Thursday, December 16, 2010

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - December 16, 2010

 Suddenly there appeared with the angel a multitude
 of the heavenly host praising God and saying,
  "Glory to God in the highest,
 And on earth peace among men
 with whom He is pleased." 
Luke 2:13-14

Welcome Sweet Friends,

Hope your Christmas Season and
 Spirit are alive and well!

Know everyone is busy preparing
for the Big Birthday Celebration
of our Lord!

  My...... I have seen some Lovely
 and Delightful decorations that just
add such Fun to this time of the year.
You all are truly a chip off the old
block (no disrespect intended at all) creative just like your
Father in Heaven and having such
sweet spirits that He so desires for us!!

Which would lead me to my
#1 Thankful.

I am thankful
for each of you and the sweet and
creative spirits you posess because
of your relationship with the Lord.
You shine for Him through your
blogs of creativity, compassion,
ideas and testimonies for Him, and
friendships and I just love it!!

I am thankful
for a nice day out today.  We 
needed it,  we had cabin fever
and it was just a delightful day
to be out,  perfect weather,
about 58 degrees.

I am thankful
we had enough $$ left on 2 gift 
cards to go to Outback steakhouse 
for din din, and it even covered the tip!!
and the food was..............
so awesome!!  lol
and we even got to visit with friend
 of my daughters who works there, 
 she is such a cutie and a sweetie.

I am thankful
for the appreciation that times like
these afford us.  We tend to take
so many things for granted,  like going 
out to dinner for instance, but when you
 don't have that freedom all the time........
you really savor the experience and
it just makes you all the more grateful. 

 Just in case you are new to my blog and wondering times
 like what??  My hubby has been laid off since the middle
of  May!!  But not to worry........the Lord is taking
excellent care of us, but of course, we have had to
tighten our belts so to speak!!  lol

I am thankful
that I had good results on 2 routine
ladies tests recently.  That is always
wonderful to hear,  and makes me
thankful for my health.

I am thankful
I have an appt. with the chiropractor
on Friday,  cause my neck is acting
up just a lil,  so hopefully, this visit
will take care of that!!  It has really
been sooooooo much better.

I am thankful
for Dayspring free ecards.  I love
to send them,  and I also love to
receive them. They are just a super
quick, fun and inspirational way
 to let someone know you are 
thinking about them!!
An old and dear friend wrote this poem and gave it to us,
about 5 years ago, It is called the Gift.  It is really a beautiful
 poem.and a true gift from the heart!!  You can click on it
to read it, if you would like.

I am thankful
for a quick treat that Bonnie over
at One Designing woman shared
on her blog a week or so ago.
You put a rolo candy on top of a
 pretzel, and put them in the oven
for 3 mins. @ 350 degrees, when
you take them out just push a 
whole pecan into the rolo.  It
want look all that melted until
you push the pecan in.
Those babies are delicious and
sooooooooo easy!!
We love love love them!!
Of Course, make sure you take
the tin foil off the Rolo first!! lol

Just figured I should add that disclaimer, cause you know....
there are some people who still don't know coffee is hot,  and
sue just  want to cover myself!!   lol
Course, doubt any of them would be reading
my blog!!  lol

I am thankful
that we finally got our tree up
and all decorated and it looks
so pretty.  I so enjoy watching
the lights on it at night,  I find
it very relaxing to sit  quietly
 with the lights out and just 
drink it in!!
( I will show you a pic soon, the tree is now 
sitting where this table was sitting,
and this table is now behind our sofa
just like it is minus the lamp!!)

I am thankful
for Scott and Megan's sweet and 
generous spirit.  He received a $75.00
 gift card for the Honey Ham Store as
 a Christmas present from his boss and
gave it to us to use for Christmas
or whenever we wanted.
What a sweet blessing that was!!

We usually have Ham for our New
Year's think we
will save it for that occasion and
also cause they will be able to be
here to enjoy it as well.
They aren't able to be with us for
 Christmas dinner,  since we will have
them earlier in the day for brunch,
then they go to visit her family in
the afternoon sometime.

( I loved this Christmas card we rec'd several years
back, it went perfectly with the Gift vignette)

I am thankful
for Christmas Musicals, programs
and movies that just add to the
festivities and warmth of the
Christmas Season.
We so enjoyed our Christmas
musical this passed Sunday,
and have watched a few
+mas movies already:
An old Fashioned Thanksgiving,
not really about Christmas but
sure could have been, it certainly
encompasses the warmth and 
love of the Christmas season.

The polar Express is a wonderful
and charming movie with meaning.

A Christmas Carol,
 with George C. Scott as Scrooge
a timeless classic.

I am thankful
for the peace, love and Joy that
we can hold in our hearts no matter
the happenings of our life,  all
because of Jesus and His great
love for us!!
What a friend we have in Jesus!!

Well, Sweet friends,  
These are the matters of my
and I trust you have some too!

Why not share them!!

May you have a Joyous and Peaceful
 filled with the Love of Christ!!

Love, Blessings and Christmas Hugs


  1. Hi Sweetie!! Hope your week is going well! Sounds like it is! I had a day without commitments yesterday and it was GRAND I must say! Today I can't decide if I am going to go do a little more shopping or head to the beach! It will be in the upper 70's! Crazy, huh, after that hard freeze! I think I really need me some sun, sand and surf so after Maddy's class that's where we will be!!

    Have a joyful day! Love your thankful list. I have been so thankful for so many different things lately! And am definitely thankful for YOU! :o)

    Love that photo of Scott and Megan, too!
    Love and hugs! Talk to you soon!

  2. Your "Thankful List" was truly inspiring. I've been spending some quiet time the last few days just thinking about all the good and important things in my life. We forget to do that sometimes. I'm a new follower.

  3. Nellie

    I enjoy your thankfuls so much. Thanks for sharing them

    1. I am thankful for every breathe that I take and the clean air that Oregon provides.
    2. I am thankful for my husband Marvin, He is so thoughful and even though we have those times I love him so much more each day that we are together.
    3. I am thankful for my washer and dryer as I have a friend that has to go to the laundry mat to do her laundry.
    4. I am thankful for Northwood Christian Church and Pastor Barry. Because of Barrys sermons I have had tremendous spiritual growth.
    5. I am thankful that I am able to have food on my table each day.
    6. I am thankful for all the calls I get from my family. It lifts my spirit each time I talk to them.

    Blessings & Hugs

  4. I'm so glad to read that you are well. I love this time of year. I love the busy pace. Everybody has something to accomplish. I enjoy the whole experience from the packed mall to the time with my family. No Humbug here! I LOVE it all! I'm so thankful I can enjoy this beautiful season! I'm also thankful that you are such a wonderful blogger!

    Merry Christmas!

  5. I am thankful that i was drawn to your blog. My daughters name is Nelly. This is why I came over to look. What a positive way to spend your Thursday being thankful.

  6. So thankful for you and Jim!
    Your witness and testimony are such a help in this challenging time.
    "To GOD Be the GLORY!"

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. #1. I am so thankful for you getting me onto blogging. I so much enjoy it (when my computer is working, ha!)
    #2. I have no problem with cabin fever! I love to be in and away from the bustle of the world!
    #3. Isn't it great! I got some cards from my students this year.
    #4. I think that's why the LORD has to bring me back in- line sometimes. I don't realize his blessing sometimes until it's been taken away!
    #5. Isn't that a great feeling! I'm so happy when the "exam" is over. I go running out the door! I don't think I get that much exercise the whole year before, ha!
    #6. That "snap, cracle, pop" surely makes me feel better, and I'm not talking about cereal, lol! I
    #7. I always forget about this website!
    #8. I can attest to it being good, good, good!
    #9. Your Christmas home is so inviting, cheerful and warm!
    #10. It's always great when we can give back to our parents. I remember as you do too. It's wonderful when your children have learn this important value.
    #11. Won't it be wonderful when the Joy of Christmas will be fulfilled in the Rapture!
    #12. What a Friend we have in Jesus. He gives us the priviledge of calling Almight GOD...Father!
    I love you all very much,
    Let's pray this post!


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday February 20, 2025, and pics of Spring Beginnings

  The grass withers and the flowers fall,      but the word of our God endures forever.” Isaiah 40:8 NIV Greetings Sweet Friends, Hope you a...