Thursday, April 21, 2011

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - April 21, 2011

(Compliments of Womans Day 2010 - Posterized)

The LORD lives! Praise be to my Rock!
 Exalted be God my Savior!
Psalm 18:46

Greetings Sweet Friends,

So how are you today???
What have you been up to??

I have just been up to getting ready for Easter
for the most part, which I am sure most of
you can relate to....which leads me to the
first Thankful on my list.


I am thankful
my menu is all planned, and that my table plans for Easter,
 are coming along nicely.  Also, that others are pitching
in to help. As many hands makes the work light!!

( a lil sneak peek of a work in progress)

I am thankful
that we got most of our food shopping done for
Easter Dinner, just need a trip to Sam's on Friday.

I am thankful
that Lord willing, our whole family will all be together on
 Easter for most of the day,  then of course, they need to 
visit with their other families to be.

I am thankful

that our church has a Maundy Thursday Service,
in case you are not familiar with one, it is not your
 typical unlifting service,   it is really for the purpose
 of making us realize and ponder what Jesus went thru
 before and while on the Cross in our behalf,  before we
 get to Sunday, the day that He was Resurrected from
 the dead, so that,  we can really 
His Resurrection in a more heart felt way.

I have to be honest I don't always look forward to going
to this service, but I do love the results.... because it 
really does make for a more
Aware, Grateful, and Joyful  Easter Celebration!

I am thankful

for our friends that visited with us on Monday evening,
it has been a while since we have been able to get together,
 as she has been quite sick and he has been going thru
 chemo treatments, so it was  great to spend some
time with them. He is in remission, (definitely another
 praise) but they still give those treatments for awhile
as a precautionary.
They even brought me a belated birthday present,
am surprised she could even remember with all
she has had going on.  Always a thoughtful friend.

 This was my fun Gift......3 cute lil bunny bowls,  so sweet, I just
had to have my cereal in one yesterday!! Sweet hand towel an a
 Ty Pennington decorating book, lovely care and adorable  gift bag!

and I almost forgot............this neat lil handheld fan for my hot flashes!! 
 I have had one before and ladies they are great to keep in your purse
 for when you are out and you get your own tropical wave!!  lol


I am thankful
that the same friend got a huge answer to prayer
and called the next day simply ecstatic. We are just so
 happy for her.  She sounded more like her old self than
 I have heard her sound in quite some time! 
 What joy that brings to our heart!


I am thankful
for a weeks worth of uninterrupted sleep,
 full 8 hours all at once!!.
It has been wonderful!!

Many Thanks to those who have prayed for this!!

I am thankful

for the prayers of God's people, friends here at 
home and in blogland,  as we have felt them many times, 
throughout this time of lay off, and I really believe they have
 helped keep us joyful,  and can't begin to tell you how 
grateful we are for that!!

I am thankful
for something I think the Lord did for me......
 Now you might think I am crazy when I tell you the story. 
 I really really  like our porch chairs and we have had them
 for quite a long while, and  they have gotten where the arms
 of the chairs get very dirty looking and when we clean them
 most of it comes off, but it is getting so it is working less
 everytime. So about a week or so ago I was on the porch and it
 was time to clean them again, and I was saying Lord what can 
I do about these chairs they are starting to look really bad, and
 if we paint them then we could never clean them and so on.

Anyway, last Friday we cleaned them, and I decided to use
 a Publix brand clorox kitchen cleaner.  Now I would stake
 my life on the fact, that I have tried clorox before, but for some
 strange reason just felt to try it again, all the time thinking it
 probably want do a thing...............
 and much to my great surprise it took everything off and
 seriously they look like brand new chairs!  
I am still shocked over it,  and so is hubby, and we both 
truly feel it was a gift from the Lord!!
Call me crazy if you want,  but I know He has done
 stuff like that for me many times. So we are praising
the Lord for His goodness once again!!

If you would like to see the back porch, you can
sort of see our chairs, click here for an older post.
  It doesn't look quite this bright now tho.
Too bad the sun causes fading!!  lol

I am thankful

for these new Big Friends from the animal kingdom
that dropped by to enjoy the respite of our large
Maple tree this week.  They are actually our next
door neighbors dogs who have just recently learned
how to escape their yard,  and they are having
FUN  with it!!

(One is a sheep dog, and have no idea what the other one is, 
 but they are both sweet dogs,  I took some water out to them, cause 
they were hassling so, from the heat, bless their hearts!!)

Which leads me to................

I am thankful
that I wasn't born a large dog in Florida that has to 
live outdoors in this heat, unless my owners was
wealthy and I had an Air Conditoned dog house!! lol
But actually, I am quite serious abut that!!

I have saved the Best for Last,
My most important Thankful...................

I am thankful
to the Lord Jesus, for all He did for me that day on
the cross.  Not only did he give me salvation and a place
in Heaven,  but a new life as well.  I could never imagine
what my life woud be like without Him in it!
He is not only a Holy God, but a Savior, counselor,
and the Best Friend a person can ever have!!

Well, Sweet Friends, that wraps up
 my week of
Good happenings.................

I pray that you and yours,
 will have
 a Wonderful Easter Celebration 
with your family and/or Friends.

Thanks for dropping by,  always
great hearing from you!!

Love, Blessings
Special Easter Hugs to You!!



  1. A hearty Amen to being thankful for Jesus' death on the Cross. Because he lived a perfect, sinless, holy life, he was the perfect lamb to be sacrificed, and I am SO thankful for his willingness to go to the Cross...for me.

    When I was part of DAC, I don't think they had a Maundy Thursday service. That must be something relatively new. Very powerful and meaningful for sure.

    That's great about your chairs!! I think God can do and does do all sorts of little things for us, so I don't think you are strange in the least to think it was a gift from God.

    Love ya,

    PS I'll be responding to your email as soon as I can.

  2. I always love to read your thankful things. At times I laugh and others feel a bit sad but always inspirational and you are a living testimony of God's love for us all. Happy Easter sweetie.

  3. Sweet Nellie, I join you in be thankful for the cross and His great love for us. I love your TT list girl, makes me smile. I just know you have a thankful heart. I'm going to check out your porch chairs now.
    Happy Easter my friend.

  4. I just got back from church where I practiced a trio I'm singing in for Sunday. "One Day" It's a great song!

    We've had a fun day with 2 of our grandchildren. Chalk drawing on sidewalks, playing restaurant on back deck, a game or two of croquet, a walk to the donut shop this morning, Tinker Toys, a stab at old-fashioned jacks (they're too young for this game, I discovered). I had a mentoring session over noon hour with young lady who requested to meet me weekly. My husband took the kids to Burger King while I met.....FULL day. I'm thankful for every minute of it. Anticipating Easter. I will have a meal here for my mother & dad, daughter and her 4. (Her husband is on-call at the college he works at and can't come along.)

    I think that sheep dog is beautiful. Thankful to hear of answered prayers in your life and that of your friend. God is good. God is powerful. He is ALIVE! Hallelujah!

  5. As always I enjoyed your TT post Nellie.
    I too am most thankful for what Christ did for me on the cross.

    This is the first time I have heard of Maundy Thursday Service,but it sounds like a great way to prepare for Easter Sunday Service.
    The dogs are so cute, we had a sheep dog like that one and boy did summer affect him hard.
    Wishing you and your dear family a most blessed Easter.

  6. Nellie

    I love the way our Lord blesses us. I think we just have to have our eyes open all the way to see them all.

    Your Easter Decor looks very lovely. Thanks for giving us a sneak peek.

    I totally enjoyed our Maundy Thursday service last night.. It was a candlelight service and the choir did a most excellent job. My favorite part was when a Choir member sang a solo "Beautiful" I love that song and she really sang it with such feeling.

    Today is my day off and I am doing some cleaning and preparing for Easter Dinner.

    Have a Blessed Easter Weekend!

    Love & Hugs to you my friend!


  7. Hey Gal! Hope your Easter if full of joy, praise, and love! Looks like you're all ready! I am almost there! We'll have a house full, too!!

    Sent you an email from my Junk to Joy account.
    Love you bunches,

  8. This is just a delightful post once again, Nellie and I love the first photo of the eggs. So neat. I don't have photo shop but I wish I did after seeing all your posterized photos.

    We have something fun planned for tomorrow...if it works out I will post about it. I have my table all done and a vague idea of the menu but still have some shopping to do in the morning. The stores will be jammed I know but I had the missionaries over for dinner tonight and I just had to get that done before I could move on to Easter dinner. I am roasting a leg of lamb...haven't done that in years but Jim and his mom really are big fans and that is what he wanted, soooo!

    I am so happy you are sleeping, I wish I could do that. All the waking up at night drives me nuts. Speaking of which I better go try again to fall alseep.

    Have a wonderful weekend, the Lord has given us much to celebrate every single day of the year but Easter is special!

    Love you all....B

  9. Anit God good to give us so many blessings we don't deserve! He give them to His children because he loves us :)

  10. #1. I am so happy to help in any way! I love you all so much!
    #2. I just went to Publix this morning (Sat.) and they DIDN'T have any pole beans!! So, I went back by Winn Dixie; they DIDN'T have any either!!! My last hope was Applebys! YEAH, They had the pole beans. I now have them cookin'!
    #3. I am so happy to be apart of all of your family!
    #4. I forgot! I have made a habit of watching "The Passion of the Christ." It truly makes me visually realize the agony Christ went through for all mankind, even those who reject Him. It makes me so sorry for my sin. But, JOY comes in the morning of His Resurrection! JOY awaits us when we will one day be resurrected to New Life because of Christ!
    #5. What a wonderful surprise from those you love so much! I really like the bunny bowls!!
    #6. The LORD surely blesses us at the time we need it most!
    #7. Isn't it great to wake up so rested!! Thank the LORD! I pray He continues to bless your sleep!
    #8. The LORD has surely made you a testimony to everyone.
    #9. Bright white in the light! They must glow at night, ha!
    #10. I love my BIG dogs. Xena is such a lovebug! Even though she weighs 95 pounds, she always waits for me to invite her to sit on my "lap." She steps on my easy chair, then puts her feet on the arm of the chair and gently lays on the side of the chair, just barily laying on my left leg. Then she turns her head and puts it on my chest! Nose to nose with a bullmastiff! She reminds me of my Reggie (Boxer who passed away in 1998.)
    #11. You would have loved me being your owner. You would have been spoiled just like mine are!!! LOL!!
    #12. Isn't it so amazing how personal our GOD is with each us! He Loves us with a Love we can not truly understand, but we can feel the outcome of His LOVE through Salvation and Eternal Life that begins at salvation! I can hardly wait to see Him Face to face!
    I so love you all,

  11. Have the best Easter with lots of fun, plenty of new memories and a tummy full of goodness. Love ya!



Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie