Thursday, January 27, 2011

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - January 27, 2011

(Aren't these beautiful Roosters, I think they came from
Sonny over at 155 dream lane)

Well Sweet Peas
Can you believe it............
 time for Thankful Thursday
once again,

Hope you have had a great week,  but if not,
Welcome..........maybe you will feel a lil better
when you leave,  at least I hope so!!

It has been somewhat of a busy week,
mostly cleaning and planning, but a
very good week.

On Monday we went with my SIL
Susan, as she had to have a test done
 so my
I am thankful
is that her test came out fine.
Those type of things are always a relief!!

I am thankful
that she was feeling so well afterwards,
cause I thought she might be feeling out
of it and groggy,  but she felt so good 
we were all able to go out to lunch 
together,  her treat!!  How Sweet!
and such a fun surprise for us!!

I am thankful
for the surprise visit we had from Dee
on Monday evening as well.  She has
been so busy between work, her online
 schooling (cause she is trying to finish her
  BA Degree by summer), and fiancee we
 haven't seen her for awhile, and thought
 it was gonna be another week  so that
 was a sweet surprise,and we got
 to see Rosie too!!  lol

I am thankful
 for a fun evening we had with
 Scott and Megan again on Sunday.

I am thankful 
that I have most of my cleaning done in
preparation for Saturday evening when
Megan's parents are coming.

I am thankful
that Jerry (Dee's fiancee) is loving his
new job!!  We are so happy for him.
and it is a great job, with lots of perks.

I am thankful
for such a sweet and heartwarming
movie we watched last night.  It is
a true story, and if you haven't seen it
you should.... it is wonderful.  It is called
"Hachi",  it is about a dog whose owner
died and he waited for him for 9 years.
Amazing Story, and make sure to keep
your tissues handy!!

I always say we could learn a lot from
dogs!!  They are such loving creatures,
sometimes I think the Lord uses them
like angels.  Cats too really!

One night we had someone here who
was crying, and our cat did not know
them,  but Molly our cat came right over 
and stood up on her hind legs by the
 side of her chair and just stared into her
 face with such concern, like are you okay.
We had never seen her do that before.
The person was very touched by it too!
and said I want to take her home
 with me!  lol
and now I just have to say

I am thankful
for loving pets and animals.  We have
had some precious pets over the years,
and now we have Molly and she is such
a sweet cat,  and then we have our grand
daughter dogs, Rosie and Joey.  They do
bring such fun and love to our lives.

I am thankful
for a wonderful Christian lady, speaker
and author named Joyce Meyer.  I have
learned a boat load of great things from
her that have really helped me in my
 walk with the Lord over the years.
I am presently reading one of her books
called "7 Things that steal your joy",
and it's great as always!!

I am thankful
that I have my menu planned and my
shopping done, and my table planned
for our dinner with Megan's family
on Saturday.  We are really excited
about it and looking forward to it.
I am thankful
I was finally able to figure out what
I wanted to do with the table.  I was
playing for awhile last night trying to 
come up with a centerpiece.  I came up
 with quite a few but was having a hard
 time making up my mind. I took pics of
all of them, so I could compare them,
so finally made up my mind today! Yea!!

Will probably post it next Wednesday.
 Great thing is.... I can use the other
 ideas for other times so I don't have
to work or think about it so much.
Here's a lil sneak peek.

This was my playing picture........

I have already changed it somewhat,
but these are definitely the colors
 and bones of it, cause I have my family 
and dining room done with red 

 I made some cute lil place cards today!!
 and was very happy with the way they
 came out.  I just love doing stuff like 
that!! I find it to be so much fun.

I am thankful
for the gift of prayer.  Thankful that we
can move the hand of God by praying
for others, and that others can move
the hand of God by praying for us!!
What an amazing Gift!!

I am thankful
for a nice long chat I had with a 
dear friend yesterday, it is always
a joy to spend time with her whether
in person or via phone.

I am thankful 
for all the new bloggers that have
come by to visit lately, and that I
have found some new blogs to follow.

I really follow way more blogs than
are listed in my sidebar....just never
get around to putting them in my
sidebar cause I really don't remember
how to do it,  quite frankly,  so must
get hubby to help me one of these days.

Well,  Sweet Folks,

Thanks so much for your visit
your sweet comments,

Hope you have a Fun Friday,

Love,  Hugs,
 and Florida Blessings,


  1. Thank you Nellie for visiting my blog and leaving such a kind comment. Your prayers for our family are so very much appreciated.

    I have become a follower of yours tonight and look forward in getting to know more. What a beautiful list of thankfulness...


  2. Wonderful things to be thankful for. Have a great day.

  3. hi Nellie..
    I enjoyed this post so much, as I always do..
    Your words comfort and inspire me especially during this somewhat trying period of my life.
    I hope I am not overstepping my bounds by asking if you could please email me privately.
    I need someone to talk to.
    my email is right under my blog header and if you could email me then I could just hit reply to answer..
    if this isnt ok- thats fine too- I understand.


  4. Nellie

    So many thankfuls you have. I am happy to hear Susans test went fine.
    Here is my Thankful list
    1. I am thankful for the sunshine that we had this last week.
    2. I am thankful that my mom is just a phone call away when I need to hear her voice.
    3. I am thankful that I have Blogging friends that help encourage and inspire me.
    4. I am thankful that some days I get to talk to all three of my grown children.
    5. I am thankful for my husband Marvin for all his support and encouragement. He is my Rock.
    6. I am thankful that today is Friday so I can have the weekend to finish recovering from this sinus infection.

    Thanks for letting me share!
    Blessings & Love

  5. Hello, Nellie! I am so glad everthing turned out fine for your s-i-l.
    I am thankful I have met you through blogging :)

  6. #1. I am so thankful for you and Jim being there for me always! I love you so much! I thank our LORD the tests came out the bills )0:
    #2. I am always thankful to have time with family!
    #3. I am thankful to be blessed with such a wonderful niece (and soon to bo nephew-in-law)
    #4. I am so glad we have wonderful time with our family and friends. I go tonight with a group of the teachers to Chili's!
    #5. There goes that "bad" word again, CLEANING!
    #6. Praise the LORD for Scott and Jerry's jobs!
    #7. The LORD has surely spoken many times to me through the actions (or reactions I should say) of my animals! I have a very soft spot in my heart for animals.
    #8. DITTO!
    #9. Alice and I have several times gone and heard her presentations. She is definately a speaker for our LORD!
    #10. I can hardly wait to see all of your pictures of your table scapes!
    #11. Prayer is such a deep personal relationship with our Holy GOD! I"m so glad to know He is always there is hear me.
    #12. Friends are so important! I'm so glad for mine that the LORD has blessed me with.
    #13. Thank you again, Nellie for leading me to Janet and Bonnie!!
    I love you all very much,

  7. What a wonderful post. Also, you have the start of a lovely table. Enjoy your time together.

  8. Hi Nellie here it is Sunday night and I am about a week behind on my comments. I will go back until something looks familiar and make some comments. I love this Gratitude post you do each week. It is always nice to be thankful, it preventions unhappiness, doesn't it?


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday March 13, 2025, and Birthday Table

  “You are worthy, our Lord and God    to receive glory and honor and power,  for you created all things,   and by your will they were creat...