Sunday, April 23, 2017

Scripture Sunday - Video of 4 yr. old girl singing

Good Sunday Morning to you......

Hope this finds you well and Happy!

I happened to come across this
 wonderful video this week of a lil
 4 yr. old girl singing, and since we
aren't that far out from Easter, I just 
knew I had to share it with you today.

Hope you will take the time to listen
to it... as I promise you won't be sorry.

or type it in yourself.......


  1. "Jesus Love the little children!" "Out of the mouths of babes..." She did a great job and I'm sure the LORD is being given a great amount of praise from all who listen to this little girl's words in song!
    Love you all, Susan

  2. What an amazing voice of praise on such a lil one......
    I am sure many will be touched and blessed by her singing and the video
    I know I sure was.

    Love, Nellie

  3. Hi Nellie, thanks for this link, I will click and listen. Hope you had a wonderful Easter, Thank you for visiting me and for taking the time to always leave such sweet notes, such a blessing. I am trying to get back to full time blogging, but am finding it a little slow as I have been so busy trying to catch-up on all my projects that were let go during my recuperating! Once again thank you for your friendship!

  4. Hi Sue,
    Always nice to hear from you hon. Glad you have recuperated and are able to do the things
    you love and enjoy once again. Hope you had a lovely Easter and hope you enjoyed the video.
    Thanks for blessing me with your visit, and your welcome for my visit, always enjoy it.

    Have a delightful day,


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you all had a lovely Valentine' Day! Hugs,  Nellie Sharing with: