Hello Sweet Encouragers,
and Happy Saturday to you!
Just a short note to say things are coming along great
in our bathroom. Hubby did a great job on the dry wall,
and I sealed it today, in fact I did the whole water closet area.
I was really impressed with what a great job he did because
he has never tried drywalling before, but you would
think a professional did it for sure. Can't wait to see it
painted "Robins egg blue", I have wanted a room that
color for a few years now, so I am very excited.
Hubby is still working on cutting the rest of the tile,
we laid all the big pcs. on Thursday, but didn't get to
work on it yesterday cause he was working all day, and
in the evening we went over to some
friends for pizza and cards, we had pizza and talked,
which was great with us, we love getting to know
people better, and a good conversation is the best
game in town as far as I am concerned.
Guess we will be laying the rest of the tile tonight,
then possibly grouting tomorrow or monday.
Gotta get my paint tomorrow so I can paint in
there Monday before we put the new toilet in.
We are delighted that the Lord has been so
gracious to us as to have been able to continue to
get text messages from our son. Yesterday he hiked
in the rain, today he said it was dry and sunny,
and he was doing fine.
We checked the weather report up there,
and there will be rain tonight and early Sunday morning,
and thunderstorms later in the day, and possibly
rain, Monday and Tuesday as well.
God has been good and we have not been worried,
but we are having a big rain and Thunderstorm
here and it is very ominous looking out, and we
are inside our warm cozy house, and my husband said,
oh, can you imagine being outside in this,
and I said No, and I can't think about it either.
I wish he wasn't getting all this rain, but I know
the Lord knows what he is doing and none of it
took him by surprise. Poor Joey too, thank the Lord
she is not afraid of thunder and lightning like
our other grand daughter dog Rosie. She is
absolutely terrified and so is our kitty Molly,
she is just afraid of rain!! I am concerned Joey will be
afraid of it when she returns, but maybe not.
Well, Hope you all have a Wonderful Weekend!!
Hugs and Blessings,
thanks for the update on your son. even with the rain it sounds exciting. although i hope he doesn't encounter too much rain or too often during this trip! pizza with friends is always the best!