

  7. Beautiful pictures! Looks like you have a lot of great finds!

  8. I LOVE your white pitchers. All your white things really. I have never been one to "do" white things, but I recently got white dishes, and oh how I love them! So guess I am a recent fan of white as well. Will pray for your friend. Have a wonderful Wednesday! HUGS

  9. Nellie your whites are so pretty. I love the creamers!!!

  10. Nellie

    I love all your white things. You are so creative.

    Thanks for sharing


  11. Ironstone has become my new addictions! You have a great the pitchers.
    Thanks for visiting and leaving such a sweet comment on our Venetian wedding.

  12. The white pitchers are so beautiful.


  13. So sorry to about your neighbor's husband, you are a good friend to have. I love the white pitchers, we can never have too many of them.

  14. Love your pretty whites! And, Homegoods....isn't that just the most fun? I have to go to Oregon to get to the closest one....not exactly just around the corner.

    Warm blessings,

    Thank you so much for your visit! :-)

  15. Nellie, Your fireplace is gorgeous and I love your pitchers! Thanks for stopping by and leaving a sweet comment!
    Blessings to you, Beth

  16. You know my house, Nellie. I don't have many white things since the original walls throughout the whole house were white. I'm glad I changed them to different colors. I still don't have much of anything else that is white (do sheets count? Lol!) I do have off white, cream, but no ivory white! I'll have to visit you to see the beauty of white accessories!
    Pretty pictures.


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie