Friday, September 2, 2016

Thankful Thursday Sept. 1, 2016, pics of Fall's past

Trust in him at all times, you people; 
pour out your hearts to him,
for God is our refuge. 
Psalm 62:2

Greetings Sweet Friends
Welcome to September.

Hope this finds you doing

well and feeling better than
I do............

Went out yesterday and came
back feeling terrible....bad sore
throat, headache, aching and a
fever, so not feeling too well
today,  but thankful for Aleve
D........or I would be feeling
even worse...............

Pictures today are from Past
Fall's at Cozy Place.  So will just
get on with it..............

I am thankful

for the fun time we had playing
 hide and go seek and other things,
with lil darling on Sat. and so nice 
hubby wasn't working so he could
 join in the fun!!

for a really great time visiting with 
Scott, Megan and lil darling on 
Sunday afternoon/evening when
they came for dinner. 

for a fun time creating this week as
 I am starting my Fall decorating.
I made 2 pictures for our family 
room from free printables from 
"On Sutton Place". Ann has such
pretty ones.............they are some
of my favorite printables.  She
does a great job.

that things seem to be on track for 
Dee and Jerry's move, lots of decisions
 and things to do, but they are coming
 right along.........and we are praying
it stays that

for a really sweet shabby Fall print-
able that I made another picture with
for our living room. This one was made
 by Kerryanne from over at
 "Shabby Art Boutique" 
 and made available to all of us.
She does fabulous works of
Art,  friends!!


for the fun of playing with kinetic
sand with lil darling on Wed.
We made pretend cookies and
hearts, wedding cakes and light

that we dream.....
most dreams are sort of crazy, 
 they seem normal until you wake up
 and then realize they make no sense
 at all  lol
But I sleep like an absolute rock,
which is a great blessing!
Course, I'm sure everyone 
must be like that............

 for Alexia brand Sweet Potato
fries..........they are delicious,
especially if you dip them in
a lil honey.   Quite tasty!

for a sweet blog surprise and 
that is.... 
my blog is being featured over
at Shabby Art Boutique this
coming week.........
Always nice to know someone
appreciates your blog......
and I didn't find this out until
after I had written about her
free printable!!  lol


finally decided on a hairdresser
to go to as I am planning for 
some changes to my hair soon.
Now I went but not sure what 
to do...............ugh!! So it might
be later than sooner~!! 

for thermometers that can tell
us we have a fever and what
it actually is.............
Hubby felt my head and said
I didn't feel like I had a fever, but 
I felt like I did,  as I was aching
and  felt like I was freezing too 
death. So decided to take my temp.
I definitely had one........ not real
 high, 100.8 but high for me as 
I am a low grade fever runner.

that tropical storm Hermes has left
 our state and don't think it did a lot of 
damage, thank the Lord, course, there
are a huge number of people without 
power tho, from what I understand, but
I hope there are no problems elsewhere
as it makes it's path off the Eastern
Seaboard. We got a lot of rain here and
 some winds. Some areas near us were
 under tornado watches..........but never
 heard of any happening, thankfully.

That's my list for today!!

Thanks for stopping by...............

Hope you have a great weekend
with those you love..............

Love, Hugs,  and
September Blessings,


Sharing with:

Walking on Sunshine with Lois and Friends

Life with Lorelai with Lorelai and Friends

McCall Manor with Holly and Friends

The Craftberry Bush with Lucy and Friends

Our holiday Journey with Grantham Lynn

Designthusiasm with Lory and Friends

Dwellings with Cindy

Art and Sand with Carol and Friends

Life and Linda with Linda and Friends


  1. I'm praying you feel better, Nellie.
    #1. I'm sure she really enjoyed the fun too!
    #2. Family time is so joyful!
    #3. It is so exciting to be able to get free things! That is something that is becoming more rare these days.
    #4. I have been praying for them every day for their closings and move to be problem free!
    #5. Things of art are so much fun to do (when I have instructions, ha!)
    #6. I remember when I (as a kid) used to play outside under the trailer making mud and structures to play with cars! (Tomboy in me, lol!)
    #7. I sometimes remember dreams, but they are so silly when I wake up. It's funny how they make since when your dreaming them.
    #8. I love the canned yams in orange sauce!
    #9. Congratulations! I always like to visit my blog where is tells about the people and places that have visited my blog. They are from all over the world!
    #10. I was suppose to go today, but didn't due to the storm still blowing and the roads very wet; as well as I pulled my lower back (that the chiropractor used to doctor. This is the first time in 2 years plus that I've had it come back!) She rescheduled me for tomorrow.
    #11. I pray your fever is gone now!
    #12. The LORD has blessed us to not have any damaging winds. We did need the rain (my yard did anyway. - Steve and Christine came yesterday and mowed the front and back. They had nice cloud cover and cool wind with no rain at that time.)
    I love you all, Susan

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Hi Nellie,

    I hope you are starting to feel better. Your autumn decorations from years past are very pretty. I started putting out a few subtle fall items today. Blessings

  4. Oh no! Don't tell me all that flu, cold, disease season has already arrived! Well I wish you a super speedy recovery. So glad you didn't have to deal with a hurricane while your sick. That would have been double awful. I know how excited you were to start Fall decorating. It looks beautiful!

  5. Hope you feel better soon, Nellie.
    Hard to believe it's time to start thinking of changing out decor for the season//
    Glad you didn't have any severe damage from the storm.
    Enjoy the holiday weekend, my friend.

  6. Morning Susan,
    Thanks for your prayers. I am feeling somewhat better, but not great...for sure!!
    Didn't get to sleep until 3:30 am. but think it was because for the sinus meds I took!!
    Course, I can't complain as they sure make me feel better than without them!!

    Yea, freebies can be great especially when they are as nice as some of these printables,
    I really enjoy them as a lot of them are seasonal.

    Dee and Jerry are still on track for the closings, so keep praying. They will be moving
    to Charleston this week, as Jerry starts work, but want be moving their furniture until the day before closing on the Asheville house.

    Yea, we surely were blessed that we didn't have as bad a time with the storm as first
    thought..........course, the media always makes it sound as bad as they

    Have a good weekend
    Love, Nellie

  7. Hi Donna,
    So nice to hear from you hon. Actually I am glad you came by because I lost my blog roll
    on my side bar and thought I was missing some, and you were one of them. So will put you
    back on.....

    Thanks for the well wishes, I am feeling a lil better, but definitely not there
    day at a

    Thanks for coming by and for your sweet comments.....have fun doing your Fall decorating.
    I am doing mine earlier than normal this year as I am hoping to have a Sunday School Social
    later in the if I waited I would have the house all torn apart at that time. lol

    Have a great weekend hon,
    Blessings, Nellie

  8. Morning Caroline,
    Always love to hear from thanks for coming by.
    Yea, I can't believe the flu season is here either.......feeling some better today, but
    not there just taking it easy. Haven't gotten much done Fall wise unfortunately, just too tired to do it.........but it will give me something to look forward
    to when I get over this stuff........
    The Fall pics you see in this post are from some years back. Hopefully, I will have some
    new ones

    Well you take care sweetie, and have a delightful weekend,
    Blessngs, Nellie

  9. Hi Rebecca,
    So good to hear from you hon. Thanks for coming by and for your well wishes for me. I am
    doing some better, just gotta wait these things out sometimes....unfortunately!! lol

    Yes, I am just amazed that we can be in September already, where does the time go???
    It seems like the days are just clicking off so fast anymore.........I have always heard
    it said the older you get the faster the time certainly seems like that anyway.

    Yes, we were quite glad that things weren't as bad as we heard they might be, praise the

    You have a lovely weekend too......ours will be quiet for sure!! Not complaining, just
    saying......quiet is good too!!

    Blessings, Nellie

  10. What a beautiful Thankful list. And what Fabulous Fall photo's and decor!
    Thanks again for linking.
    Enjoy your weekend!

  11. Such gorgeous photos! Love your beautiful decor ♥

  12. Hi Summer,
    Thanks for stoppin by hon, and for yur sweet comments.
    Hope you are having a lovely weekend.
    Blessings, Nellie

  13. Nellie, you have such a beautiful way about you! Thank you for always being so positive and creative! Hope you feel better very soon!

  14. Hi Holly,
    Thank you so much for stopping by and for that sweet blessed this sick
    girls heart!! I finally went to the Dr. yesterday cause I was afraid I might have strep
    throat, but thank the Lord, I didn't, but Dr. did give me a Z pack, so feeling some better
    today, but still not well yet and coughing my brains out.........just took my 2nd dose so hoping for better things

    Have a great day hon,
    Blessings, Nellie

  15. I love all your touches of fall.

    Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  16. Thanks Carol,
    Glad you could drop by........

    Have a great week,
    Blessings, Nellie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie