Thursday, April 7, 2011

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - April 7, 2011

The LORD is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation.
 He is my God, and I will praise Him.
Exodus 15:2

Hellooooooooooo. .....Sweet Friends,
how are you this overcast Florida day!
I  really am hoping your day is sunny!!  lol

Our day has been very good so far, it's only 11:00 a.m., 
 so I am early to post for a change, only cause I worked 
on it off and on yesterday too, so that was helpful.

Not much new to report that isn't in on my Thankful  list 
so I will just get started..................

I am thankful
that I got the okay from Megan and I have my dress
 for the Wedding!!  Whoo Hoo! She loved it!!
 Not that I thought she wouldn't but just didn't know how
 it would look with her Mom's dress, actually her Mom
tried on a dress like it but in another color and fabric
and the reason she didn't get it was cause the fabric
didn't look that dressy, mine has a shimmer to it,  which
 makes it very dressy looking. I was gonna show yall a pic,
  but thought I will wait till after the Wedding pics and
 show you then.

Now to find accessories!!  lol

I am thankful
hubby has another job interview at another Company 
this afternoon.  It is like the flood gates have opened all 
of a sudden!!  lol  Trust me, we aren't complaining!!
It is so strange cause he just applied for this one on Tuesday
 and got a call the next day and it is off the career bldgr. website too!
That's 2 interviews from there, and that has never happened before.
So Timely.................
And we think we know the reason why............
which I will probably share with you next week!

I am thankful
that although initially it was upsetting,  I saw something on the 
website of the place where Dee is having her wedding,  that we 
really needed to get to the bottom of,  and now we have it all 
worked out and we feel very assured all will go well,  and we
 have it in writing as well.  Shew.............

I am thankful
that we get to attend Megan's bridal shower this Saturday, 
 Me,  Dee and Susan are all going together! 
 It's going to be a lovely brunch at a country club.
  Sounds like fun to me!!

This is her invitation....Isn't it gorgeous! Like a watercolor pic,
I want to do something with it,  not sure what yet!!
They came from a place called the Inviting Company at
 in case you are interested and might every need invitations for anything!!

I am thankful
Scott and Megan got to come over for dinner on Tuesday
so she could see my dress, and we also had a lot of other 
questions we needed to ask about the Wedding.  So 
we have all that taken care of now.  Yea!!

I am thankful
my hubby has his confidence in the Lord,  cause this could
 really be a horrible time for him,  but he is just plugging away
 trusting the Lord. 
 What a joy that is to watch!!

What a dolled up gift bag!
So very pretty and I love the color combo!
But what is it for???

I am thankful
that Miss Becky from over at Junk to Joy
blessed me with a visit,  and this lovely birthday
 gift!  I just love them, they are so pretty!! 
(See pic below)
and the candle scent is "pink sand" and does it
smell delightful!  All from Yankee candle.
 and can't wait to use them on a pretty tablescape.

She always makes her gifts so pretty you almost
don't want to open them!!

Aren't they beautiful......She knows what I love!!

 a nice closeup,  this flower even matches the flower on 
 my spring bird pics.

Just had to try it with a posterized affect!
Think it is such a pretty affect.

Here is another side to the candle holders, all 4 sides are different, 
 how clever and pretty, and all sides very springy looking

A closeup of my beautifully handcrafted Birthday card
from her.  She does such beautiful work,  and she now has
an etsy shop.  If you have never visited her....think you would
enjoy it very much, and she makes all sorts of lovely handmade
 things, and sells vintage finds as well, you will love her
 etsy shop I am sure.  To visit her......Click Here


I am thankful
for the referral by Bonnie over at one designing
woman to 3 movies we have not seen,  but sound
great!  "Ruby Bridges",  " I am David",  and 
Mrs. Palfrey @ the Claremont",  I put them all
on my netflix queue.  Can't wait to see them!
We love hearing about good, clean movies.

I am thankful
for all the beautiful lush greenery we are seeing
 because of all the spring rains,  so refreshingly beautiful.
All the deadness of winter is going, going,  gone!!
Halleleujah!!  It came to pass,  it didn't come to
stay...........course, I know some of you up North
are beginning to think it did come to stay!!  lol

These are shots of our backyard.
That is the sun coming up over the trees

I just took these this morning.
See this lil tree.....6 or 7 years ago when hurricane charlie 
came thru here we were so saddened that she was completely
 crushed and demolished, and look at her now!!  
Makes me think of that verse........
God makes all things beautiful in His time!

And see this big tree right behind the lattice fence,
the tallest one,  it too, was demolished and we just
cut it off never really expecting it would come back,
and what a transformation.  We love this tree,  it
is so pretty,  but we don't know what kind of tree
it is for sure,  but from looking on line I think it is
in the elderberry family.

I am thankful
for the color makes my heart happy
especially in the spring.  Funny cause they say you
usually decorate with the colors you wear,  but I
really rarely wear pink,  but I do love it so..........

I am thankful
for swiffer dusters because I am allergic to dust
especially when it is flying in the air,  and these
lil babies pretty much prevent that,  and makes
it so I can clean without wearing a mask, 
which is how I used to do it, or else suffer a
 lovely allergy attack!!   So what a blessing swiffer
dusters are to this lady!!

I am thankful
for vinegar....not only is it great for your blood sugar 
and makes great salad dressings as well as being useful
 for other food things,  but it is also a great inexpensive cleaning
 agent.  It takes hard water deposits off of shower tiles and 
around your sink and faucets,  great for cleaning out your 
coffee pot and dishwasher, you can use it to clean windows 
and counter tops,  add it to your wash as a water softener,
 and can even use it to kill weeds,  the last 2 of have only
 heard not tried yet,  but plan to and keep forgetting!  Anyway,
 vinegar is a Very Good Thing as Martha Stewart would say!!

Can you tell I am cleaning today!!  lol

 I am also  thankful.... you stopped by
 for a visit and to say Hello!

Hope you will have a 
Westful West of the Week!
(Elmer Fudd told me to tell you that!)

Love, Hugs,
Sweet Cleaning Blessings,
(If there is such a thing!!  lol)

So..........What are you Thankful
 For this Week!  Share with us!!

You might just encourage our hearts!!


  1. Blessings are bountiful! Amen, yall deserve everyone.
    Lazy on Loblolly

  2. I am thankful for Y-O-U!!! Wonderful YOU!! And my God who knows my every need perfectly, and is busy meeting them before I even ask Him to!!! I am thankful for sunny, warm days and the delightful answers to prayers I am seeing in the lives of some family members.

    I'll stop there, but the list is endless!!
    Love ya bunches, Nellie!
    Have a joyful day!
    So glad about the interviews!!

  3. Hey Nellie,
    Please send good old Elmer Fudd over here! I could use a comic relief! LOL
    Great post and lovely go girl!
    And I love the posterized effect for sure.

    I'm thankful that our real Home (HEAVEN) becomes closer and more real every day.
    Blessings Sweet Friend, Jess

  4. #1. What a great relief to know you don't have to look for another dress! I can hardly wait to see it!
    #2. I've been praying!!! I surely hope Jim will find a job he will enjoy as well as the company hiring him will be blessed.
    #3. I didn't realize DeeAnna's wedding was going to be on-line. I haven't heard of this before. Just shows how "out of touch" I am with today's ways.
    #4. I can hardly wait!!
    #5. It's great to get settled with things before events occur! That's what I'm going through with now for retirement.
    #6. I'm so thankful to our LORD for the strength He gives us. I just don't like the lesson of patience the LORD gives me sometimes.
    #7. Your candle glasses are really beautiful! I love the square shapes! The flowers are so pretty!
    #8. I'll have to watch these!
    #9. Every year at school, this is the time of the year that the oak trees lose all of their leaves and get new limey green leaves so thick you can't see the branches!
    #10. I like to see all of the pretty pastel colors you see this time of the year! I guess it goes along with Easter.
    #11. They are great, it's just moving all of my trinkets I have in order to dust! I think I'm going to move these into my glass cabinets so I can just swipe my table and not have to move things, ha!
    #12. Mom always used vinegar (not in the wash.) I hate the smell of it, but it does the job!
    Love to you all,

  5. You have many wonderful thankful things. Hope all goes well with hubbys interview too.

  6. Great Encouragement! Thanks for the words. Makes me want to count my blessings also! Have a blessed week-end, Lynn

  7. What a happy list today - so many fun events on your calendar...and good things happening around there! I know you are enjoying it! I can't wait to see that dress:) What a pretty mother of the groom you will be!! Have a beautiful weekend - and I, too, love PINK:)

  8. As always I enjoy your TT list Nellie, I am so glad that the dress has been approved, have fun at the shower.
    You and i both enjoy the swiffer duster.and I too use vinegar in so many ways, and it's cheap but great!
    I will continue to pray for your dh's job, God has it all picked out for him., it's His timing, which is perfect!
    We are beginning to warm up and I am seeing green too. yay!
    Becky is so sweet and talented too, you are blessed to live so close to each other.
    Always a joy to visit.

  9. Hi Nellie

    You have such a postive spirit. Thank you for showing that to me.

    I am so anxious to see your dress. I sounds beautiful. Have fun looking for accessories.

    I love the color pink too. It is a happy color. I do wear a lot of pink.

    Your birthday gift is very pretty, It looks like you would have picked it out for yourself.

    I just read some health benefits about vinegar that I was not aware of. It seems to be such an inexpensive product for cleaning. Cleaning that is my Saturday plan.

    The weather turned a lot cold here at night but I think it has warmed to around 55 today. Still a bit cool.

    I will be finishing up on the Easter baskets this weekend for the grandkids so I can mail them early next week.

    Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy the bridal shower. I can't wait to hear all about it.


  10. I enjoyed the various "THANK YOUs" about the upcoming wedding. A dear friend of mine who has enjoyed two of her four children's weddings so far gave me the advice to pray over ever detail and enjoy every moment.

    I think you and she think alike.

    And I'm lifting your husband that a job OFFER will be a praise and thanksgiving very soon.

    I love that you thanked for his confidence in God. So praiseworthy indeed!

    And I didn't know that you knew Becky in the flesh. She is definitely very talented!


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie