Monday, April 11, 2011

Happy Monday - Megan's bridal shower!

Happy Monday to you
Sweet Friends,

So how was your weekend???
Busy?  Relaxing?  Fun??  Productive?
or maybe a bit of all of the above. 

Our's was all but productive, well, guess it was a lil
 bit productive too, cause we did get some groceries on
Friday evening and I looked for some shoes to go with
my dress.  Actually, it was real productive for hubby.
He did the taxes and mowed our neighbors lawn.

Then, Saturday was Megan's Shower and it was at the
 Garden Club not the Country Club,  it said it right on the
 invitation but because I know there is a country club in
 that area for some reason that is what my mind invisioned.
Strange how your mind works!!  lol
Anyway, it was a very lovely shower, and all her friends
and family showed up and we all had a great time,
  and she got so many wonderful gifts.
They are gonna have a great time decorating their
new 2 bedroom apt. they are getting soon.

The shower was given by her 2 Aunts and her matron
of honor,  and they did such a lovely job of decorating.
It looked sort of like a french bistro, cause there were
pretty black wrought iron tables and chairs, which I
just realized I never took a pic of!!  You can sort of
see them in the background tho.

So here is our Beautiful and Well Loved 
Bride to Be....... Megan

She is as sweet as she is pretty!!

Here she is arriving at the shower,
does she look just a wee bit happy!!  lol

 As we came in they had this cute lil table set up with
their engagement pictures.  The candies in the dish
there are so cute,  they had "Megan's bridal shower"
printed on them.  Never seen that before!  Very Cute!!

Sweet gingham/ lace table covers and lovely
 chrysanthemum, roses and baby's breath
 arrangements, very pretty!

Beautiful and Delicious cake from Publix Bakery

Pretty Napkins in her wedding colors!

Adorable cage on the food table with flowers in
the center.  We got there really early so they were
not finished putting everything out yet, so I just
took  pics of what there was cause I didn't know
if I would get a chance later.

The menu was delectable:

Quiche Lorraine,
Chicken salad on croissants
Veggies  w/ dip
fruit salad
Brie cheese w/caramel sauce, blueberries/crackers
Cheddar cheese and crackers

It was all delicious!!

And I was right I didn't get to take another
pic of it so glad I got the ones I did!

Just love these soft and pretty florals 

Picture of Megan and her sweet Mom!
She has to be a great Mom cause she
has certainly raised a precious daughter!

This was the gift table the first time I took
a picture,  but not  everyone had arrived yet!!

Managed to get in a 2nd picture.
She really got so many nice things,
How Wonderful!!

 This is our daughter DeeAnna,  who is one of her
Bridesmaids as well as sister-in-law to be!!

This is Susan my sister-in-law who is soon
 to be Megan's Aunt-in-law!!  lol
Never heard of that, but wonder why???

 Here she is with yours truly, her Mom and that
is her lil neice coming alongside us there!

A Very Good Time Was Had By All!!

Saturday evening we watched a good movie while
exercising on the good ole gazelle!! lol
It was called "Behind the Wall",  It was really a
 pretty good movie,  with sort of a very strange
 and sad twist to it,  but it turns out very well in
 the end.  Talk about a person who needed
inner healing from a misguided parent!!

Sunday hubby went to church and I wound up
 staying home again cause I was so exhausted
from not sleeping again,  after being up a lil
while,  I was planning to at least go to service,
but was so tired I left hubby a message on the
 cell phone then climbed back in bed and
I was able to get a few hours of sleep.  I have
to say I did feel a lot better after that!
I really think this is some sort of hormonal
issue as well,  as issues with my neck and
back!!  Getting older is so much fun!!  lol
The Lord has his ways of making us long
for our real home in Heaven!!  lol

Got another sweet surprise when Jim came
home from church.  Another friend who used
 to go to our church came with her daughter,  and
 gave Jimmy this for me, another belated
Birthday present!  She tried to come the
week of my birthday but we had several
days of bad thunderstorms,  but the lil
delayed pleasures are really fun!!

 Well,  it wasn't flat like this!  But just thought
the gift bag was so cute!!  Love the lil
chick-a-dee, and the pretty soft colors!!

Sweet Card!!
and then this pretty..............

Silver LOVE necklace!
So Cute,  and I actually needed a new
silver necklace!


Jim went back for his interview with the
same Company he interviewed with last
Thursday,  and it is looking good, my friends!!
So we are trying not to get too excited yet!! lol

Only time will tell........................
but I will sure keep you posted!
and again thanks for those prayers!!

Thanks for stopping in

Have a Marvelous Monday Evening!

Love, Hugs and  Blessings Abundant!



  1. You have been one busy lady friend gave you such a sweet gift and I pray things work out on the employment side too. Take care.

  2. The shower looks fun...I love the purples and greens. She will be a beautiful bride and your daughter will be a darling bridesmaid! The picture of you with the others is really nice!

    I'm keeping my fingers crossed for Jim and the job...I hope he finds something out soon. The waiting must be hard.

  3. What a lovely shower, Nellie. The cake was really, really pretty, in my opinion. I can see there is plenty of happiness to go 'round!

    You HAVE been busy. I hope your sleep issues begin to go away. You've had a lot on your mind...I really wonder if that doesn't have a lot to do with it.

  4. Such fun and happiness!
    We are so delighted for y'all.
    Keep us posted about the job...
    Easter Blessings to you and yours.
    Love you, Jess

  5. Nellie, I am so glad the shower turned out beautifully everyone, My best to Megan and Scott. The ladies did a wonderful job of decorating too.
    I will be praying about the sleep thing, I know how that can be.

  6. Hi Gal, I am so sorry about your sleep issues. I would definitely try adjusting the exercise time and see if that helps! But it probably is mostly hormonal. UGH!

    The shower looks so lovely! I know it was a blessing.

    I am praying God's will for this job! I know it would be hard not to get excited.
    Love ya,
    Talk to ya soon!

  7. I am so disappointed that I cannot see your photos!! I'm sure the shower was totally beautiful. The menu sounded delicious!!! I know dear Meghan is a most-welcome addition to your family and that you and Jim look forward to the day she's "legally" yours.

    Oh, you mentioned sister-in-law Susan. I SO remember her. She and Gary used to do sound together sometimes. Sure wish I could see the photo she's in.

    Anyhow, looking forward to seeing you when I visit in a few weeks.


  8. Hi Nellie

    Oh my goodness the shower looked so pretty. Your DIL to be is quite pretty too.

    Thanks for sharing all the pictures with you and Susan in them and your pretty daughter Dee Anna too.

    Glad to hear you got some rest. I get so worn out sometimes too. Sunday was my day of rest too.

    You have been very blessed!

    Have a good week!
    Love you

  9. The shower looks so special!! I love her colors - everything looked so nice....including yours truly:) So excited to hear good news with regards to the job - will be praying as you wait for more news!

    Have a wonderful Wednesday tomorrow!

  10. What a wonderful post, Nellie! However, you caught me blinking, ha! I look like I was sleeping, lol! I love your chickadee bag. I really love birds!

    I know what you mean about being tired! I am worn out anymore when I get home from work! I'm so tired when the kids get back from lunch! I definately made the right decision to retire this year. I have never had a probably before, getting to the end of the year. But, when I talk to the other teachers, they are having the same worn out feeling too!

    I'm so excited for Jim!!! I've been praying every day!! I can hardly wait to find out!

    I go Thursday to State Farm to check out their medical insurance. There are several other places I have been led to as well to find out costs and coverage. The county is charging just too much ($600. a month! I don't think so!!)

    I'm looking forward to this weekend. One of my teacher friends invited me to her family and friends birthday party!

    I love you all so much,

  11. What a beautiful bride, daughter, and sister-in- law. I feel like I knew a lot of invited guests! You looked very lovely in your pretty blue shirt and it looks like things are warming up in Florida. The weather for the wedding should be fantastic! I am so happy for Scott and Megan. And for Dee and Jerry too. How wonderful!

    You must be so happy! Lvoe, B

  12. Nellie I enjoyed all of your pictures! Beautiful family:) Thank you once AGAIN for so strongly displaying your faith in God in the most recent posts-you always stay so positive no matter what goes on in your life, and you may not realize it but I think that is one of the best testimonies of Jesus living in us:) Have a great week!

  13. What a beauty! I am happy for Megan and Scott. Hope all is going well for you and that hubby's job works out! Praise to God, I have a job waiting for me! I begin on April 25. I can see that I'll be blogging less, but that's ok. We all are faced with choices in our lives including on how we use our time. Thanks for all your encouragement!
    Blessings, Beth


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie