Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Tabletop Thursday - Winter Birthday Table

Winter Greetings Sweet Friends,

Are you staying warm???  
Have you taken down all your
Christmas decorations yet???

We are staying has been
in the 70's,  and No,  I don't have all
my Christmas decorations down yet.
I did take some stuff down on Monday
but you know how life happens when
we are making our plans????

That was our today.....
we spent the afternoon and evening in 
the emergency room with my sweet 
sister-in-law, Susan.  She was at work
and they called us because she was
having some chest pain and was pale
 and walking very slowly,and they
were very concerned about her so we 
told them evac her to the hospital
 and we met her there.

We don't know anything yet,  but
they did keep her overnight,  they
have done some tests but will do
more tomorrow to check out heart
issues, meanwhile they have her
on telemitry to keep watch over
her heart all night,  so we will
see what happens tomorrow, so
please if you feel lead.... pray for
her and that it want be anything

Well,  on with Tablescape Thursday

This Birthday Celebration was for my daughter's Sweetie.
His name is Jerry,  and he is a great guy.

I tried to do something that didn't look
too Christmasy but still matched with
all the Christmas decorations I had up.

 So thought the Winter Village Scene
would at least look Wintery since we are in January.

This was taken with the flash and made it an 
interesting amber!

This was taken in the daytime.

These lil houses are actually cardboard
 boxes that you can put gifts in.

These are the cute lil salt/pepper shakers that go
 with my Spode christmas dishes. Forgot to take a
 shot of them on my last tablescape so thought I would
 throw them in this time!!  lol

Love this lil bear,  he actually goes with a lil Merry Christmas
sign thing I have, he holds up half and then their is another one that
 holds the other half,  but he doesn't come apart from the sign,
  so I could only use this one,  too bad,  cause they are so cute! 

Of Course, a view from above.

Without the flash!!

With the Flash!!

This is called a "Cut out" affect.
Thought it looked neat.

This was from the opposite side of the table.

This one has a posterized affect.
My favorite!!

Well,  that raps it up!!

Hope you enjoyed your visit and I will
see you tomorrow ..............

Be sure to go over and visit Susan
at between naps on the porch 
if you want to see more creative
tablescapes.  Click Here!

I'll keep you posted on my sister-in-law.
and thanks for praying!!

Update on Susan,  we just brought her
home and she is doing great,  just
has to follow up with her Doctors.

Blessings and Hugs,


  1. I hope your sil is ok. I will pray!
    Table is adorable. Perfect for a winter's night. Love the little bear!
    Happy 2011, Nellie!

  2. Hi Nellie, No I haven't got mine done due to the sinus infection and vertigo, but hopefully soon.
    I will pray for Susan and for a good report.
    Love your tablescape, the winter village scene is a neat idea,love the color scheme.
    Enjoy your week.

  3. Neat use for the 'village' gift boxes. Seasonal, but just masculine enough for a man's birthday. I'm sure that he felt very special. Thank you for sharing your charming design & for stopping by my post. Cherry Kay

  4. what adorable Holiday houses, Nellie.. Happy belated to Jerry..

    I hope all is well with your SIL..


  5. Hi Nellie

    Tell Susan that I am praying for her and I love her. She is in my thoughts. I could hardly read through the rest of your post because after I read about Susan that is all that I can think of. Keep me updated.

    Blessings & Love

  6. Hi there, So glad to hear the good news on your sil. Loved your tablescape Thursday-so very sweet-just like you dear Nellie.
    Have a wonderful day.
    Hugs, Noreen

  7. Glad that your sil is doing okay. So scary! What a pretty table. I like the simplicity. The little mint looks so pretty on the red napkins and white plates.

  8. Hope your SIL Susan will be okay. I love your table decorations. Really very pretty.

  9. I just love you and Jim so much! I thank all of our blogger friends for praying for me! Your prayers have certainly been heard from our Heavenly Father!

    My favorite Tabletop picture, Nellie is the one you took from a ground level looking across the houses with the candle in front. That looks so real life size! I think it is picture number 7.

    I'm so glad to be home. I just looked at the clock (1:11). I need to go eat my dinner (your lasanga!) Talk to you later!

  10. I love the little houses on the table of course! Looks beautiful. I hope you found out that everything is ok with your sister in law today.

  11. Great use for the gift boxes. I'm sure that he felt very special. Good news about your SIL!

  12. Nellie, Your table looks lovely! I love the little village. Hope all is well with you and your family.
    Blessings, Beth

  13. I love the centerpiece, I wouldn't have guessed they were gift boxes...the plates are gorgeous.
    Hope your sister-in-law is doing well.


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday March 13, 2025, and Birthday Table

  “You are worthy, our Lord and God    to receive glory and honor and power,  for you created all things,   and by your will they were creat...