Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Today is T day

Good Morning Sweet Friends,

Hope you all had a great night's sleep,
I slept like an absolute rock!!

This is the first thing I saw when I walked
out of my bedroom this morning.

This is Molly, our lil sweetie cat,
who is waiting for her Mommy to get up
and feed her. She stayed out last night
which is very unusual for her lately.

The window was all fogged up, and just
thought she looked so cute, so I would share
it with you.

Well, I was gonna post some pics of something
and once again I can't get the pic thingie to
work, it was working fine just a few mins.
ago when I downloaded Miss Kitty.

I must be doing something to disable it or
something, have to ask Becky or get hubby
to look at it when he can.

I have been in the garage painting the
baseboards for the bathroom. Last night
Jimmy finished the trim and it looks so nice.
Today is T day, we are hoping to install that
toilet, and then we can relax for a bit.

My daughter just called and is coming over
for din din. That always makes us happy cause she is a
busy girl, and we only get to see her once every 7-10
days, Course, I know some of you are thinking I wish I got to
see my kids that often. I hear you and I feel for you. It is hard
having them live so far away, we have experienced that with our
son already, but somehow you do adjust to it over time.

Speaking of our son, we rec'd a text from him already
this morning and he was underway to the next
lean to, that is the last text we will get until he
arrives in the next town on Thursday, as his power
is low on his phone. Course, once he arrives @ todays
destination he will only be 15 miles out from the town.
Once he gets into town then we will finally get to talk with him.

He asked us to hold his next package until we talk
with him, so that either means he needs more supplies,
or maybe he is coming home. Guess we'll have to wait till
Thursday to find out the scoop.

Well, tried again with the pic thingie,
no go!! sorry maybe tomorrow.

Well, thanks for dropping by, gotta get that vacuum going!!

Have a Blessed Day!


  1. Hi Gal!! So glad to hear that S. is doing so well on his hike!! And that you guys are working on that bathroom!! How awesome! Can't wait to see it all done!!

    Been pretty busy with school and stuff with the girls! I'll give you a buzz when we're out running around!! Molly looks so cute through the foggy glass!!

    Love ya,

  2. great update on your son! it's so exciting to be living this adventure with you!

  3. Hi Nellie! I have been gone from the computer for a few days but am back now form our trip.

    I think your kitty is very cute. So glad to hear that you are getting regular messages from your son. Enjoy your time with your daughter tonight.

    I haven't seen my youngest, Laura, for over 15 months. This is like ripping out my heart and stomping on it as she and I are very close. But we are going to Italy for a month around Crhsitmas time. We do communicate regularly and it is so great to be able to do that. Electronic devises are a Godsend in that way.

    I always think of the pioneers and the immigrants who just said good-bye to their kids or parents and never saw them again. I feel blessed even with the distances between us all.

  4. I am one of those who says you are lucky to see your daughter as often as you do. I have not seen my daughter since last November and my son I have not seen for over 2 years. How I wish we can travel more easily!


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Let's praise the God of Heaven Every day! Blessings,  Nellie