Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Tablescape Thursday - Easter Table

Happy Fun Day Sweet Friends,

So how are ya today???
Doing better than a cat in a croaker sack???
 Sure hope so....those croaker sacks can
get pretty itchy!!  lol

Thought I would show you our Easter
table.  This is always the most fun
part of the preparations for me.

I really didn't plan on using daisies,  really poms,
but they look like daisies, I was thinking of maybe 
green hydrangeas but you'll see how it turned out to be 
daisies later!

When I bought these napkins years back,  they only had
4 napkins but then they had kitchen towels that matched, 
so I bought those thinking I would make them into napkins,
but just never did!!  So I used 2 towels for the center
of the table to add some color, along with the flowers, 
some Easter eggs, and my 2 lil bunny figurines,
 which you will see later too!

Here I was just starting out with the green
place mats and a my romantic plates, as I call them,
This is gonna be a guys placesetting.

Used the towels for the girls placesettings,
Just draped the towel over the plate and
tucked it under a little bit.

Then added a salad bowl of my wedding china.

Then added a fruit bowl.

As I am sure you can tell I am in process here!
Here you can see my bunny figurines,  at least the girl bunny,
and part of the boy!!  lol

Decided to do something different with the silverware,
so tied it with pretty organdy bows.  Just happened
to have 4 scrap pcs. of ribbon so did this for all
the girl's places.

I also decided to not use the bowls, but a bread plates
instead, and peach glasses for the girls.

Susan my SIL loaned me these pretty peachy pink glasses.
There were 2 different ones, that I used,  mainly cause
I couldn't make up my mind if I wanted to use the peach
or just use clear,  so at the last minute I decided to 
use peach for the girls and clear for the guys,  and I
only had 2 of each glasses,  just to try them,  so just
decided to use 2 different ones, and it looked great!

These lil green packets have candy in them,  of course!!

When I was trying to figure out how to make the lil candy 
packets, the least expensive thing I could find in the color
 I needed was tissue paper,  so then I found these
cut lil stick on daisies.  That was the deciding factor
for the flowers as well.  Dee got the flowers for me!!

These were the other peach glasses,  both of
 the glasses belonged to my late Mother in law.

A close up of the cute lil daisies!!
Don't you just love all those lil scrapbooking 
you can do all sorts of neat things with them!!

View from one end of the table.

and this view is from the other end!

This is one of the guy placesettings.
I put the napkin and silverware above the plate
for something different, and put there candy
bag in the center of the plate.

Added a candle at each plate for the guys!

I only put one daisy on the guys to try and make
it not quite so fru fruey!! 
Impossible!! lol

These tiny lil candleholders came with candles
in them, but once they burned down  you
can't find anything to fit in there,  so tealights
will fit at the top of them, but want go down
any further,  so kept trying to figure out what
I could put in there to add some color,  and
I thought of jelly beans but I didn't have enough,
so finally I remembered I had one pc. of green
tissue paper left , so decided to stuff tissue
paper in the bottom, since it matched with
the candy bags,  so it worked fine!

Here is the completed guys place setting!

These were Easter candles I got last year,  so just
stuck them in another candleholder cause we
need some candlelight even if it is in the daytime!!
Just a nice touch!!

My new bunny bowls from my friend Diane, were
 pressed into service to hold some sour cream!

Egg cups for the butter!

I just love these colors I have to say,  they make
my heart sing!!

Hope you enjoyed your visit......
and come back real soon!!

I am linking up to
 Susan at between naps on the porch
for Tablescape Thursday.
So if you would like to see more fun
tablescapes just click here!

May the Lord Bless your Day!!

Love, Hugs and
Sweet Spring Blessings,

Daisies with a posterized affect!!


  1. Your table is just lovely Nellie. I'm sure the compliments were really flowing.

  2. Hi Sweetie! I have to say this is my most favorite tablescape of yours!! It is sooo lovely! Love how you wrapped the little candies...just perfect! It all is absolutely charming and I bet everyone loved it!! I know you are such a blessing with your wonderful hospitality!! You sure are when I'm there, too!! :o)
    Love ya, and hope you are having a good day!

  3. Just stunning! So glad you took photos for us.
    I like your happy blog border too.

  4. Hi Nellie!
    What a pretty table, such lovely soft colors. The glassware is beautiful, and who doesn't love daisies!

  5. What a pretty soft pastel table! I love the way you tied the flatware together! That is such a fun idea. I think that people would feel so special about opening that little package even though it just flatware.

  6. Simple and lovely and a breath of spring. Love the uses of crepe paper. Come visit me at Marie Arden Pink Living I think we have a lot in common! I love pink and green too

  7. Your table is lovely. You did a beautiful job and I am sure everyone loved it. Thanks for sharing. Karie

  8. Thanks for visiting my blog and your sweet comment. Love the subtle colors in your table. Those glasses are beautiful and I love the idea of using the egg cups for butter.

  9. What lovely colors on your table! It would be so nice to sit down to! You've certainly given a lot of attention to a special holiday table with beautiful results!

  10. This is terrific! The candy bags with the tissue paper are very striking and "fill out" the table nicely! Good idea to use the tissue paper inside those candleholders with the tealights on top (look like they are Partylite?) I have the same lotus blossom Partylite candleholders that you put the candle-eggs in - another great idea you had! I love that you thought outside the box and put the flatware above the plate!

  11. Your table is very pretty! Love the colors and the pretty bow on the flatware! I'm sure you all had a great time:@)

  12. this is my favorite of all your tables to date. Very nicely done and loved the organdy ribbons for the ladies' silverware. You are very creative, Nellie! Thanks for sharing. I can just imagine the conversation around this table about Easter and upcoming weddings and Susie's retirement. See, AB was there in spirit! Glad it was a Happy Easter for all.

    Love, Bon

  13. This is truly very lovely! I have the tablecloth in that pattern - I think it is called Pink Lemonade - would love to have napkins and dish towels - love every detail of this table setting,

  14. Everything looks wonderful! Love your Easter Eggy colors! Love how you tied up your silverware with the pretty ribbon.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  15. You and I were thinking along the same lines this Easter with our pinks and greens. Your dishes are lovely, and great job on using the linens so creatively. Thank you for sharing your darling design. Cherry Kay

  16. It was so beautiful!!! I love the pink and green! It is so springy! I especially loved your bunny bowls!! Good food too!
    I love you all,

  17. Such a sweet tablescape Nellie! Bright, cheerful and so SPRINGY! :)

  18. Nellie
    I love this table setting, for some reason I missed this! So pretty for a lovely easter dinner, You have such great ideas!


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie