Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Thankful Thursday December 13, 2018, Christmas past #3

In the same way, I tell you,
 there will be rejoicing in the 
presence of the angels of God 
over one sinner who repents.
Luke 15:10 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you well and
happily enjoying the Season.

So far, so good for us, it has
been a good and sweet time.....

Since I am running late, as usual
these days,  gonna just get on
with my list and pics are from
Christmas's past again!

Thankful for Jesus and that we
get to Celebrate His Life, Love
and Birthday every Christmas,
and Worship and Celebrate
Him all year long as well.......
What a gift we have in Jesus.

Thankful that we finally found the
right light to put on our new Nativity
scene and it looks awesome.  
Definitely the focal point of our
yard.....Love it.


Thankful that we found a new way
 to have fun with lil darling outside
since the weather has been so great.
  We have a small utility wagon that
 we used to pull her in when she was
2-3 yrs. old, but she is has grown so
 much she is too heavy for us to pull
 her now,  but hubby said we could
probably hook it to our riding mower 
and give her a ride and he was right
 and She was beyond thrilled....
ear to ear grins the whole way....
The things you do for your grand-

Thankful for cute and fun lil craft
kits they have for children, that 
you can do with them.  We started
working on a cute lil Christmas
train with lil darling last week.
It will make a nice Christmas
decoration for her to keep. 

Thankful that I have all our menus
figured out for the days surrounding
Christmas and Christmas day.

Thankful that I have all our tables
planned for all our Christmas

Thankful that my daughter and
her hubby are gonna get to be
with us again this Christmas,
Which I might have mentioned
before but that is the reason
 I am trying to get all these things
 planned out way ahead of time 
so we have plenty of time to visit.

Thankful that a friend and her
children are getting to go to Italy
 (her Home country) to visit with her
brother and his family for Christmas 
for 2 whole weeks. It has been many
 yrs. since she has seen them, and she
 is sooo excited about it.....I can't
 think of anyone who deserves this 
blessing more as she is a single
 Mom of 3, and has had quite a
 rough go of it for years now, so 
really blesses my heart to see
 this happen for her and her

Thankful the she is also newly
engaged and will also get to take
 her new fiancee' with her, so he 
and they can meet.

Thankful that 2018 has been
such a blessings to this sweet
lady who works so hard.  We
love her fiancee' as well. He 
is a great guy.....

Thankful that I too, got a ride
in the wagon the last few days
 with Lil darling.  Such Fun..........
Love being a Grammy!

Thankful for the joy of watching
lil darling dance in a take off
on the Nutcracker on Thurs. night.
 The sets were gorgeous, as were
 the costumes and they all did a
wonderful job.
I liked that she was in a number
of different scenes, so we got
to see her 4 times in 4 different
costumes.  She did such a great
job and smiling big everytime
she saw anyone from the family.
Such a cutie.....

Well, that's it for this week.............

Thanks for stopping in......

Merry Christmas!! 

 Just 11 more days!!

Love, Hugs, and
Christmas Blessings,


Sharing with:

Oh My Heartsie Girl

Starfish cottage

Starfish cottage


The Dedicated House

Stone Gable

Saavy Southern Style

A Stroll thru Life

1 comment:

  1. #1. Oh what a Savior; that GOD would come in the Flesh to be our Savior! I praise His Holy Name that I am allowed to be one of His saved as so all the others who have come to His Salvation! What glory it will be when His face we all shall see!
    #2. I'll have to drive by after dark to see it! The picture is beautiful, all the more in person!
    #3. What joy! I can just see the wonder of joy in her expression! What fun for you all!!!
    #4. The fun that can be gotten in little kits today is really a a memory maker that will stay with you all for a lifetime!
    #5. I know you are glad that is accomplished and no last minute rush!
    #6. I can hardly wait to see them!!
    #7. Yea! I will be sure to help you with the dishes!!! You have this in writing, lol!
    #8. The LORD's blessings on them all!
    #9. How wonderful for their family as well!
    #10. What a fast year it has been too!
    #11. I know that must have been fun!
    #12. Yea for Brooklyn! I surely enjoyed it as well! I loved that she looked over to us every time she came on stage! She is the love of our lives!
    Love you all, Susan


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday February 27, 2025, and cute whimsical pictures

Then Jesus declared, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.” J...