Thursday, September 8, 2016

Thankful Thursday September 8, 2016, Pics of Fall's Past #2

Now, our God, we give you thanks,
and praise your glorious name.
1 Chronicles 29:13 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope you have had a really good 
first week of September.

Mine has been restful but
 uncomfortable, which goes with
the territory of being sick. My
Z pack seems to be working, thank
Heavens and I am beginning to feel
 like a human being again, and that
I just might live after all!!  lol
Now if my throat and energy levels
will just cooperate,  maybe I will
be able to get on with life again
soon.  Am trying to pace myself
as I got up feeling like I had a lot
of energy........but I find it doesn't
take much doing before it wains.
All in good time............

Well, pics are from Fall's past 
again,  and I will just get on
with my list..........

I am thankful

for a very restful Labor Day week
end, (even tho is was forced)  lol 

for TV and movies to watch since
I was too tired to do anything else,
and then lost my voice on Sat. so
couldn't talk much either.

for Alleve D that took the edge
off all the aches and pains and
sore throat.

for a kind and caring hubby who
took good care of me.

that I finally got our Fall mantle
 finished,  it only took me 3 days,
of a lil at a
Never taken that long before..

that I just happened to see 3 birds,
  cardinals, to be exact, in our  back
yard and got a spectacular view of
 them thru hubbies new binoculars
 he got as a gift from work for being
there 5 years.  Thankful for that too.
Two birds were in the bird bath....
having quite a good time,
 I might add......

that they worked me in at the Drs.
office Tues. morning, and it only
took 20 mins. which was really great
and an answer to prayer since I was 
still feeling pretty bad.

that I didn't have strep throat, as
I really thought I might....

Little cutie pie, she got 
broken last year,  boo hoo!

that the Dr. called in what they call
a Z pack for me,  so hoping I will
be feeling a bit better by tomorrow
maybe..............and I was, but not
enough to matter, it is Thursday
and I am feeling even better but
still not there yet, but have 3 more
doses to hoping
and praying between now and Sat.
that I will be feeling great again!!

that is was 71 degrees Wed. and 
Thurs. morning, and feels like Fall
at least for a few hours.
So we opened most of the windows
to air out the house, and praying all
the germ would leave!!  lol

that I got to sit on the porch for a
lil while on Wed. and Thurs. 
morning was so pleasant:
Reading my Bible,
Sun shining thru the trees,
Squirrels scampering in the branches,
 leaves floating, and some twirling
 to the ground,
2 doves landing near the porch,
The sounds of silence, and then
at times the sounds of cars, a plane
 and a lawn mower in the distance,
trees gently blowing in the breeze,
blue skies peeking thru the trees,
beauty berries still in process, they
 are a pretty pinky purple now, 
watching a spider build a web. 
 The interesting sounds of Sand Hill
 cranes when they fly over, sight unseen,
One lone unfurled palm frond that can
 be still one minute, and the next be
waving wildly, from the woods.....
 when a breeze blows, as if to say
 Hey, Hey,  Here I am.......

I don't know why but these sort
of things just delight me so......
as I think about it I really do know,
it is because it reminds me of my
Loving Heavenly Father who is
so incredibly creative, and makes
and does all these things to 
delight His children and cause
them to be in awe of who He is.....
It sure works on me!!  lol
He is a good good FATHER!
That's who He is..........

In fact, those last words came out 
of my heart as I was feeling the truth
 of this song by Chris Tomlin
It is called He is a good good Father.

Click here to listen to it, if you'd like.

Or you can type it in yourself, if you want.

that my daughter will be going to 
Charleston today to be with her
hubby.  He started work on Tues.
but she still has some workdays to
finish out in Asheville. They have
not officially moved yet,  as they
are waiting on their closings the 
end of Sept., so they are hotel 
bound for now.  Things seem
to be going well with his job,
so we are happy to hear that
as well......................

Well, guess you can see what the
theme of my week was!!  It has not
 been particularly fun, but there
have been lots of good things in
spite of it all..........

Thanks for coming by, it was

nice to know you where here 

Have a Delightful rest of the week,
with those you hold dear.

Love,  Hugs and 
Early Fall Blessings,


Sharing with:

Saavy Southern Style with Kim

Shabby Art Boutique with Kerryanne

Life with Lorelai with Lorelai and Friends

The Craftberry Bush with Lucy and Friends

Designthusiasm with Lory and Friends

Life and Linda with Linda and Friends

Dwellings with Cindy

Stone Gable with Yvonne and Friends

The Dedicated House with Kathyrn


  1. #1. This passed weekend was restful indeed for me too!
    #2. I love my westerns on the H&I, GRIT t.v., and METV stations! Most of them I was only 4-6 years old when they were on t.v.
    #3. I rarely have to take anything. I use Advil.
    #4. Yea! The best hubby ever!!!
    #5. You've been busy, busy! I did some vacuuming today.
    #6. I had to take down my birdbath for Xena kept wrapping her cable around it!
    #7. What a break to only wait 20 minutes!
    #8. Yea! The LORD answers prayers!
    #9. I'll keep you in my prayers for getting well!
    #10. I've not been out much other than for getting the mail! The cloud cover made a difference, but I think it's gone now!
    #11. Linda's daughter sits outside many times throughout the day. I never know when. Dolly always goes over barking at her little dog that comes up to the fence. Have you seen any turtles? I have turtles all the time going along the fence looking for a way out. I usually go out and pick them up putting them outside the fence!
    #12. Great. I have been keeping them in my prayers!
    I really enjoyed starting back to the Ladies W.O.W. Bible study yesterday! Love you all, Susan

  2. Morning Susan,
    Glad to hear your bible study started up again....know how much you enjoy that.
    and thanks for praying for me and the kids. I am feeling better but still not
    quite there yet.
    Thanks for coming by and for all your comments..........
    Blessings, Nellie

  3. Nellie, love your thankful post...we have so much to be grateful for! I am glad you are feeling better! Blessings, Pam @ Everyday Living

  4. Morning Pam,
    Thank you so much for coming by and for your sweet words of encouragement. Have to say
    after 10 days of is good to be feeling much better in most ways. My throat
    and energy level seem to be lagging behind a bit.........but hopefully that too, will be
    good soon.
    Blessings Abundant


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie