Monday, April 18, 2011

(Compliments of Better Homes and Gardens magazine, I think)

Good Monday Morning Sweet Peas,

Hope your weekend was pleasant!
or restful, fun, peaceful or
 productive at least!!  lol

Ours was a mixed bag...............
a lil productive, a lil bit sad, a lil bit lazy,
and a whole lot wonderful!

Since we were feeling a bit sad over Joey,
working is like therapy for me, so we cleaned
the porch Friday evening, and we watched a
 movie "Where the wild things are",  it is a
kiddie movie, but cute, but something didn't 
compute with me, I didn't really get the gist
of it, course, maybe there was no gist!!  lol
or maybe it was just my sad mood.  
It made me cry too!

Before the movie hubby ran to Publix and
got a Keylime/mango pie to drown our
sorrows in!!  lol
It is a truly wonderful pie, might I say!!

By Saturday,
I realized that this too, is something I just
 have to trust the Lord with, Joey's care and
 keeping.  Hard not to worry about her, she
 is like a grandchild and even tho, she was a
 handful and quite grumpy and mean at times,
 you grow to love them, just like your children. 
 Thank the Lord for prayer and knowing that
 he is concerned about what concerns us!
That is a huge comfort!

If we didn't have Molly we probably would
 have taken her, but it is a real hassle with 
the 2 of them, as Molly is terrified of Joey,
 and Joey is fascinated with Molly in a good
way, but also loves to play chase the cat!!
Then they get into scrapes and it is just all
 very annoying to say the least,  and we can
 deal with that on a very short term basis
  but for 10 years or more is a bit more 
than we can care to think about.

So I have been covering her and her new
family in prayer and that is helping my heart, 
 but you gotta get the grief out,that is just
 the way it is, cause she did live with us for
 almost a year and has been a visitor quite
 often throughout the last year and a half. 
 So naturally, we would be attached and
 miss her!

My pretty lilies are blooming again!!

Saturday was sort of a lazy day and we sat
 out on our nice clean porch, and talked 
about some projects that we could do that
 didn't require $$$!!
We also started rereading "Heaven is for real",
 it really is such a great story.

We really need to do some repairs on the 
back of our Garden shed, it has water damage
 and dry rot,  and we do have some cedar, and 
wood so think we have enough to do the job,
and then after that, we can put the new roof on. 
We have had the roof tiles for years every since
 we got the new roof on our house. The old shed
 roof is fine, but it will just look so much nicer
when it matches our house.

I have to say, it was fun just to plan a project, 
 I just needed that for some reason.  So I am 
looking forward to it. Don't know if hubby is 
looking forward to it quite as much as me
since he will have to do more of the work! lol
But once he gets going he usually has fun
with it too, and always does a great job.

Compliments of Womans Day 2010
Aren't they sooo pretty!!

Sunday was just an awesome day at church, 
 the message and the music was just great,
better than usual for some reason, and they
changed the order of service, but it was nice.
Only thing is they had the choir sitting in
the pews, one of which is where we usually
sit, so we did get bumped out of our usual
 spot, but oh well, we probably needed
 to be moved anyway! lol

Sunday Evening was our Easter Contata.
But it was not your traditional Easter
Contata that we were expecting,  but
we truly enjoyed it.  It was more like
a concert, and we loved all the songs,
cause they were all familiar worships
songs,  so it was a wonderful time of 
worship and praise to our Lord.

Also, we were so blessed to see a lil
gal, that went to our church when she
was young, and moved away and has
been living in Canada for years,but she
 is back in the area now, so it was so great
 to see her,  she is 42 now! 
 She looks the same to me,
So that was a lovely surprise!!

 I know her Mom must be beside herself
 with joy, as she has been widowed
 quite a number of years now, and it
is so nice to have your children close
by.....she does at least have 2 sons
fairly close by thankfully! 

Then we came home to watch our Pastors 
on TV and eat Cranberry Chicken Salad, 
 um um, they are just one of the best 
salads I have every had!!  Truly!!
For recipe (Click Here)

You have to like a sweet salad 
dressing tho!!

This morning we had breakfast on the
porch and it was so cool and lovely,
and it is an absolutely breathtakingly
beautiful day outside.
 we started on our shed project this morning
 by taking down some brush and a small tree
 that is in the way, next we can move pots
 and other stuff out of the way as well,
 so we survey the damage, and make a
plan for demolishion!!  lol

Not the whole building............
 just the bottom of the back!!  lol

Compliments of womans' Day or Better Homes and Gardens, 
not sure which!

Well, that is all my news for today!!

Hope all is well in your corner of the
world, and that your day is sweet!!

Nice to have you visit,  and even
sweeter to hear from you!

Love, Hugs,  and 
Happy Easter Hugs,


  1. I'm sure Joey will miss you guys too but will be happy to be in a new home where he can live always. Glad you had a lovely weekend.

  2. Sounds like a good weekend - all things considered. I know your heart is hurting for Joey but it really does sound like you guys found a great new home for her! What sweet memories she leaves on your heart.

    How nice that your church does an Easter cantata. We do one at Christmas but not again at Easter. I miss these - we always had one when I was growing up but we have never had one at our church now. Don't know why...but we do have some special music - including two handbell specials....including yours truly:) I so enjoy playing the handbells. Oh, we are truly amateur/volunteers but we enjoy it, for sure!

    Hope you have a great week. Have fun on that project! I love a new project:)

  3. My heart just aches for you and missing Joey. I am praying, too, sweetie, that all will be well at her new home, and in your heart.

    Sounds like you have been seeing the blessings through it all which is what I love about you!!

    Glad you got started on your project. I have so many, I'm not sure where to start!! HA!!
    Love you gal!
    Talk to you soon!

  4. I know how you feel about Joey. It's like losing one to death. I still have some moments of sorrow for my Reggie (boxer, he passed away 13 years ago.) He and I were so close. Now I see my 13 year old Sam coming to the same twilight of his life.

    I know who you are talking about (lil gal.) She has come by to give me hugs several times.
    I know her mom is overjoyed to have her so near again.

    REPAIRS! Are we ever without them, ha! I hope this summer to get the carpet "ripped" out and the laminate flooring continued. I also want to get me one of those "Primear" baths installed. Then my house will be set.

    I just saw a note about lol. I thought it stood for "lots of laughs." But it was called,
    "laughs out loud!" I guess it could be either, lol!

    Enjoy your porch!
    I love you all so much,

  5. I'm pretty jealous that you can sit out on your porch. It is still very, very cool here. I'm SO ready for warmer weather.

    Glad you had inspiring, uplifting music in your service & for the Easter cantata. The couple who have been key in our music program are leaving our church to attend their son's (he's the pastor). We really, REALLY need a gifted leader & keyboardist. SOON!

    I'm getting ready for having 2 grandchildren here with us from Wed-Sun. It will be fun, but I need to plan a little more than when it's just "us".

  6. That's so sad about your Joey. That's a very hard thing to get over. I hope she is loving her new home though.
    love ya!

  7. I just caught up with your last post and this one. I'm sorry you didn't get good news about the job. I continue to keep you in my prayers that something "just right" comes along soon. I'm also so sorry about Joey. I'm such a dog lover that this would be so hard for me. It truly would be losing a member of the family, but I'm glad that the home is a good one with kids who will love her.

  8. So sorry about your little Joey, we do love them so.
    Your Easter background is fabulous, great job with your blog. Thanks for stopping by, and I'll visit again.


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie