Thursday, January 20, 2011

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - January 20, 2011

Evening Sweet Friends,

Hope this post finds you well
 and joyful, but if not, perhaps,
 it is good you stopped by.

I have been working hard all week to get the
Christmas stuff down and the house redecorated
for the rest of Winter.
so guess that would be my
I am thankful
that I have all my Christmas stuff packed
away and the house pretty much back together
to enjoy until Spring.  Just a lil clean up on
the counter to do yet.  Yea!!

I am thankful
for this neat baking dish you see in my header picture.
Hubby and I got a lil money for Christmas and are
really hanging onto it just in case we need it, but
 I found this Ross in early January for less than $5.00.
My heart and spirit so resonated with the verse.......
 I just couldn't leave it there.  Now I can have it in my
 kitchen as a daily reminder.  Just love it!!
I had the perfect easel for it too,  which was great!
Doubt seriously that I will ever bake in it.

Here is a picture of it in the kitchen!
Didn't come out as well as I wanted, thankfully I was able
to lighten it up some,  it came out very dark for some reason.

It took the place of my Big Rooster,  he moves this time
of the the Family Room ....on the coffee table
this year!!   Here's a quick shot,  sorry it came out a
bit blurry and I was running too late to redo these.

Doesn't he look lovely strutting his stuff!!  lol

I am thankful
for sunny skies and warmer temps.
We sat outside the last few days for a short while,
 and that sun felt so wonderful,  and the skies
are just absolutely breathtaking lately.
So clear and Blue!
The heavens declare the glory of the Lord
for sure!

I am thankful
for the great time we had with Scott and
Megan last weekend. Yesterdays tablescape
was a repeat of the one for them last weekend.
Didn't get to take a picture then,  so redid it
as I was playing some on Monday.

I am thankful
that we will finally get to meet Megan's parents
on the 29th of this month,  they are all coming over for
 dinner.  So we are looking forward to it.

This is one of my favorite engagement pics
of Scott and Megan.  It was nice that their
wedding photographer also does an
engagement photo shoot.  They are
all so cute!!

I am thankful
for a really neat movie we watched Tuesday night called
 "Amish Grace".  It is an amazing movie,  and it is based
 on the true story from 2007 when an angry gunmen
shot 10 young girls in the Pa. Amish Community.
So gut wrenching but yet so Amazing!!
Think we might watch it again tonight as we exercise.
Highly recommend it!!

I am thankful
that our friends that are experiencing a layoff as well,
have quite a few options opening up to them and are
 feeling much more hopeful. So happy for them,  and
can't wait to see what option the Lord chooses.........
I already know which one I would choose for them!!  lol
Course,  it might not be the same as the Lord would choose.

This shot is posterized, but you have to click on it
to be able to tell!!   Don't know why.

I am thankful
that I only got a touch of the flu and not a full blown case,
 cause I know many who have had it quite awhile.

I am thankful
that my aching seems to be getting less everyday.
I spoke with a friend yesterday that said her daughter
had that kind of flu and she was aching for days.
I have to say I was sort of relieved cause I was
beginning to wonder if my back or neck  was out
 of wack again!  Shew!!  lol

I am thankful
for exercise.  It actually  helped with the aching so I
didn't have to take meds. Typically, I would not
exercise while I am sick cause I thought it made
you worse,  but I just recently read in prevention
magazine that it is better if you can exercise a lil
when you are sick cause it boost your immune
system.  I have to say it must be true cause on
Monday afterwards I wasn't aching and I had
so much energy I was shocked!  That is when
I took down all the Christmas stuff and packed
it up.  Not bad I'd say!!  lol

I am thankful
for Hamburgers on the grill,  and Veggie straws.
That was our din din tonight!!  Just call me
Wimpy!!  Remember Pop Eyes old friend!! lol
I just love both.  We eat our veggie straws with
ketchup just like we were eating fries at
MacDonald's.  You have to try it sometime
if you never had it,  that is our replacement
for fries............  Ummm ...So good!!

I am thankful
for my sweet hubby.  He is so easy and flexible!
  Since I have been cleaning and decorating I have
 not wanted to stop to prepare big meals,  so he
can be happy with something simple, which makes
life much easier for me.  That is why I have gotten
so much accomplished this week.

I am thankful
for all of you Sweet Friends.  I always look
forward to hearing from you, and am always
encouraged that you are enjoying my posts,
and am always inspired by your lives and
projects and creativity as well.
Keep up the good work,  and it is a work
and a good one at that!
I feel blogging is a type of ministry as well
as being fun!!
So May God Bless each of You in
Truly Amazing Ways!!

Well,  Dearies................................
that raps up my thankfuls for tonight!

Hope you have a Great Friday and
a Wonderful Weekend!!

Love, Blessings and Hugs,


  1. I was just few days ahead of you for getting my Christmas stuff put away. Isn't it a great feeling? I am always a little bummed for a few days but then it is refreshing to have less stuff everywhere.

    The picture of Scott and Meagan is adorable. I think that is the first picture I am have seen of her. What a cutie! All four of the kids look happy! What a great year for you and Jim!

    Your pictures from your table top post were really pretty. We are having a group of friends over for Valentine's Day so I am already thinking about that.

    Well I am working on a post and have another one to do about our adventures in SF today so I better get back to it. Just wanted to stop by for a minute. I am trying to get back into writing everyday. I do love to do it. Take good care!

    Love you...B

  2. So glad you are feeling better Nellie, I sooo enjoyed reading your thankful list. the baking dish is very pretty I like to place scripture
    over my house, to remind me too.Scott and Megan are a beautiful couple.
    I know you are glad to have the decorations down, I was glad when we got ours packed and put away.I am thankful for you too!

  3. Congratulations to Scott and Megan...beautiful photograph! Everytime you write your thankful list I'm sure God Smiles and the Angels Sing! What a sweet heart you have!

  4. Thank you for sharing what your thankful. It helped me to remember things I have been thankful for this week.

  5. What a nice post, Nellie! You truly live with an attitude of gratitude and God bless you for sharing it!

  6. #1. I'll be thankful tomorrow afternoon. That will be when I'm finished with the "Rug Doctor" and my living room "spot!"
    #2. You find the neatest dishes! I have always liked your rooster. Mom had a really cute one that had brown ruffled feathers, but his tail feathers got accidently broken. I don't know what became of it.
    #3. How quickly the beautifully skies have turn to rain. The thunder and lightening woke me up about 4:30 a.m. Then the drizzle all day long!
    #4. It's always so enjoyable when you can spend time with your loved ones. I was to have met some of the teachers at Chili's today, but it was called off due to the rain :o(
    #5. The LORD has His will preparing you for your meeting. He will be in your mist! I just love the picture of Scott and Megan!
    #6. It sounds like the Miracle that has just happened with Rep. Gabby Giffords.
    #7. I almost felt like I was in that fearful situation (even though I have a job!) I didn't realize I had used my "debit" card at the hospital ER instead of my "credit" card! Praise GOD I was covered by another account!
    #8. I'm just hoping I don't get it. I have had 2 children that were out of school one day and came back not quite well from it!
    #9. I ache all over anyway, ha! I think I'm starting to get some arthritis in my leg, neck, back, just about everywhere, lol. It's not combined with any other flu symptoms!
    #10. I notice I have been sitting awhile at school when I get up and start moving around. It reminds of an old lady walking slumped over
    till I can stretch myself upright, ha!
    #11. I've been doing better too, since I have started eating more veggies.
    #12. Jim's a good griller!
    #13. Blogging has become my pass time calm. It lets me get away from the hussle and bustle of the world.
    I love you all so much,

  7. Hi Nellie

    The movie Amish Grace was one of my favorite since I love anything Amish. I have watched it a few times although it was so sad.

    What a lovely engagement picture of Scott and Megan. She and her family are so blessed to have you in their lives.

    I like your baking dish. It is just thing I would have bought too. You did find a bargain and it looks pretty.

    I have been sick the last few days and have stayed home from the work with this cold and aches and pains. I hope I get better soon.

    Have a wonderful weekend!
    Blessings & Love

  8. Glad to see you're feeling better! Love the baking dish!

  9. Hey, sweet lady, I've presented you with a couple of awards. Come on over to my blog and check it out.

    Very cute photos!

  10. Thank you for sharing what you are thankful it is Sunday today I focus a lot on what I'm grateful I try to do each day.
    Your blog is filled with kindness, beauty and joy


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday March 13, 2025, and Birthday Table

  “You are worthy, our Lord and God    to receive glory and honor and power,  for you created all things,   and by your will they were creat...