Thursday, December 23, 2010

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - December 23, 2010

Christmas Greetings
Sweet Friends,

So how are you???  Getting close
to being done???  I hope so!!

Know I have been absent this week.....
decided everyone was probably busy like me
and didn't have much time for visiting each
others blogs anyway,  so why stress myself
out, cause it is suppose to be fun right??? lol

Thought I would do my Thankful Thursday
post cause I need it.....I am tired tonight
and not feeling very grateful!!  Just the
time when you need to practice your
gratefulness!!  lol

We are getting there tho.... finished with 
our family cards, just about finished with
something I made, just got to get it all put
together, have most of the wrapping done, 
actually hubby did most of it, got a
 lil more to go not much tho, and have
 every thing from the store for Brunch 
and dinner on Christmas day, and have the
  tables planned with centerpcs.

Tomorrow is Christmas eve,
 can you believe it??? I really can't,
  it just sort of sneaks up on you!! lol
 Will be cooking all day probably,  then we
will go to the candlelight service at church,
and come home.  The kids will both be at
their respective in laws,  then come here
by 9 a.m. Christmas morning!!
and hopefully.........
Christmas Day want entail much work!!
Just the way I planned it!!  lol

We had a few exciting things happen
this week,  so I have been wanting to tell

So nows my chance......
I am thankful
is that a dear Sweet friend of 40 years
was healed by the Lord of breast cancer!!  
It could not have happened to a more
Wonderful person,  and we are so thrilled
and are rejoicing with her.  

I am thankful
that hubby was contacted by a Company in
Calif. to do some consulting work.  He
was referred by my hubbies old boss.
They are still working out the details,
but it sounds exciting and will hopefully
come to pass in January.
Came back to add a note,  cause some-
one thought it was a permanent job!!
It is only a temporary job but could
lead to more temp. projects which
would be great to keep him working
as he builds his business.

I am thankful
for my hubbies old boss.  What a friend
he has been. I just have to say it again.  He really
has been such a blessing!!
He also gave hubby some work this week as well.

I am thankful
that things are going along so well with
 our Christmas preparations,  and I haven't been 
stressed at all until today, cause I have been able
to pace myself.  I am feeling less stressed now
tho........since we got so much accomplished
today,  yeah!!

I am thankful
the whole family could be together for
sort of a pre Christmas dinner last Saturday
evening.....since Scott and Megan can't be
here Christmas evening.  We had a lovely
dinner, and watched a movie called
"Borrowed Hearts".  We bought it years
ago from Feature Family films.  It is a
Christmas movie with Roma Downey.
Sweet Time -Sweet Movie.

I am thankful
we have had Rosie since Saturday,  we
are having fun with her as always.
She is such a sweet lil dog!!

I am thankful
that the Lord has everything under
control.  Some friends of ours had a
rather difficult thing happen to them
this week, but I feel they are gonna be
just fine once they get adjusted to the
changes.  It is hard to watch people
you love go thru hard things!!

I am thankful
for gift bags.....they are just the best
invention.  I know a harried Mom had
to be the one to come up with that
great idea!  and they have so many
pretty ones.  I like to use them for
other things as well.  

I am thankful
my hubby has just about gotten my
SIL's computer fixed.  she has been having
lots of problems with it lately.  It freezes
up,  and then she had all these virus alert
things pop up with scary messages.  Rather
frustrating and stressful for her as it would
be for me too!!  If it weren't for my hubby
I probably wouldn't have a computer cause
I am just not all that computer savvy.
If I get stuck I can always call on him.

I am thankful
for those Rolo candy treats I told you
about last week.  Everyone loves them
including us...........Scott and Megan
were asking for them when they came
last Sat., so we all quickly made some,
and enjoyed every lil bite!!  lol
They remind me of Chocolate Turtles.
My Mom would have loved them, 
cause she loved Turtles.
Only wish they had dark chocolate
rolo's,  that would be perfect for us.

I am thankful
for a precious email I got from a blog
friend today that just blessed my socks
off,  and surely made my day!!

I am thankful
that I grew up in a time era that taught
the true meaning of Christmas and that
everyone could say Merry Christmas
without fear!!  I feel so sorry for some
of these sales people in the stores, if
you say Merry Christmas to them,  they
act like they are terrified to say it back
to you,  and say You too!!
In the old days everyone said hope you
have a Merry Christmas!!
That's why we have to teach our children
and grandchildren.

I have been so thrilled to see some of
the utube videos where people went
to the Malls or to Macys and sang the
Halleleujah chorus,  and the response
from the crowd.  It is like taking back
I say Merry Christmas to as many people
as I come across to say it too!!

Well,  Sweet Peas,
I feel better,  How bout you???

I do so appreciate you stopping in,
and for your sweet comments.
I do wish each one of you the most
glorious of Christmas's.  May His presence
be so real to you!!

Happy Birthday Jesus
Merry Christmas 
to each of you, dear folks!!

Love, Hugs and Christmas Blessings,


  1. Wonderful list, as always, Nellie! I would love to know where in CA Jim is coming? Are you coming too? It is good that you have nearly everything done. I have to pack my suitcase to go to Chris and Missy's tomorrow for the next several days. We have been here at Jen's for a few days now we are going there because Chris will now be off work and have some time for family fun!

    It sounds like you are doing the dividing thing too with the other families. Gotta keep everyone happy, right? I am sending my love and Merry Christmas wishes for Susie along with yours since I am sure she will be with you and she has the computer problems going on.

    Love to all of you, enjoy!

    Hugs from CA...Bonnie & Jim and Company

  2. Merry Christmas dear one.
    We all have so much to be thankful for!
    Wonderful list and precious heart~
    Love you, Jess

  3. Oh Nellie,
    We won't be at church tonight...three of us have bad colds...including me =(
    See you Sunday, Tony has lots of responsibility on his last day.

  4. Once again, rejoicing with you! Thrilled for your friend healed of her breast cancer AND for all who prayed...So happy to hear of your husband's "temporary" job (in one way, ALL jobs are temporary)...Around here, it seems more people than ever are happy to say Merry Christmas! I like that.

    Well, we have TWO Christmases behind us and one more to go. My extended family meets for 2 nights/3 days at a hotel. We go this afternoon....

    Happy New Year (in case I don't make the rounds before then)!

  5. Hey Nellie,
    I was just leaving a comment for our friend Jacquelyn and noticed that you were signed on around 4:22 am. I've been up since 4am.!!! If I had known you were awake too, we could have talked! LOL
    Hope you have a great week, talk soon Hon.

  6. #1. This 7th of Jan. I will have been praying for Doug, my assistant principal for a year. He has cancer and it was at a high stage when prayer started being lifted up for him.
    #2. Answers to more prayers from our GOD. I continue to uplift to to our LORD!
    #3. It's so wonderful when we have such friends that are always keeping us in mind.
    #4. I surely enjoyed the counceling on stress that we were able to share over the holidays!
    #5. I believe movies like this are soothing to a racked world we live in today.
    #6. It reminds me the way we always felt about Rookie!
    #7. It really makes me wonder if I could ever go through the things that others go through. I'm so glad the LORD has so greatly blessed me to not to have to go through those things.
    #8. I like the themes many have. Reindeer with antlers for handles on the bag was one of my favorites.
    #9. Amen for brothers (and husbands) that are so talented and gifted to be such a help. That's why I am now going back and catching up on my blogger friends posts!
    #10. I can attest to how good they are. YUM YUM!
    #11. I know who she is! I hope to soon get going on e-mails to her too!
    #12. That is in reverse too. I have had some look at me in anger and just look away with saying nothing!
    I love you all with all my heart,


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you all had a lovely Valentine' Day! Hugs,  Nellie Sharing with: