Friday, April 14, 2017

Thankful Thursday April 13, 2017, Spring/ Easter touches

because he was teaching his disciples.
 He (Jesus) said to them, “The Son of Man is 
going to be delivered into the hands of men.
 They will kill him, and after three days
 he will rise.”(from the dead)
Mark 9:31 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope you are having a good
 Holy week.  Right now it is
Friday, but Sunday is coming,
and what a joyous celebration
that will be!!

Thought I would leave you
pics of some fun Easter touches
 at our house.......of course, we
all know Easter is not about
bunnies and chicks but they
they are fun.................

So will get on with my 

I am thankful

to be sleeping better this week,
finally coming out of my sleep
depriviation cycle. So amazing
 how good I feel and function
 when I get a good nights sleep 
every night.

that we may have finally found a
dishwasher, altho, we might have 
to get it in white and do something
to make it Biscuit colored, cause
we have been looking for probably
2 yrs. now for that color, but there
are none that color that are really
good ones, and if you find a good
 one you can not order it in that
color.......isn't that crazy!!
and if we don't get a good one
I might as well not get one as
the last one we had was pretty
much a lemon.... so we sure
 don't want a repeat performance
 of that!!

that hubby got a raise at work.
Which is great normally, but
 especially great since hubby
is thinking about retiring next
 year and since they base your 
social security on the income
 from your last job that was
a very nice surprise.

for a sweet time with lil darling 
on Wed.  We made an Easter egg
 tree together and hid Easter eggs.

with posterized affect

that I was able to find some
bracelets that matched some
earrings I already had that
hubby got me, but never had
anything to wear with them,
until our sweet co-workers
gave me a pretty scarf for
my birthday and it all goes
with the that was
a fun surprise......

with posterized affect

for a sweet story about a man
who lost his wife after 72 yrs.
of marriage.  He was grieving
and moping and decided he
needed to do something, so
he started baking cakes and
pies for people.
A sweet more
ways than one.   lol

Click Here, or type it in

for so many absolutely gorgeous
days that we have had lately....
and that we have had some time
to sit out back in the early 
evening and enjoy them.

for Fox News, and the Presidential
prayer team....because they both do
 fair and balanced reporting.

for all of you dear ones that take
the time to come by and read or
peruse my blog, such a blessing
to me.....


the table is all set for Easter
 dinner, and dinner is planned,  
and shopping all done........only 
cooking left to do.......yeah!!

for a movie that came out this
year that we had not seen, and
were able to stream it from
Amazon.  "Risen",  it was very
good and came at things from
a different angle, it covered
the crucifixion, resurrection
and ascension, through the
eyes of a Roman Soldier.

most of all......
that we worship a Risen Savior.
Jesus didn't just die and stay in
the tomb, he arose from the dead
and was seen by many who even
were willing to die telling his
story, don't know anyone who is
willing to die for a lie...........

This is the latest from our week

at Cozy Place..........

Glad you could drop by, and hope

you all have a really Wonderful
Easter Celebration

Love, Hugs and

Happy Easter Blessings,

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Shabby Art Boutique with Kerryanne



A Stroll thru Life

Saavy Southern Style

Oh My Heartsie Girl

Between Naps on the Porch


  1. #1. I'm thankful to our LORD you are now sleeping better! When I use to work, I had so much on my mind about school, I had many sleepless nights too! Praise the LORD since I've retired, I have had no more problems with that!
    #2. Praise the LORD! I know you're happy about that! No more washing in the sink first, ha!
    #3. Another, Praise You, LORD! Y can't thank Him enough for what He has done for us!
    #4. Joy again on Sunday!
    #5. I know how that feels. I had a blouse that I found some earrings with the same pattern. I had them for years, then one day when I got home, I found I had lost one of the earrings! I'll never find that pattern again!
    #6. I pray for Don now that Joan has had to be placed in a constant-care facility.
    #7. Yes! I love this time of the year. It would be great if the whole year could be like this!
    #8. Amen! What insight to the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth! I have been e-mailing their address to others.
    #9. You are such a blessing to us too!
    #10. I can hardly wait to be with the family at such an important remembrance of our Almighty GOD's Love for us, His Resurrection! What a promise to us that we will one day be resurrected to Him forevermore!
    #11. I remember when John Wayne played the Roman soldier quoting the Scriptural words, "Surely, this was the Son of GOD!"
    #12. Amen! We shall never die, only be changed into His likeness! Praise our Awesome, Almighty, Creator, Savior, Holy Father GOD!
    Love you all, Susan

  2. Hi Susan,
    Funny thing is the majority of the time, I really am not worried or have anything on my mind that is bothering me, I just can't sleep....think it is purely a hormonal thing cause it is
    cyclical and comes on all of a sudden and then leaves in about a week or so, and I am back
    to normal.....crazy!

    Sorry you lost your earring....that is always a bummer, cause it always seems like the ones
    you lose or the one you like the least that is how it happens to

    Thanks for coming by and for all your sweet comments. Sure enjoyed yesterday.

    Love, Nellie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you all had a lovely Valentine' Day! Hugs,  Nellie Sharing with: