Friday, December 7, 2018

Thankful Thursday December 6, 2018, Christmas past #2

When you have eaten and are satisfied, 
praise the LORD your God for the good
 land he has given you.
Deuteronomy 8:10 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Can you believe we are only 18 days
away from the big day??  Amazing!

Hope you are enjoying the Christmas
Season, as much as we are......

We have been busy as beavers this
week,  so will make this short,
and get on with my Thankfuls.
Pictures are from Christmas'
pasts at Cozy Place.

Thankful to have the Joy of watching 
our Youth Pastor (her Dad) and Choir
 Director's (Her Mom) lil 7 year old 
lead our hand bell choir on Sunday. 
 She did an outstanding job, and
she looked adorable.  A leader in
training........she is a chip off the
old block for sure.

Thankful for lunch out on Sunday
at long Horns, just the 2 of us.

Thankful we have finally finished 
all our decorating and now are just
 totally enjoying it all.  It is a lot of 
work, but so worth it to us.

Thankful for the new flameless
candles, that really look like candles
 burning, especially the ones you
can program to turn on and off
when you want.  We have pur-
chased about 5 of those since 
the Fall of this year.  They look
beautiful but put off no heat,
and also we don't have to
remember to light them!!

Love it!!

Thankful for my hubby, he has really
been more in the Christmas spirit the
 last few years, and it has really been
 fun for both of us.

Thankful that hubby will be totally
 retired as of Dec. 31st of this year. Even 
tho, he is still a part time employee, he
 hasn't really been working for months
 now, once he got his replacement 
trained things seem to be going well.
So we are quite happy about that.

Thankful that our Son finally made it 
safely to Italy (for Work) even tho his 
flight was cancelled, then he had a long
 10 hr.+ lay over in New York the next
 day, then once he got to Milan he had
 to take a train elsewhere that was only
 suppose to be 2 hrs. but was 4 hrs.

Thankful we are gonna get to see our
lil darling in a Christmas program tonight,
 and she is gonna be Mary, the Mother of 
Baby Jesus............

Note:  Went to the program and it was 
very sweet and lil darling made a perfect
Mary, she sat as still and quiet as a
 mouse.  lol and of course, looked
 adorable, and they all sang a number 
of  Christmas songs in other languages
for the theme of Christmas around
the world.  Very cute!

Thankful that we finally have an outdoor 
nativity set.  I have wanted one for years,
but never found one I really liked or that
we felt was affordable, but good things 
come to those who wait. We got it 
yesterday, and put it up last night, but
we still have to put some lights on it,
but it will be beautiful once we finish
it up...............

Thankful that lil darling is out of 
school as of today, for the Christmas 
break until January.  So Wednesday
was the start of many fun days

Thankful for the life and service of 
 President George and First Lady,
 Barbara Bush and the legacy they 
leave behind:  Of love of family, 
 friends, colleagues and other
Americans and our Country, and
more.....learned a lot about him
this week that I never knew.

Thankful for a morning chat
with my sweet daughter then 
nice afternoon out Christmas
 shopping with hubby , then
attending lil darlings Christmas
program, and topping it off by
 going to Carrabbas for din din.

A very nice day!!

Thanks for hopping by for a visit

Always glad to know you were here!

Love, Hugs, and
Merry Christmas Season Blessings,

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  1. I live your enthusiasm for the Christmas season, Nellie. Glad you found a nativity set that fits. We are enjoying Christmas music, quiet evenings, and occasional outings here. Gary continues to minister to many whose holiday is interrupted by illness and even death. It really puts thingsin perspective...

  2. #1. Yes, she surely did!!
    #2. What joy, (retirement in the Christmas season!)
    #3. And, worth it for all those who visit!
    #4. What a great safety idea for those who came out with the idea of them!!! Now no worry of open flames!
    #5. Especially now being retired! What a great time for you both now!
    #6. Yea! 100% total togetherness for you both!
    #7. OH, my dear! I didn't realize he went overseas as well.
    #8. I didn't realize this one was the one you were going to. I thought it was the on the 13th. I usually go with you.
    #9. I'll have to drive by to see it!
    #10. Yea!
    #11. I'm thankful he is with our LORD now.
    #12. A full day of joy indeed!
    Love you all, Susan

  3. Very nicely written! Before I was following this web and now yours too thank you!


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie Sharing with: