Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Heart Tips Tuesday - Recipe for Chicken and Black Bean nachos

Greetings Sweet Peas,

How is your day going??
Going well I hope.

I just got off the phone with the dear friend I told
 you about a few weeks ago,  that has been healed
 of the breast cancer.  It was great to get to have such
 a nice long conversation with her.  She is such a
 sweetie and so funny too.
  She still has to go thru radiation treatments soon.
They don't want to take any chances with her since
 she had a very aggressive form of breast cancer.

She is in good spirits,  and says they might take
a trip to Florida in the spring, so hopefully we
will get to see them,  and maybe they can stay
with us a few days.  That would be great to
look forward to..............

Well, Don't know about you but I love me some
nachos once in awhile,  used to get them from 
Taco Bell,  but on very rare occasion now!!
Don't want to tempt hubby.

Found a recipe online somewhere can't remember
 where but tweaked it to suit our taste, of course,
and we loved it!!
We had them for lunch one day last week, and they
 were heart healthy and quite delicious and filling.
  So thought you might like to give it a try yourself.
I actually liked them better than Taco Bells.
Wish I had thought to take a picture,
 but oh well!

Chicken and Black Bean Nachos


 Tortilla chips (blue or Yellow)
that are low in Sat. fat and have 0 trans fats.
(We use Archer Farms brand from Target,
Organic Blue corn with flaxseed tortilla chips,
and they are awesome I must say.  10 chips 
for 1 gram of Sat. fat and 0 trans fats)

1- 15 oz. can of black beans, rinsed and 

1 1/2-2 cups lite cheese
 whatever cheese you like best
(I used colby and Jack with some sharp cheddar)
(which is usually 2% or skim milk cheese)

1 cup of shredded chicken
(I used Rotisserie Chicken)

1/2 onion diced

granulated garlic, sprinkle as much
as you like.

1/2 cup lite sour cream

1/2 cup Guacamole
(I used Wholly Guacamole)

Chopped Cilantro to your liking
I love it myself, so I put tons.

Fresh Salsa or a jarred one you prefer.
( I use my magic bullet, and dump in a
can of tomatoes, some onion, granulated
garlic,  and cilantro and just a 
lil squeeze of lime or lemon,  let her
rip and in minutes fresh salsa to die for!)

Jalepenos  (optional)


Preheat oven to 425 degrees

Spread chips in a single layer on a  11 x 7
 cookie sheet.

Spoon black beans on the top along with
cheese and chicken, onion and cilantro. 
 Sprinkle with granulated garlic to your liking.

Put in oven and bake for 15-20 minutes
until cheese is fully melted.  Then remove
from oven.

You can pour the salsa on top if you like
or put it in a separate bowl so you can
dip when or if you want.

Add sour cream and guacamole on top.
  I put a heap of each right in the center, 
 then you can dip your chips, and it looks
more appetizing  like that!


Thanks for coming by,
love hearing from you!!

Hugs n' Blessings,


  1. This sounds so delicious! We will definitely try it soon and I bet Katie would love it. She sauteed some fresh spinach for us last night, however, her seasoning was a bit strong for me. Tony scarfed it down though! LOL

    I was thinking about you this morning and wondering how you are. Blessings and ((HUGS))

  2. Sounds very good, Nellie. Will try it if I ever get home again! Such good news about your friend!

    Love, B

  3. That sounds like a great recipe and I'm so pleased about your friend. Thankfully we are hearing some good things about our sisters who have cancer. I am a 2 year bladder cancer survivor.

  4. Certainly sounds good to me! I'm trying to start the year eating a bit more healthy than I ended the last one!

    I'm slowly getting back to blogging! I've missed seeing what is going on around here. Great news about your friend!

  5. So eager to hear how Susan is doing? Hope all is well. They are sending Hazel Home but Jen is not a happy Mommy right now. See my sidebar for details.

    Love, B


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

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