Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Some new discoveries

Hellooooooooooooo, and Happy Wednesday to you!!

Hope you are having a Wonderful Wednesday,
mine has been very good for as tired as I am!!

Well, since my pic thingie is working today
I will show you what I have been wanting to show
you for the past few days.

Discovery # 1 - Have you seen this new Multi-grain
sandwich thins bread by Arnolds. It is delicious, and only has
100 Calories for the whole bun, with no trans fats or sat. fat.
Our regular bread is 220 cal. for 2 pcs. It is great to make
toast out of as well, nice crusty crunchy toast. I am a crunchy
food eater, so I like my toast like that!! Also makes a killer
hamburger, cause you can actually taste the hamburger
more than the bun! We used them Memorial day for our
burgers, and everyone was wanting to know where to
buy them, so thought you might like them too!!

You can see I was getting a lil hungry while taking
these pics.

This is what I like to do with it. I toast them and put laughing
cow cheese on them. Laughing cow is great too. One of
those lil wedges is perfect for 2 pcs. of bun or bread,
and goes great with ham or I enjoy putting cucumbers
and onions on top. Good Eating, and a good way to
get some veggies down you. It is also low in Sat. fat
and has no trans fat and comes in 3 flavors.
It was a great find for us since we are on a low-fat
eating plan cause of hubbies heart issues.

Doesn't that look scrumptious! I had heard of but never had cucumber
sandwiches until a few years ago when we went to an Afternoon Tea
Wedding reception for some friends of ours daughter. It was just
lovely, big tent on the lawn, great finger food, and tea, and the bride
and groom arrived in a horse drawn carriage, it was great, a memorable
wedding and reception. they collected teacups and saucers that were
in great condition from thrift and garage sales and we got to take it
home at the end of the day. What a nice idea!!
I like to put candles in mine!!
Course, they are fun to drink tea out of too!!

Back to the pic above, (sorta got side tracked) see the lil things
on the plate those are a mix of the seeds that they put on
everything bagels (that is what is in the grated cheese shaker).
We used to buy something called Everything bagel bread and
loved it, but they quit making it for some reason.
Probably the price of the seeds, I would guess!
The mix of seeds is poppy, sesame, and sunflower,
and then add some granulated garlic as well.
I just do an equal amount of each. I do grind the
sunflower seeds up some or else they want come
thru the holes on the cheese shaker.

Try it you will definitely like it, especially if you
have ever had an everything bagel and liked it!!

One lil warning: If you happen to work where
they do random drug testing, probably not a good
idea for you, cause poppy seeds can make you
fail a drug test, so if that is your situation you
could just leave them out all together.

Discovery #2 - Sweet Potato Fries by Alexia, think
I am spelling that right. They are a healthy sort of fry
made with good oils, and they have other regular potato fries
as well. We have tried some of those and they are delicious too.
We had the sweet potato fries for the first time last night, and they
are absolutely delicious. You just pop them in the
oven for about 18-20 mins. They taste good hot or cold.
A nice compliment to our grilled burgers.

Discovery #3 - A Quick Cure For Zits
Seriously.........I had read in something from an email once
that said if you got a zit to put peroxide on it, so yesterday,
I had two pop up and they were sore (I rarely get them but have
been eating some wonderfully delicious fat free brownies
lately) oh, that is another discovery, I will make it #4,
anyway, I put the peroxide on a cotton ball and wiped
it on and a few hrs later, I happened by the mirror so
decided to have a look and it didn't seem as red, and I
touched it and it was no longer sore, so I went back
and put some more on, checked again some hours
later, and it was not red anymore, so put some
more peroxide on, and wella...........
when I got up this morning it was gone!!
Oxy Pads eat your heart out!!

Discovery #4 - Course, you might not want this one
now since I revealed that bit of info about the 2 zits.
Should have made this 3 and that 4 , Sorry!!
But I will tell you just in case you dare!!
The brownies are a new discovery, I have never
seen them before, so don't know if they are new
on the market, but they are new to me.
Anyway, the mix is made by "Krusteaz" and
they are no fat brownies and they are delicious.
I made them Memorial day and added walnuts
and everyone raved about them.

I don't typically use any boxed anything for the
most part because of the hydrogenated oils,
but I have discovered that the Krusteaz mixes,
only the no fat ones tho, have no hydrogenated
oils. So they also have all sorts of muffin mixes
and a cornbread mix, I have even used that to
make an upside down berry cake, and it was very
good. They are not all that prevalent in the
grocery stores, I have found them at Walmart,
Target super center, and publix, but they
usually carry different varieties.

Krusteaz mixes are a very good thing,
as Martha would say!!

Well, hope you found something appealing
to your taste buds, and can try it out!!
Let me know what you think.

Hope you have a wonderful Evening,

we will...........cause we are resting tonight
and that is all we are doing.......... but exercising!!
Ugh!! I forgot about that!

Hugs and Blessings,


  1. Fun post. I will have to look for that bread. I don't think I have seen it around here. Thanks for sharing!

  2. oh i love Krusteaz items! if you ever come across their honey cornbread mix you HAVE to try it! it is the BEST cornbread ever! their lemon bars & lime bars are great too! what a great brand. those sandwich thins are pretty good too. fun post today!


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie