Thursday, March 5, 2015

Thankful Thursday - March 5, 2015 and Winter Living room Finale

For God is the King of all the earth; 
sing to him a psalm of praise. 
Psalm 47:7

Happy Thursday 
Sweet Friends,

How are yall???
 Finer that frog hair???  
Hope so...........

My week has been fine, a lil bit busy, but a 
good busy. Getting ready for birthdays and
Talking to Miss Dee,  cleaning, and got a
 couple of rooms looking like Spring today, 
 so that made me happy..... as I am just
 over RED!!  lol  They will probably get some
 more tweaking once I get my Easter and 
Spring stuff out,  but for now........
 it is just nice not to see RED!!  lol

Told you I would show you the last of
my Winter Living room which is white 
with a lil blue,  the family, dining
and kitchen all had red.  

So here goes................

I  Am Thankful

for a fun time helping my SIL Susan
celebrate her birthday on Saturday,
went to Cracker Barrel for dinner,
then back to our house for dessert,
Key Lime Mango Pie, and then
 watched a really really great movie, 
called "Clancy".

 for a website called "Christian 
Cinema",  I have gotten emails from
them for years now, and that is how
I have found so many great family
friendly and Christian movies,  they
now do what Netflix does, so Clancy
was our first CD from them, and it
was great, they also stream movies
as well. 
Check them out if you'd like:
Just click here.

for being able to see pictures on Sunday
 of all the kids and our lil Granddaughter
 Brooklyn,and Granddaughter dog Rosie, 
while they are all together up in
 Asheville thanks to  face book.
 A sweet blessing........
They look like they are having such a
great time..............
and they returned Monday safe and
sound..... Thank the Lord!

for a free book that I received recently
 from that I did not order.  
It said it was a free gift from
So I called to try and see what was going
on and to see if I was gonna be charged
for it....thinking it might be a sales gimmick
or something,  they said that occasionally
someone mails it to the wrong person and
to keep it or throw it out if I didn't want it.
Actually it is quite a good book.  It is called
"Fifty Shades of They" by Pastor Ed Young
Jr. and it is about relationships. 
Great Information!

for ERA washing detergent,  it gets out
any stains that you could ever imagine.
Particulary good for tomato type stains,
grass stains or blood stains and juice is good stuff,  but have had
a hard time finding it lately, so had to
buy it online from Target.  

for a fun day out shopping by myself
 for hubby's birthday and just looking
 around at all the new Spring goodies.
 Got a floral bush and some neon type
 Easter Eggs for Brooklyn to play with
 once I decorate for spring, and a 
wooden type basket to use on my
 dining room I'm happy.

for a new stuffed chicken entree that
hubby found at Sam's.  It is totally
healthy and stuffed with spinach and
 artichokes and mozzarella cheese
All you do is heat it, and we have
enough left for another meal, and
it reheats well..........

With colored pencil affect

that our friends that our down for the 
winter I talked about last week are
coming over on Thursday night, it
will be great to get together and
catch up.  So looking forward to it.

They came and just left, and we had
such a great time, it just went by too fast.
They look the same, haven't changed a bit,
 she is gonna be 85 this month and he is 
gonna be 82 in would never
ever know it, they still ride bikes!! 
Such great folks.......just can't help
but love them!

that I happened to come across some pink hand
 towels in the linen closet, so decided to add a
 few pink touches to my guest bathroom
 for a nice change.  I like it!  and best of all
it looks like Spring..........

for how good a fresh can of peanuts taste, they
 taste so delicious and smell so good when you 
first open them, and they always taste good,
 but not as good as the first couple of days,
when they are so fresh and tasty.

with cutout affect

that I got all the red out of the kitchen today.
Altho, I love using red at Christmas and in
Winter, once March hits I am pretty much
over the red.  lol  So now the accents are
blues..................loving the new look.

with poster edges affect

Well, there you have it ......
another week at Cozy Place and the 
Winter Living room finale.

Happy you could drop by...........
and hope you have a lovely Friday 
and Weekend.

Love, Hugs
and March Blessings


Just in case you would like to see part 3
 of the Living Room dressed up for winter
just click here or scroll down.

Am Sharing over at:

Life with Lorelai with Kristin
and Lorelai


  1. Have a great weekend! I will check up this movie, it sounds interesting. The decoration is very beautiful.

    Domestic cleaning Balham

  2. Love how you were able to find things that you are thankful for. #HomeMattersParty

  3. I hope everyone had a very Happy Birthday! I can't believe Brooklyn is already 2! That's wild!
    Your house looks beautiful. I love the shelf.
    Thanks for the link of the movies. There's so much bad stuff out there!
    I hope you had a good time with your Granddaughter.

  4. #1. It was a very enjoyable time indeed! Thank you so much for your love!
    #2. I will be looking into switching over to them!
    #3. Praise our LORD for His protecting them in returning home!
    #4. Sounds like his answer to the movie "50 Shades of Gray."
    #5. You would think Target would have it in their stores.
    #7. Shopping is always FUN!
    #8. Sounds yummy!
    #9. Praise the LORD they will be friends forever in eternity!
    #10. I'm ready for Spring!
    #11. I love when they are mixed with raisins and other goodies!
    #12. I have noticed the oak trees are losing their leaves and the limey green buds of new leaves budding out!
    I love the color, but the color doesn't last long.
    I love you all, Susan

  5. Your touches of Spring look very nice, Nellie! I really like the topiary on your round, skirted table. Is that real or just a very good faux?


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you all had a lovely Valentine' Day! Hugs,  Nellie Sharing with: