Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy Monday!!

(Love this pic of Molly,  her eyes look like a hoot owl,
That's about how I feel...........wide eyed with wonder
as to where the Lord is taking us in this New Year!!

Happy Monday Morning
Sweet Friends,

So how are you??  Christmas is over,
New Years is here,  now what?? lol

I am trying to decide what to do about my Christmas
 decorations...........the tree is already down,  but I
am trying to decide what I want to take down and
what I want to leave up.  Since I use reds during the
 winter months I go thru this dilemma every January.

I actually like to leave my poinsettias and stuff up
sometimes and then I think about my snowmen
not that I have a ton, but I do have some and
 they are so cute and make me smile.....
 but then
 I don't think they mix real well with Roosters
and I usually move my Roosters to the family
room during my RED Period!!  lol

I will probably undecorate the bathroom and
pack away all my Christmas mugs today, so
I have time to decide about the family and
dining room area.  Good Idea!!  lol

Why not put off till tomorrow what you 
could do today.....right!!

Well, that works for me because I'm somehow
 not exactly ready to take it all down yet........

We had a birthday party for my daughter's
sweetie.  His birthday is the same date as my
late Mother-in-laws,  so I tried to set a table
that didn't look too Christmasy but more
Wintery I guess you'd say,  so come back
later this week cause will probably post
it on Wed. Evening.

This was suppose to be a Monday Manna
post but then I got chattering and guess I
will just tell you about it and start next 

I feel the Lord has been laying it on my
heart to share some of the things that have
helped us during this season of lay-off!

I know we certainly are not the only ones,
and if you aren't experiencing a loss of a
job,  give thanks today,  but I would be
willing to bet you know someone who is
or will be having job difficulties,  so....
you might learn something that will help
you help them or at least you can pass
on the information to them.

So stay tuned for next Monday.......

Thanks for stopping by,
Hope all is well in your world!!

Blessings Abundant in this New Year!!
Shocking sort of ....isn't it???



  1. A very Happy New Year to you Nellie,
    I would love to say I had all my decorations down and put away, but not so, I had planned to though, but a sinus infection and vertigo put that on hold! LOL I am looking forward to you sharing your thoughts about the job loss, I know it is going to help a lot of people. There is nothing like experiencing the things of life to help others. I believe God wants us to share about these experiences for that very reason. I will pray for God to continue to lead you as you share.
    Praying many wonderful and joyful blessings this new year.

  2. It is joyful as always to be apart of your celebrations! I enjoyed our birthday celebration for DeeAnna's sweetheart. I really like the game we played. We'll have to play that game again! My first day of holding true to my new year's resolution did well, especially considering we had a faculty meeting and "learned" all about what's instore for what will soon to be legislation! I'm not stressing! I walked in this morning and said to my friends in kindergarten, "I'm not going to stress anymore!" (While waving my hands in jubilant praise!) I told my kids I loved them as they came in the door. One of my students came and hugged me saying, "I missed you so much. I'm so happy to be back at school!" So, with that in mind, I guess the government can knock my salary down to zilch for what ever reason they may have; the kids will always be there to love you with Christ like love! As for decorating, I put my Christmas cards in my special box, and my cards from my children in my collection book of teacher class pictures. I now have 34 years of pictures and memories of my little beauties!
    I love you with all my heart,
    Love, Susie

  3. Hi Nellie! It is me, believe it or not. Don't know if you have stopped my blog the last little while but Hazie is in the hospital again. We canceled our flight and are here for an undetermined amount of time right now. So not such a good Monday for me, but then they can't all be, right?

    I am dreading even thinking about taking all the Christmas stuff down at our house. How knows when it will even happen. But I ma glad I did put it up, and I will take Susie's approach and just not stress about it.

    I think your decision to write about this period of unemployment is very good. It is always nice to share things that we learn from that might help others. That seems to be the best use for troubling times often.

    Well, I do hope this year brings you some relief in this department. The economy seems to be picking up a little so maybe something wonderful will come Jim's way. I hope so.

    Sounds like both Scott and Dee's relationships are progressing nicely! :-)

    Well I do hope you keep your snowmen out for awhile. I notice the people that live in snow country do. I do that sometimes. It is hard to go back and everything can look so blah for a couple of days when the red is taken away. If I do garlands and stuff sometimes I leave them up until Valentines day with the lights and red roses that I use from Laura's wedding. Boy did I ever get my money's worth out of those.

    Well Jim has just come back with groceries after a long visit at the hospital with the girls.

    Hope the year looks brighter and brighter for us all as we wade through it one day at a time.

    We do have a copy of The Christmas Card in our collection and have watched it a few times. Love it.

    Love to you all....B

  4. Sweet post Nellie. If you leave some of the Christmas decor up then the Christmas spirit will last longer. I do leave the things that have lovely memories up a bit longer. Hope 2011 will be a great year for us all.

  5. I think she looks so spooky but what a doll. I don't like it after the decorations are put away. It takes me a little while to get used to it. I love all the lights, Char

  6. Hi Nellie

    Wishing you a Happy New Year! I had a great day!

    I love you cat Molly her eyes really do look like an owls. Our Cats loved all our Christmas decorations. But we have put everything away. My poor body still aches from the extra bending.

    I am looking forward to Hollys visit again on Friday and then the following weekend the grandkids will be down.

    Have a good week!
    Blessings & Love


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday March 13, 2025, and Birthday Table

  “You are worthy, our Lord and God    to receive glory and honor and power,  for you created all things,   and by your will they were creat...