Thursday, January 6, 2011

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - January 6, 2011

(Vignette from my computer room)

Welcome to Thankful Thursday
Sweetie Peeties,

How are you today???  Hope you
are having a good week thus far.

Mine has been good,  but busy! In case you didn't
 catch it at the end of yesterdays post (I should have
 thought and bolded it) that we brought my Sil Susan
hope from the hospital last night.  So that would be
I am thankful
that Susan is feeling fine physically and is in good
spirits,  she was told to take the rest of the week
off,  so she is resting comfortably at home.  All the
tests showed nothing, accept for a situation that
we already knew about.  So she just needs to 
follow up with her Doctors now.
Her furry friends where very happy to see her!!

I am thankful
that I awakened this morning with all sorts
of thoughts running thru my head for my
upcoming Monday posts on things that have
helped us during this time of unemployment.
I definitely feel they were generated by the
Lord. I probably have enough info for 5 or 6
 posts already.  I have been praying about
what to get started with,  so don't have to
wonder anymore!!  lol

I am thankful
that our beautiful kitty, Molly is feeling so
much better,  and that she is such a good
patient.  We are still giving her antiobiotics
and will continue for another week or so.
Have to say she has been sticking pretty
close to us for some reason.  Maybe it's
because she knows we are helping her.

(Our grandaughter dog Rosie,  the last time
she was here and it was so cold)

I am thankful
that hubby has been inspired once again
by some new information and software
he found online that is an even better
help with his business he is working on.

I am thankful
for good Nurses,  Doctors and hospitals that
can care for us,  if needed.  

I am thankful
that the emergency room Dr. took Susan's
symptoms seriously since they were potential
 heart attack symptoms.  She was a lady Dr.,
but I had just been reading in prevention
magazine the end of last week about 5 ladies
who had symptoms and went to their male
Doctors and they pretty much ignored their
 symptoms and just told them it was stress, 
and sent them home and did not do any 
heart related tests and they all had heart  attacks 
that could have possibly been prevented, One
 almost died.  Almost as many women today are
 having heart attacks as used to be
 pretty much a man's disease,  but no longer.
So learn the symptoms and don't ignore them.

(This is where I finally decided to put my 
lil coffee filter tree, on the kitchen table)

I am thankful
that a young lady named Heather that we
had stay with us awhile back, made it to
Costa Rico safe and sound.  She is going
there to be a missionary with orphaned
children.  She is quite a mature young
lady,  and very sweet and pretty too.

I am thankful
for the physical ability to do aerobic 
exercise cause it makes me feel so good
and gives me energy.

I am thankful
my son made it to Baltimore safe and
sound.  He flew there for an agriculture
show this morning.

( Lil squirrel in our backyard)

I am thankful
I am finally getting to try a new recipe
I've been wanting to try.  It is for a
spinach casserole.  I will let you know
how it turns out.

I am thankful
for the work I have gotten done in my
bedroom,  I am sort of spring cleaning ahead
 of time,  still more to go but making progress
so that is the most important thing!!
 This week I decided to make a goal of trying
 to clean out and tidy a drawer a day,  so far, 
 I have 2 done!!  So I am not too far behind.

I am thankful
for how nicely Scott and Megans engagement
pics came out,  I saw them online today and
some of them are so adorable.  It is nice
that the photographer gives them a CD and
they can make any and all the pics they want.
So nice how things are today with photography.

Also his best friend/best man is gonna do
a video of best wishes from their guests.
What a nice idea.  Their wedding plans
are coming along well,  Sat.  they go for
a food tasting party to decide on what
they want to have to eat at the reception.
She is working hard to get it all done,
so all she has to do is enjoy the rest of
the time.  Smart Cookie!!

(Same Squirrel -  Doesn't our grass looks great??
Does yours looks like this too??)

Well,  guess that finishes me up for now.

Thanks for your visit,  always glad
you come by,

Love, Blessings and Hugs,

What are you thankful for today????


  1. I'm thankful for you Nellie and being able to read all the sweet things you wrote. Have a great day.

  2. Well, let me do this all over again. I had forgotten to sign in and thought my account was my e-mail, it wasn't!
    #1. I too thank the LORD my physical body is in good health. I thought I had conquered the "stress" part of it!
    #2. Isn't it great when the LORD brings all of these ideas! My present post, I had great ideas and wanted to post it during Christmas, but for some reason with all of the computer problems and hospital visit, I didn't get it done until last night!
    #3. She knows you are helping her to feel better. With her getting older, she is probably realizing it is warmer in your house!
    #4. I think Jim enjoys his new inspirations as we do our blog inspirations! Go to it, Jim!
    #5. I had good care even though the nurses did flub up the stress test info. The LORD just meant for it to not be done at the hospital!
    #6. I do think they also have to look at the worse scenerio. If they don't, they are left open for law suits. I was sure my stomach was the cause. I have gone so long between meals or taken my meds on an empty stomach when it says to take it with food. I've been trying to keep something in my stomach every 3-4 hours. When I don't the slight hurt starts again. If I keep food in it, it doesn't get the ache in it.
    #7. The children are going to be so blessed to have someone they know cares about them. I will put Heather on my prayer list.
    #8. I need to find some kind of exercise. My knee won't let me stand for too long of a time.
    #9. I just know he is really enjoying his new job! I forgot about the "body check" he had to get. I hope it isn't as bad as it seems.
    #10. I can hardly wait for you to try it out. I'll be looking for it on your blog!
    #11. I feel so bad!!! I very rarily ever leave dishes in my sink! I'm so sorry Dolly was afraid of you and that she left some messes. I really am wanting to have the carpeting ripped out and the laminate flooring continued into the living/dining area. They were all so glad to see me. I oouldn't go anywhere in the house without them following me, laying on my feet, or just sitting in front of me looking at me! I didn't know I was so pretty, even if it is through the eyes of my dogs, ha!
    #12. I can hardly wait to see the pictures! Megan is so happy and busy with getting all of the details done. Scott is so happy to see her so happy! It is so cute to see the glitter they have in their eyes for each other and the hand holding! (I like to see that too when you and Jim sit holding hands!)
    I want to say thank you for your love! Not just during my hospital stay, but for everyday!
    I love you all very much!!!!!

  3. I am thankful you visited me so I could meet you by visiting your blog! We do have so much to be thankful for, lovely post! I'm your newest follower...Blessings, Cindy

  4. Thank you so much for your kind words. Your blog post is very inspiring and heartfelt. We have a little Chi dog that is shorthaired and is always cold in the winter. We keep a heating pad on for her in the den. She loves it when she sees us getting it out for her.

  5. Hi Nellie

    I am thankful that Susan is well and you and your husband were there for her and the Doctors listened to her.

    I am thankful that our 14 year dog Max has a lipoma which is a benign fatty tumor and it is harmless and does not need to be treated.

    I am thankful that my daughter Holly is here to spend the weekend with us.

    I am thankful that we are planning a trip to Georgia to see our daughter, son in law and grandkids.

    I am thankful for my hubby Marvin. He is such a good man.

    I am thankful for the girls at work for my making my birthday a special day.

    I am thankful that my girlfriends and I had a good night out and as we also celebrated my birthday. I love my friends.

    I am thankful for Susans comment on my BLOG yesterday. That post came to me fast and I know the Holy Spirit gave me the words.

    Thanks Nellie for all your encouragement and positive words. You see the best in every situation.

    Blessings & Love

  6. Hi Sweetie! As usual, loved reading your thankful list! I am thankful mostly just for God's divine providence in our lives and His perfect timing for everything!

    Love you! Talk to you soon!

  7. Love your list! I really love that cute filter tree. So cute.

  8. I'm thankful that you posted #8. It's been hard to "WANT to be" active with my shingle itch and pain. But I CAN be more active than I am and I know I will feel better if I will just DO this!

    I'm also thankful to discover that a small, bolster pillow makes sitting more bearable for me!

    I'm thankful for the beauty of snow on tree branches and the beautiful frost patterns everywhere I went yesterday morning!


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday March 13, 2025, and Birthday Table

  “You are worthy, our Lord and God    to receive glory and honor and power,  for you created all things,   and by your will they were creat...