Friday, December 28, 2018

Thankful Thursday December 27, 2018, Christmas in the Family room #2

The shepherds returned, glorifying 
and praising God for all the things
 they had heard and seen, which 
were just as they had been told. 
Luke 2:20 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you rested up a bit
 from all the Christmas Festivities.
 We are still basking in the glow
of it all............

Not much going on around here
today but blogging and talking
to my daughter and hearing about
our new addition to the family,
which you will read about below.

Thought I would share the rest
of our Christmas in the family
room pictures today.

If you missed part one and would
like to see it,  just click here!

So on with the real reason
for this post......

  Thankful for my brother Jerry
who has been spending his
birthday with Jesus for about
18 years now as of Dec. 22nd.


Thankful for just the most
Wonderful time with our family
over the Christmas Holidays.
 We all enjoyed it so much, and 
we had so much fun, laughter,
 great treats, delicious food, and
especially gratitude for Jesus,
since it was his birthday we
 were celebrating!!
 A little slice of heaven on
earth, for sure!! 

Thankful that our daughter
and son-in love made it
home safely on Wednesday.

Thankful for some much
 needed rest and recuperation 
on Wednesday after all the
festivities were over.


Thankful for the help with
cooking from everyone in
the family. Many hands do
make the work light as the
old saying goes, for sure!

Thankful for wagon rides with
 lil darling: our daughter, our son,
(her Dad), and my sister-in-law 
and myself, all went for rides
with her. We were all dying
laughing the whole time.
  So cute!!
and so much fun as well!!

Thankful for all our yummy
leftovers that have been such
a blessing these last few days
since Christmas, when I was
so tired, and the last things
I wanted to do was cook!! lol


Thankful that lil darling is next 
door with hubby and playing
with their lil girl who is about
 her same age.  They wound up
coming over here about noon
and she was here till a lil after
5, and they had the best time,
neither of them wanted to go think they are
gonna be fast friends.

As I have said before
 Thankful for Free printables from Ann 
over at
On Sutton Place.....
I simply love her printables!!

If you have never visited her, just
click here to visit.  or go to

Thankful that my daughter
and hubby got their new
puppy on Thursday and all is 
going well.  He is learning 
schedule already, and She and
 hubby are tickled pink with him.
He is a Mini Golden Doodle.

Thankful for my amazing
hubby (Mr. Fix It) who can
fix anything. We were having
some plumbing issues again
and it is working fine now
due to hubbies expertise and
hard work.

Thankful for all the lovely cards
and Gifts we got for Christmas.

Thankful that Christmas is still 
alive and well in my heart......
and I wish to keep it there 
all year long......

Thanks for coming by......

Have a great week!!


Keep your light shining 

Love, hugs, and
After Christmas Blessings,



  1. Such a pretty room and your Christmas decor is gorgeous too

  2. Thanks so much Marty, appreciate your coming by and your comments hon.
    Hope you had a wonderful Christmas as well
    Blessings, Nellie

  3. So beautiful family room Nellie!

  4. #1. Praise our Almighty GOD, we WILL see your brother, Jerry again, thanks be to you, Jesus!
    #2. Double Amen to our LORD Jesus! Thank you too, Nellie for all your preparation!
    #3. GOD is so good in His protection and provisions for us!
    #4. GOD speed to you rejuvenation!
    #5. Yes!! I'm so glad we all can help you out!
    #6. Yes indeedy do! I really enjoyed it, especially sharing with Brooklyn in the rides!!!
    #7. Delicious treats after the fact, ha! Thank you for the cheesecake!
    #8. That's wonderful for her to have a friend to visit when she visits you!
    #9. Yahoo! It is so good he is training at his young age! Reggie, my Boxer did great with the crate training! I learned quickly as soon as he began to wiggle around...BATHROOM time, ha!
    #10. Yea, Jim! Dad was that way. He could fix just about any problem. Of course dad had the training from all those kind of jobs when he worked for the trailer sales in the Keys for many years!
    #11. Such love abounds in many ways at Christmas.
    #12. Yes. Our LORD through His Holy Spirit keeps us in His Presence when we Keep Him in our minds and hearts!
    Happy New Year to all the family! Love you, Susan

  5. So many wonderful things to be thankful for.


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie Sharing with: