Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Table Top Tuesday - Bathroom Refresh

Howdy Sweet Friends,

So how is your Tuesday going?

Mine is going.......I made out a list of what
I need to get accomplished this week,  and
right after we exercise here in a few minutes
I will start tackling it!!  lol

Last week I had been thinking I should
switch a few things around in the guest
bathroom, just to sort of freshen it up
a bit,  but hadn't yet done anything even
tho I was sort of arranging things in my
mind!!  Do you do that too??

Anyway, on Sat. morning I was visiting
a few blog and came across
The yellow cape cod blog
click here

Her post was on refreshing the bathroom.
What a lovely job she did.......so it got me
inspired and I went right in my bathroom
and got started.

This was a no cost, use what you have 
bathroom refresh!!

So knew you would want to see...........
maybe I can inspire you this time,  but you
 should definitely check out the Yellow Cape
 Cod, before you leave, if you haven't  already.

These jars used to sit on the back of the potty,
but I moved them to the shelf, and added some
raffia to to them, and added folded towels.

Two of these were yankee candle jars that I cleaned
up and repurposed, and one was a bath and body,
jell room deodorizer or something that was
perfect for the q-tips.

The label went with the room so I just left it on. 

Rolled these towels and put them on the
back of the potty,  and tied some raffia
around the wash clothes with a lil bit of
dried flowers I had!

Made the pictures myself,  years back!

This sits on the vanity area,  all I did was reverse
where the bath and body stuff was sitting and
instead of  laying towels over the edges I just
folded one towel and added a low candle
along with the lotion.

picture #1

Now this is on the other side of
the vanity.  I took the two brown
candlesticks from the shelf on
the wall,  and added this small
urn planter with a candle in it.

 Picture #2

Then I tried it with the lil plaque behind it,
it came from the shelf as well. 

Picture #3 

Then I tried it with just two candlesticks

Then with the plaque, urn and a smaller candleholder
love it with the candle lit. This was taken in the dark
believe it or not,  with the flash.

 Picture #4

I forgot to tell you that these glass candle
holders are repurposed as well.  Can you
guess what they are???

Moved the plaque over to the other side,
and liked that too!!  But that left it with
only candles.

So what do you think?
Which picture of this side of the vanity
do you like best.  Noticed I numbered
them 1 thru 4.  Give me your opinion.
Would love to hear it!!

I think #4 is my favorite!

and those repurposed candle holders
are lids to yankee candle jars turned
upside down with the plastic taken off.
That was hubbies master mind.  I said
these must be good for something I
just hate to throw them out,  and he
said how about a candle holder, got
the needlenose pliers and pulled
the plastic off and wellah..........
glass candleholders
and I just love them!!  lol

Sorry I am so late, (well, at least it is still Tuesday)
 have been cleaning in between downloads and also
 having difficulty with my pic loader for some reason. 
 Was having no issues with anything.........now all of
 the sudden it seems like everytime I post something 
else goes kaflooey!!  lol

Hope you enjoyed your visit, and maybe
 you got inspired too,  if so, please let us know
 so we can come over and visit and see too!! 

Oh Yea,  and I am getting ready to link up
to Marty over at A Stroll Thru Life
Click Here
to go over and see all the fun and
 inspiring table tops

Have a Winsome Wednesday
Sweet Folks,

Love, blessings and Soggy Hugs


  1. Oh your bathroom is gorgeous and your vignettes and wall shelf are wonderful. I love how beautifully you have everything displayed and your colors. So pretty. Thanks so much for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty

  2. What a wonderful job you did there. Love how it turned out.

  3. oh my goodness! this is all gorgeous! I need you to come to come over and help me as soon as possible. How fast would you like to be in the winter wonderland of Ohio? I LOVE these colors...In fact I'm using similar colors in our bedroom bathroom. Yes, I AM inspired! THANK YOU!

  4. Nellie, don't feel bad...!!!! I had removed "award free" thing a long time ago...I didn't feel right about not accepting a gift that someone wants to give...and I DO feel loved and blessed by you, that you thought of me!!!!! I'm a changin' my ways!!! LOL

  5. Love your lavender and green together! Great ideas too for repurposing glass candle jars! Thanks for sharing, and also for stopping by to visit! I hope you find your silver tray!

    Hugs, Sherri:)

  6. Hi Nellie

    I vote for number 4. I love the your colors. My master bath is lavender. I am getting so ideas....oh I am getting excited. Thanks for sharing. I need to hope over to the yellow cape cod BLOG and check it out.

    I am feeling much better. Still have a little congestion but back to work. Thanks for asking.

    Have a wonderful day!
    Blessings & Love

  7. Hi Nellie, just absolutely toooooo pretty. Everything is so restful and lovely. Good job!

    Happy Wednesday.

    Barb ♥

  8. I like them all! Your bathroom is so pretty! Thanks for stopping by my Valentine's day mantel party and for the nice comment!

  9. I love the colors of your bathroom...so peaceful!
    thanks for stopping by my blog today and come back anytime!

  10. Wow - Nellie, all the little touches and refreshes look so nice:) and I love how your repurposed things. Do you know I always throw away my Yankee candle jars - and every time I think there HAS to be something I could do with these?? My mind just doesn't think like that - but I LOVE your ideas!!

    Hope you are having a great week and getting many things crossed off that to do list -

    Hugs, friend!

  11. My favorite is your shelf! I was thinking your towel was a periwinkle color until I read Janet's remark about it being lavendar.
    You have done a great job! Very Beautiful!
    Love you all,

  12. Your bathroom looks so great. Love the colors they are so springy and refreshing looking. I like either #1 or # 3 in the vignettes and can even see one of the candles being replaced with a small greenery. I like that you have three items. Keeping accessories to odd numbers works best on the eye. Great job, lady!


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday March 13, 2025, and Birthday Table

  “You are worthy, our Lord and God    to receive glory and honor and power,  for you created all things,   and by your will they were creat...