Saturday, December 1, 2018

Thankful Thursday November 29, 2018, Christmas past

Greetings Sweet Friends and
Welcome to December,

Hope you are enjoying the Christmas
Season as it is getting started.

Have to say it is our most favorite
time of the year.  We have been busy
here, with decorating and watching
lil darling this week. So today it will
be back to decorating, since we took
a 3 days hiatus.

Thought I would take a break from
our Fall Charleston tour as well, and 
put you in a Christmasy mood by
showing you some scenes from 
Christmas' past at Cozy Place.

So....on with my Thankfuls.....
since I am way later than usual.

Thankful that I felt so much better
within a few days after Thanksgiving.

Thankful that we got the furniture
rearranged and the tree up on last

Thankful that we got all the Fall
things down and packed away
on Saturday.

Thankful that we got the Christmas
decorations out on Monday and got
started in......and hubby flocked the
tree with fiberfill while I was 
decorating the house.

Thankful for Christmas music and
that our local christian radio station
plays nothing but Christmas music
from the day after Thanksgiving until
 after Christmas, just like when
we were kids.

Thankful to hear we will be getting
a new Furry Grandson Dog after

Thankful for the lovely cooler weather
early in the week that we have been 
having and time spent out on the
 porch enjoying it.

Thankful for the last few days which 
have been pretty cold here in Florida,
 and we are loving it. On Wed. every
time we took a break from schooling
we were outside in the cold fresh air.
Such a wonderful break for us.

Thankful that all our adult children
are getting together for a getaway
in Savannah this weekend, to
 celebrate Megans (Our daughter
 in loves) birthday. They always
 have a good time together.

Thankful that we get to watch
lil darling from after school on
Thursday till sometime on Friday
when she goes to her other grand-
mothers to visit with cousins that
are visiting. That will help her not
 miss Mom and Dad so much.....

Thankful for a really fun time
taking lil darling to the mall and 
to dinner at Cracker Barrel after
 School on Thursday.  We had
promised her a ride on these 
 stuffed animal like things you 
can ride at the mall, so she was
riding but got tired of holding on,
 so the lady let me ride with her!!
Have to say it was fun...  I have 
said  to my hubby before that they 
should have these for adults too!!
  Now I really think they should. lol

Thankful for the joy of listening
to lil darling break into singing,
 "Joy to the World", "Go tell it on the
 mountain" and "Silent Night" that she
 is learning for her Christmas program 
that is coming up in a few weeks.

With colored pencil affect.

That's it for this week.......

Hope you have a fun week 
planning and enjoying this 
lovely time of the year!!

Love Hugs, and 
First day of December


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1 comment:

  1. #1. Praise the LORD! I have been praying for you. The LORD does answer prayers!
    #2. Your main decorating move, ha!
    #3. I bet Jim is enjoying assisting you and it really is a help to you too!
    #4. I love the song, "Joyful, joyful we adore Thee.
    #5. It surely helps to have another assist, especially now that he's retired!!
    #6. Yahoo!! I'm a "great aunt" to another "great doggy!"
    #7. Yes, but it's been colder in the house than out! I had to turn on the heat (72).
    #8. I'm glad it's warming up today!
    #9. Good for them! I know they will have a great time together!
    #10. She will really enjoy her cousins! Kids get along with each other when they are missing others they love.
    #11. They do have them for adults, but I think they are the bucking broncos, ha!
    #12. I can hardly wait to see her performance!
    Love you all, Susan


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie Sharing with: