Monday, June 15, 2009

Monday morning Blue

Actually it is Good Evening Now.................
but it really was Monday Morning Blue
Hope you are having a great Monday,
Mine has been busy, I pretty much got out of bed got old clothes
on, made a iced coffee, and prepared to paint the bathroom.
Talked and prayed with hubby on the phone, got the
paint poured and ready to go, then talked with my
daughter as she drove to work, so finally got started
about 8:30.
It is a small room so I was done by 10:00, hubby still
has to do the trim around the ceiling and the doorway.
I am a great roller, but not as great a trimmer, and
Jimmy is a great trimmer, but doesn't like rolling,
so we make a great pair.
I painted it what I call a "Robins Egg Blue"
(that's where the blue Monday comes in)
think I may have mentioned I have wanted a room
that color for quite awhile, and so I am thrilled
and can't wait to see both the water closet area
and the dressing room, the same color.
For me it is breathtaking, don't know what it is about
that color, but I just love it, love it!!
Remember last week we had to replace the wall, and
do the tile, well, we got all the tile done and grouted,
that was a fun job, ( I am being sarcastic here)
not the grouting so much, the clean up, it dried very quickly,
so it was really fun trying to get it off the tile, it was exhausting
to tell you the truth, and then the grout doesn't match the grout on
the same tile we have in the dressing area so we are gonna
have to redo that grout.
Course, I never really liked it that much anyway, and have
wanted to redo it for a long time. (It was our first attempt at tiling
and we mixed the grout and think we didn't mix it quite right
or something). I actually used a bleach pen on it awhile back
and it looked much better for awhile anyway.
Thankfully my husband has this neat lil dremel tool
that cuts the grout right out, so think I am gonna just
do a quadrant of the room at a time, then maybe
it want be such a big deal.
Forgot to say I love the new tile job and the grout,
hubby did another professional looking job,
he cut all the tile, and I assisted him and helped
with the grout clean up.
We have to finish tiling the shower first, so I may wait
till we finish that or do them simultaneously in the day
while hubby is working. I'll decide that once we get this
lil room under our belt. Tomorrow night hopefully, we will
install the new John. Then I can't touch the tile with water
for 5 more days. It still has some of that yukky residue
from the grout. So it will look much nicer once I can
mop it several times.
We are wiped after working on it all last week.
It has been a great distraction for us tho.
We have not been worrying over our son at all.
The Lord has answered our prayers and the
prayers of his people on our behalf, God is
just soooooooo good to us.
We have heard from him everyday still,
he said today was a great day for hiking
no rain so far. Hope it stayed that way,
cause the weather reports say it is suppose
to have rain all the way till June 22nd.
Then who knows after that!!
He is about 10 hrs. behind schedule so that
is not too bad for all the bad weather he has
incurred. He might have been soggy but
his spirits don't seem to be dampened.
We think he should get into the next
town by Wed or maybe Thursday, then
we will get to talk to him and find out
what has really been going on.
I can't wait!!
Well, I was gonna try and download
some pics of our progress, but for some
reason, it want go into the download
mode. Oh Well, better luck
tomorrow maybe!
Oh yea, I wanted to say something about
the opening mosaic picture. Isn't it fabulous!!
I went to this wonderful blog over the weekend and she has
a ton of these absolutely lovely pics,
they just make my heart sing, they are
such visions of loveliness. Go over and check
it out, if you like romantic decorating,
you are gonna love it.
Have a cheery Evening,
Blessings and Hugs,


  1. I came by to say thank you for the nice comment you left me and then I saw this! Thank you!!

  2. Yeah, Cindy's home is wonderful. Maybe someday I will actually meet her since she lives somewhere around my area. Glad your son continues to touch base with you.


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Let's praise the God of Heaven Every day! Blessings,  Nellie