Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Tablescape Thursday - First Winter table

Hello Sweet Friends,

So how has your week been so far???
Good....I trust!!

Mine has been good.......altho I am still a bit achy I have
gotten quite a bit accomplished.  All my Christmas stuff
has been taken done and packed away,  and I am in the
process of redecorating for the rest of the Winter Season.

My color of choice is burgundy red with other dark colors
thrown in,  since Fall and Winter are the only times you want
to use dark colors in Florida,  cause when it is hot..... dark
colors only make it feel hotter!!  lol

I also use fruit and pinecones to decorate for the Winter
 months as well. So...........if my tablescape looks a lil
 Christmasy it really is a Winterscape for my home!!
  Altho,  you could use it as a Christmas one if
 you wanted!!  lol
I do try to tone the red down a bit....really!!  lol

See I used a tan tablecloth and red and tan plaid.

I did still use poinsettias because I consider them
a winter flower!!

Had some raffia leftover from some Christmas gifts
and thought it would look great with some pine cones.
And....Pine cones are wintery!!

Love how the raffia curls.

This is from the opposite end of the table.

A nice shot across the table.

Looking right into the burning candle and an overall shot
of the centerpiece.

Just for fun!!

Posterized affect!!  You know, my fav!!

This has a palette knife affect.

Another posterized shot!

This is a type of gradient affect in blue and green.
I was thinking that would be an interesting way
to come up with a fabric pattern.

This is also a gradient affect in yellow and brown.
I just loved it!!

Well,  Sweet Peas,
Hope you enjoyed my
  First Winter Tablescape,

I am linking up to Susan over at
 BetweenNaps on the Porch 
Click Here.
 if you want to see more creative
Eye Candy

Blessings for A Great Rest of the Week,
We are over the Hump now!!  lol

Hugs and January Blessings,


  1. So nice and cozy! With it being just me, my table is the same year around :o(

    I always like your landscape shot from the edge of your table. It almost makes you feel the size of the dishes, ha!

    Love ya!

  2. What a lovely color choice. You set a beautiful table.

  3. I sure hope poinsettias are wintery and not just Christmasy because I'm trying hard to keep mine alive!

    Your wintery table is so pretty. I really like the effect that the raffia makes. I'm definitely going to try that look here.

  4. Great table, especially with all of the effects. I think poinsettias should be used for much longer than the month of December! Thanks for sharing!

  5. Lovely, Nellie. Love the colors and the pine cones!

  6. A very pretty winter table! I love poinsettias too! Thanks for stopping by my tablescape and for the nice comment!

  7. Nellie, this is the perfect cheery winter table. Love how you used that rafia and the pinecone on the plaid napkin! SO cute.

    Happy Tablescape Thursday to you...


    Sheila :-)

  8. Hello Nellie,
    Lovely tablescape - very bright and cheerful - terrific for these chilly, grey days! You've combined accessories beautifully,

  9. Love that plaid -- so cheery! The pinecones and raffia look great, too! Your blog's name always reminds me of a wildflower area near us called Miss Nellie's Pretty Place.

  10. How have you been this week? We are a bit snowed under. Your table is lovely. Red is good for Valentine's Day too!

  11. Nellie, This is a very pretty tablescape. I like the napkins and tablecloth, and what a pretty centerpiece! Your napkin rings with the pinecones look great.
    Blessings, Beth

  12. Love how you placed the wreath on the table....colors are pretty and i am waiting for my invitation to dinner!! Thanks for stopping by Pandora's Box, come again

  13. Love the curled raffia, especially the way you arranged it on the napkin with the pine cone! Nice winter setting!

  14. Beautiful white and raspberry table, Nellie. Love the napkins.

  15. Very pretty colors. I love the plaid and pinecones.


  16. A wonderful winter table. Love your curly raffia!

  17. Love the twist of raffia.

    - The Tablescaper


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday March 13, 2025, and Birthday Table

  “You are worthy, our Lord and God    to receive glory and honor and power,  for you created all things,   and by your will they were creat...