Thursday, October 13, 2022

Thankful Thursday October 13, 2022, Fall decor for 2022


Now, our God, we give you thanks,

 and praise your glorious name.

Chronicles 29:13 NIV

A Fall Hello 

Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you doing well and

enjoying Fall and it's festivities.

Our week has been slow and uneventful

because I threw my back out on Monday,

 and was hoping to report today that I

 was totally back to normal, but NADA.

I have to say at times it is better but

if you have back issues you know when

it is normal and when it is not quite

there yet!!  lol  Well, it is not quite

there yet, for sure!!  Maybe tomorrow!!

If I just didn't have to sit down it

would be great!!  lol

Pictures today are from our 2022 

Foyer and living room;

Imagine that!!   lol

Finally had some time to take pictures!

So on with my Thankfuls.............


Thankful to have found a few Christmas 

presents while out shopping and then,

 enjoyed having din din at Olive Garden.  


Thankful for a great day with lil darling once she

 got a nap,  she was very tired as she has had a lot

 of activity in the last few weeks, and guess it finally

caught up with her.  Got a lot of school work

done and did some painting for fun, and then

she even got to have her lil friend over too.


Thankful for lil darlings great attitude 

and Sweet and Wonderful heart. 


Thankful for the opportunity to help out with

someone down South who had lots of hurricane

damage by purchasing needed items for some

one else to take there.


Thankful that we got to go to the birthday party

 of the lil gal hubby tutors once in awhile, and

we had a really nice time talking with the

adults, as she was busy with all her friends,

which is what we expected!!  lol  but we

did get a few hugs!!  lol


Thankful that someone asked us to text them

and let them know we made it home okay.

I ask that of my family/ friends a lot, 

mostly at night or if they have a long trip,

 but have never had anyone ask me that but 

my Daughter.  I feel it is a good thing to

 ask , just in case!!  Not every one sees it

 that way..... I think it is a way of showing

love and caring. Anyway, I loved that 

He asked.  Maybe it is because we are

getting up there in age, but whatever

the said love to me!!


Thankful that it has been a quiet and uneventful
 week, with nothing much on our plate that we had
 to do, since I somehow threw my back out and the last 2 weeks have been pretty busy.  
So it's been a good thing!!


Thankful to hear that Tulsi Gabbard left the

 Democratic party.....don't know how she ever

 got there to be honest. She is a pretty astute lady,

 hope those she invited to leave with her.......

do just that!


Thankful that we finally got several

pcs. of furniture from the guest bedroom

and a lot of others things donated to

a charity and out of our house.  Yea!!

So happy to have that off our To Do list.


Thankful for a few cards we got finished

 up and into our shop.


Thankful for something really neat that I read on facebook this week.  I am gonna share it with you on Sunday (for Scripture Sunday) and hope you will come check it out on Sunday and that it blesses your perspective on life the way it did mine.


Thankful we got to pick lil darling up from

school today and see her for a few hour.

The time just flys by, but better than not

seeing her for sure.  Thankful we went

to our pitiful mall (so many stores have

closed) to walk some, thought it might

help my back, but didn't.  Thankful

we found a mirror that might work

for our guest bedroom, will see how

we like it tomorrow, and then din

din at Outback steakhouse.  It was

very good, and we had the same

server last time we were there, she

is just adorable and just a bright

spot in the day. So cute!


Well folks,  that's it for this week

at Cozy Place.

Glad you came by 


Hope you have an extra special rest of the week.

Love, Hugs and Mid October Blessings,


Sharing with:

Grammy's Grid

South House Designs

Shabby Art Boutique

Between Naps on the Porch

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May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a hopeful Sunday and week. Hugs  and Blessings, Nellie