Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Heart Tips Tuesday - 7 Warning Signs of Women's Heart Attacks and a Joke for fun!!

Morning Sweet Friends,

How are you today???  Doing well, I hope!!

I am having a good day,  the sun is finally
out and shining,  it is beckoning to me,
so think I am gonna have to go sit in it
for at least a few minutes,  then get a
shower since we just finished exercising.

Remember I told you last Thursday that I
had been reading an article in Prevention
magazine right before my SIL had her
 episode last week about heart attacks
in women.  Thankfully, a heart attack was
 not my SIL's problem, but it is a major thing
 for women now,  used to be just men mostly,
  but now they say there are as many women
 as men having them.  Yesterday as I was
finishing up the article I came across the
 symptoms of a heart attack in Women.
 The symptoms are different for women
than men.  So thought this was a good
piece of info to share with you cause
I didn't know most of these myself or
how prevalent they are to women
these days.

7 Symptoms Women Ignore
(Information comes from Prevention 
Magazine - Feb. 2011 issue)

Fatique - In the weeks before an attack, 71%
women have flulike symptoms.  Days before,
you may feel too tired to lift your laptop.

Non-chest pain - Rather than an explosion in
your chest, you may feel less severe pain in your
upper back, shoulders, neck or jaw.

Sweating - You may find yourself suddenly
drenched in perspiration for no apparent
reason, and your face may be pale or ashen.

Nausea or Dizziness - During an attack,
women often vomit or feel like they're going 
to pass out.

 Breathlessness -Almost 58% of women
report panting or inability to carry on a

Sleeplessness - In the month before a 
coronary, nearly half of women have
trouble sleeping.

Anxiety - "Many women experience a
sense of impending doom or fear before a
heart attack," says Dr. Legato. "That's your
body telling you to pay attention.  Trust
 those instincts.

If you think you are having a
 heart attack - Take these steps.

Call 911 - Do not drive yourself to the
ER or ask someone else to take you.
In the ambulance, treatment can begin
right away, and they can speed you to
the nearest medical facility that can
handle acute cardiac arrest.

Take an Aspirin - Keep a supply of
full strengthun coated aspirin at home,
and in your purse, and chew and swallow
one with water as soon as symptoms
start.  This can help blood from clotting
and the damage it causes.

Get pushy at the ER - or ask a relative
or friend to be your advocate.  Forcefully
say, " I think I'm having a heart attack",
and insist on seeing a Dr.within 10 mins.
Make sure you get an EKG to check
your heart function, plus blood tests to
detect heart damage.  Do not leave the
hospital until you've been evaluated by
a Cardiologist.

I happened to watch the Dr. Oz Show today
 and they said that a 10-30 minute nap gave
you a 30% less risk of having a heart attack,
Sounds good to me!!  lol

Since this was sort of a heavy post,
 I want to leave you with a
 Heart Healthy Belly Laugh!!

This is a cute joke I rec'd yesterday,
You will die laughing,  at least hubby and I did!!
Sorry about all the lil arows and stuff,  I just
copied and pasted it from email,  Easy to
read at least.

~A Cup of Tea ~
> One day my mother was out, and my dad was in charge of me.
> I was maybe 2 1/2 years old. Someone had given me a little "tea set" as a
> gift, and it was one of my favorite toys.
> Daddy was in the living room engrossed in the evening news when I brought
> him a little cup of "tea," which was just water. After several
> cups of tea and lots of praise for such yummy tea, my mom came home.
> My dad made her wait in the living room to watch me bring him a 
cup of tea,
> because it was "just the cutest thing!'" Mom waited, and sure
> enough, here I came down the hall with a 
cup of tea for Daddy; she watched
> him drink it up.
> Then she said, as only a mother would know, "'Did it ever occur to you that
> the only place she can reach to get water is the toilet?"

Well,  are you still laughing.................???
Hope so,  makes me laugh everytime I think
about it!!  

Hope you have a great rest of the day,

Love and Hugs,
and Heart Healthy Blessings,


  1. It can really be hard to know for sure about a heart attack! Most of all you listed can apply to me! I often think #1. Fatigue and #7. Anxiety go along with being a teacher, ha. I definately have no problem with #6. I'm usually asleep as soon as my head hits my pillow and waking just before my alarm. I have gone from 6 hours sleep a night to 7-8 hours in the last 3 years. I have recently starting having #3 Sweating at night and having to throw the covers off of me, but I think menopause is just now kicking in with that characteristic! I did have #2 some TMJ that was popping for about a week, but it's now gone. My back right shoulder has been stiff, but my Chiropractor corrects it due to being out of alignment. I have not had any #4 Nausea (surprisingly with all of the kids at school that have had the flu.)

    I can truly see why these symptoms can easily be "sloughed" off as not being a heart attack. It is so common with other aches and pains.

    Thank you for such important info, "Dr." Nellie! :)

  2. We can never be reminded enough since I think it is the #1 killer among women.

    That was really a cute joke to lighten the load.

  3. my entire family is laughing about your tea story!!

  4. Nellie

    Thanks for the reminder. I have have watched many programs about the differences and I still hear that male Doctors are not as alert to the symptoms as female doctors so you are right we have to be our own advocate.

    I had heard your joke before but it still makes me chuckle. Laughing is so good for you.

    Have a wonderful day!
    Blessings & Love


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday March 13, 2025, and Birthday Table

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