Monday, January 17, 2011

Monday Manna - Help for times of Adversity - Pt.2 - Dealing with Fear

Good Monday Morning
to You Sweet Friends.

So how was your weekend???
Really good, I hope!!

I have to say ours was really good and fun too,
 a few of the highlights were watching a movie, 
called "Almost an Angel". It was pretty 

good and definitely different!!

Then Saturday we spent most of the day with 
Scott and Megan looking at family pics,cooking
 a lil and having din din and playing cards,

So it was a very nice day.

His wild rice was delish too!!

Sunday I wound up staying home from church
(this was not the fun part but it did turn out
to be relaxing and good)

 cause I had flu like symptoms, but after all
rest I feel pretty good this morning.

 Jim does too,  he was feeling more tired than 
usual after he got home yesterday, so we
 he might be coming down with 

something too,
 cause there is a lot of flu

 going around in our area.

Well,  guess I had better get on with my intended

 post for the day....hadn't

Today we are gonna talk about dealing with FEAR.
 This is
 a lot longer than I anticipated so decided I

was gonna need to split it into 2 posts.
So the other half will be next Monday.

Adversity help

Realize and expect that the enemy of your soul is going 
to try and put fear on you.........this is a new situation or
circumstance that you may not have gone through before,
or even if you have you can still be tempted by fear.....
you might lack confidence in yourself, but realize your
confidence has to be in the Lord not in yourself,
Be prepared and ready for an assault of fear but
determine not to let the enemy put fear on you.

Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the 
devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom
 he may devour.
1 Peter 5:8

Arm yourself with verses that will give you confidence
and quote them, or write them on note cards and put
them places you go often throughout the day, on
your bathroom mirror or by your kitchen sink or in
your car, or at your desk,  etc. and read them out
loud everytime you see them,  before long you will
know them and be able to quote them instantly.

One that the Lord gave us the last time and keeps
reminding us of this time is:

But seek first the kingdom of God and His
 and all these things shall be added to you.
Matthew 6:33

Here's another one the Lord gave me 
even before hubby was laid off because
of all the stuff with the economy.

Proverbs 11:28
 Whoever trusts in his riches will fall,
 but the righteous will thrive like a green leaf.

Basically,  we had better have our trust in Him,
Not in Money!!  or anything else for that matter!!

Here is a great example of that......

A wonderful lady at our church had breast cancer and I
 remember her telling me that she said to the Lord,
"Lord I accept and am okay with the fact I have the
 cancer,  but please can you take away the fear
..........and he did!

We have prayed that same prayer many times through-
out this 8 months layoff journey and guess what??? 
 He did take it away and also has reassured us.

One night in the very beginning I was awakened
 by fearful thoughts and immediately cried out to the
 Lord,  help me!!
 I know this is the enemy trying to put fear on me.
The next thoughts were Wonderful, and I believe
 they were from the Lord,
"Nellie,  you are almost 59 years old....and have
 you ever gone without anything you have needed??"
and I had to say an unequivocal NO,  and then
 I was flooded with his peace.  Someone else I
know just had that same experience as well. 
 God is in the comforting business when we
 will allow Him to be.

I just want to say you are not hearing this from
a woman who has not had any issues with
fear in her life, in my earlier life as a christian
I used to be the worst worrier in the world
and had a lot of fear,  but over the years
the Lord has shown me the enemies tactics
 and has helped me to gain victory over him
 in those areas,  not that they never happen 
but they usually don't last long or don't happen
as often.  Mostly now he likes to attack
me with that stuff in the middle of the
night.  He is not a fair foe!!

 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.
 Put on the full armor of God so that you can take
 your stand against the devil's schemes.
Ephesians 6:10 and 11

Well, Sweet Folks,

Make sure to come back next Monday

for Part 3,  where we will  continue our 
discussion on Fear. 

If you missed last Monday's post 
and would like to read it....

Hope you have a Wonderful 
Week ahead...

Blessings and Hugs,

Everytime I publish this post 
it is haywire, so don't know

what it will do this time, hubby
and I both have tried to fix it
numerous times, so if it is still
goofed up guess I am just
gonna have to post it like that.
Sorry....if it is hard to read!
Strange because I rarely  
have this problem!!


  1. Hi Nellie

    I love your post today. It is something I have to work on constantly (not worrying) I have been so blessed by several people (including you) that help me walk on the right path. I treat worry like a sin now becasue if I fully trusted the Lord I would not worry.

    Marvin is really sick with a cold and I have a bad sore throat. I hope we get better soon.
    and I hope the grandkids and our son and his wife do not get it. I am busy disenfecting the whole house today since I took the day off.

    You asked me about how I can up with the idea of the doing the 12 days of Christmas. It just popped into my thoughts or should I say it was through the Holy Spirit. We have gained so much about it and I love to share how it has strengthed our faith and marriage. Pastor Barry wants us to share with the Church family. I am not sure that I am brave enough to get up in front of the congregation.

    Have a great day and hope you and your hubby feel better!


  2. I sometimes begin to come down with things when I get to doing more than I should! For instance, after Alice and I came back from watching, "True Grit" at the movie theater, I thought I'd balance my bank statement. It was 2:00 A.M. when I went to bed!!! I got up at 7:50 Sunday morning,but wasn't that tired. It hit me after I got home from church! I ate, then slept from 1:15 to 4:45! Wow, was that close to missing going back to church to see the King's Brass!

    Thank you for your scripture reminders about fear and worry! Now I realize why I have had that problem this passed year. Thank you for reminding me to put the LORD first because He has all things in control.

    Your blog layout is all Satan could do to try to discourage you, but IT DIDN'T!

    Thank you for your teaching us (your bloggers) about fear and worry!

    I love you all,

  3. Nellie, you always have the most inspiring posts..
    I am keeping positive thought for you and your husband..
    I hope you keep feeling better and have a wonderful week.

    happy hugs

  4. For "HE that is in us is greater than he that is in the world!"
    Oh, how I have to beat back the fear!
    Thanks for all of your encouragement...I'm sensing a strong trickle of HOPE.
    Blessed be the Name of the LORD!

  5. One thing I use when I start to feel fear is the idea that fear is the opposite of faith. What we fear is that things will not turn out as we wish. We have to surrender our will to His. Everything else already belongs to Him but He has given us our agency to help us grow. We get to choose, faith in Jesus Christ or fear. When we lay our burdens at His feet, we have nothing to fear bur fear itself, which turns our focus away from Him. I like to remember the scripture that says, "I can do all things thorough Christ which strengtheneth me."

    This is hard to remember in troubling times but when we do it, (it requires action on our part) we feel the comfort just as you said. Every time this happens our testimony becomes stronger and stronger that we truly can rely solely on Him and experience peace.

    My question as always remains, "Who would not want this in their life?"

    Love, B

  6. Great advice. I have a small 3X5 notecard flip notebook that I keep handy. On the cards, I have listed a particular worry (that seem to be a favorite of the devil's to throw my way!) and then a verse to read/say/repeat when that worry comes to mind. It is helpful - and way too often needful.

    Hope you are having a great Tuesday - glad the flu did not hit full force and both of you are feeling better. Take care - Jennifer

  7. Such a good post Nellie -- I'm praying for big and wonderful blessings for you in 2011. Glad you're feeling better.

  8. Nellie, You always encourage me, fear is a tool satan uses to bring about doubt, and the scriptures you have given are great reminders. Oh! how I related to you sharing your example, This has happened to me many time, aren't we blessed to have a Father on call at all times and who takes the time to remind us? Tanks for the uplift today, you always say the things I need to hear.
    Much love,

  9. Hi Sweetie! What great teaching on that nasty old FEAR! I also love the FEAR = False Evidence Appearing Real! Just have to remember it more often!!

    You are such a delightful testimony of the goodness of our Lord, my friend! Love how His love radiates from you and your "the glass is half full" way of thinking! You never fail to encourage my heart! And as an encourager too...I need it so badly sometimes!!

    Love you lots!!


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday March 13, 2025, and Birthday Table

  “You are worthy, our Lord and God    to receive glory and honor and power,  for you created all things,   and by your will they were creat...