Monday, April 4, 2011

Crowned Chirps Party & Tabletop Tuesday

Happy Monday Morning Sweet Peas,

How was your weekend???
Hoping it was full of Sunshine and
Great Weather!  Especially for you
Dears Ones that live up North.

Ours was fun and exciting,  we went to the Cardiologist
 on Friday for hubby, and he got a good report,  and we
 were able to give him our "Heaven is for real" book. 
 Which was not my plan, my plan was to reread it and
 then give it to our kids to read,  but was reading the 
last chapter to hubby as we drove down there,  and the 
thought popped into my head to give it to Dr. D.........
I felt it was the Lord since it wasn't my plan. 
 It was neat because he said "he had seen this kid" on
 T.V.,  so felt like the Lord had already laid the ground
work.  So that was fun!!

Then we went shopping for my dress for the Scott's 
Wedding, which is just less than 6 weeks away now!  
Tried on a bunch of dresses at Dillards, but none of
them worked,  and Dee happened to call cause she was
 bored...... she was stuck at work,  awaiting approval
 on x-rays from a Dr., so she finally got cut lose and 
came over to lend a hand for awhile, so I tried on a
 bunch more dresses and we found one, that looked
 okay,  but  I wasn't really thrilled with it.  It was
great she came to help tho,  cause it made it much
faster cause she was getting them off the hangers and
 hanging them back up for me.  I was telling hubby
my how things change,  that used to be me doing that
for her!!  lol
 Jerry was waiting on her, so they could go get something
 to eat,  so she left,  and then we went to Macy's and
I tried on a couple of things there,  but didn't like
 them,  then we went to Sears really not expecting 
to find much, but we looked around anyway and
  to our amazement, I think I found the dress.  
So we were beyond excited!!

 Now I had seen the same style dress at Macy's,
and loved it but it was cream colored, which
 doesn't work for me, but the one at Sears was
a shimmery midnight blue, that is A-line, with
cut in sleeves, and ruffles down the whole dress,
It also has pearls and rhinestones at the neckline,
and looked so nice on.  Very figure forgiving!!

The color looks great with my hair color, and I typically
have never liked sleeveless anything, because I have 
very narrow shoulders and most stuff hangs over my
 shoulders and makes my arms look fat,  it was that
 way even when I was young and skinny.
So I only wear cut in sleeves if they are sleeveless.

Loved this!!  It was the same style dress made
buy the same Co.,  the one at Macy's was $109.00.
on sale, and mine from Sears was on sale for $50.00, 
 the exact same amount of $$ I got for my birthday!
Isn't God Great!!

Now I just need an okay from Megan cause I haven't 
seen her Mom's dress,  all I know is it is black and
 cream and knee length.  

Now I am hoping I can find shoes at Dillards so I can
 use my Birthday gift card.

After all that shopping,  we were starving of course,
so we had another gift certificate compliments of
Scott and Megan for Long Horn Steak House,
so we went there and had a lovely time and
a lovely dinner!!

Saturday was pretty uneventful,  just made a nice
big breakfast and hung out.....sat in the sun a bit,
and had a nice leisurely day,  and turned in by
10:30, which is early for us!!  lol

Then Sunday was Church,  I didn't go to Sunday
School cause for some reason I woke up at 2:30,
and couldn't go back to sleep,  and then was reading
on the website of the place where Dee is having her
 Wedding,  and read some things that disturbed
me about the privacy and inclement weather,
cause her Wedding is going to be outside under
a pavilion,  so then was thinking about that, so
didn't get back to sleep until 8:00,  so Jim let me
sleep as long as possible.

After church some friends took us out to Olive
Garden for lunch,  they have a new soup that
is delicious........I think it is called Chicken Gnocci
soup,  it reminded me of a great cream of broccoli
soup that my dear friend Sharon makes, Only it
is made with spinach, chicken, and gnocci.  
What a pleasant and fun time of fellowship.

Then we ran to Publix to pick up a few things,
and to the dollar store for wrapping paper and
ribbon for Megan's upcoming Shower next
weekend!  So looking forward to that!!
Then got all the way home and realized we
had forgotten hubbies van at the church,
so had to go back and get it,  so we didn't
 get home till 4:00,  then took a nap at 5:00
to 6: something,  and watched our Pastors
on T.V. and turned in at around 11:30,  
I think we both felt it was a great weekend!!
And it was certainly a great Birthday week
for me!!  lol

Today is hubbies other interview,  so we are hoping
 to maybe hear something quickly for a change,  
but not counting on it necessarily !!  lol
But it would be nice!!
You can always hope!!

Now the real reason for this post!!  lol
But I just had to talk to you a bit first,
cause it seems like a long time!!

Welcome to the Crowned Chirp Party
hosted by Miss Becky over at Junk to Joy
If you would like to see what others did
with their Crowned Chirp just Click Here

And what is a Crowned Chirp, 
you  might ask????

Why they are these delightful little birdies that have
 taken up residence on my family room coffee table. 
 Mama and  baby daughter!!

See they even left some Crowned Chirp eggs............

Amongst the pretty roses and berries 

I know some of the photos didn't include
the  Crowned Chirps but thought you might
 enjoy seeing the entire vignette.

Decided to make a dessert type place setting
with the crowned chirps 

Had some Easter Candy, so added some spring

peanut M & M's to look like bird eggs

 and some jelly bean eggs as well!

And since it was a dessert place setting.....
 we must have some dessert, Of Course!!

As you can see I used our "Queen or King
for a day" dessert plate (at least that is what we
call it around is for the special person
of the day, whether birthday or whatever
we are celebrating for that person) 

And our Queen or King of the day Candle,
that goes on top of their fav dessert!

Ahhhh.....Turtle Cheesecake!!
Baby Daughter says to MaMa!!

Here are the unfettered Crowned Chirps.....
Or should I say unegged!!

Now.... lets try out a few of those new
real looking faux eggs I got a few weeks back!!

Then since I was on a roll and already at the
kitchen table,  I tried this......................

Great Place to carry and egg...........

This is also what I did with the daisy bushes
I got,  but this is not their final destination,  I
have something else in mind that hopefully, I
will get to soon! 

Had to add at least one with a photoshop affect!!

It has been equalized and posterized and think this is
gonna  have to be on the front of  someone's
 Easter Card!!  lol

 I am also linking up to Marty over at 
a stroll thru life for Table Top Tuesday.
Check out all the great tabletop
decorating ideas.  Click Here!

Hope you enjoyed your visit to the
" Kingdom of Crowned Chirps, "
Come back and visit again soon!

Have a Delightful
 Monday and Tuesday!

Love, Hugs and......
Crowned Chirp Blessings,
Chirp!  Chirp!



  1. Clearly I'm out of the Kingdom of Crowned Chirps loop! My, you've had a busy weekend! I didn't sleep well Saturday night, either! In fact, I wasn't going to go to church, I slept so little. But I did - and am SO thankful! A young lady spoke up during "praise time" and said she had a spiritual turnaround during the week. The change in her was so evident. I was greatly encouraged.

    Praying that you will continue to be strong in your faith and expectation as you wait for news re. your husband's job.

    Thrilled with you at your finding a wedding dress is such a special way....

    God bless you, Nellie. All week long!

  2. Just love it Nellie! I would never have thought to put anything in their little crowns!
    You are sooo creative! Everything looks lovely, as usual!

    Love your new blog look, too! So cheery!
    I am soo glad to hear you found the perfect dress! I know you're getting excited about Scott's big day!!

    Love you gal! Hope your week is fab, and that we connect tomorrow!!

  3. Nellie,
    It has been a pleasure reading this post, and seeing what lovely vignettes you created with the Crowned Chirps. They are all so lovely and creative!

    It sounds like this is an extremely busy season in your life.

    Happy Monday to you!

  4. Hi sweetie, Good morning to you. Love to see all your Easter goodies and your spring look. Will be holding your sweet hubby up today.
    Hugs today.

  5. Love your crowned chirps, everything looks so pretty! Where did you find your chirps, they are adorable!

  6. Nellie,
    Sounds like you had a great week! My mom and mother in law both had a hard time picking out the perfect dress for my wedding as well! It is such a fun time, but there is a lot that goes into the wedding as well! I love your little birdies on your table! I have been keeping easter jelly beans in my house as well and me and my puppy (yes she likes them too lol) devour them! Im kind of sluggish from the sugar rush they bring hehe:) Hope you have a great week!

  7. Hi Nellie, I sure enjoyed your little shopping spree. I am glad you found a dress you love.

    The crowned chirps are so cute. Mother and daughter works for me. The eggs are a cute idea. Good for you. I had fun with mine too.

    It is nice to meet you.

  8. The crowned chirps are really cute and I hadn't seen any before. I'm glad you got "the dress' that sure takes a lot of pressure off. you all. Glad you had a lovely weekend and I'm praying for good news job wise.

  9. I really love your Crowned Chirps! I hope I can get your card with your photo affect!

    I'm glad you found your dress! I know it will be the one you are to wear!

    I love you all very much,

  10. Hi Nellie

    Very cute crowned chirps.

    Sounds like you had a busy weekend! Glad to hear that your hubby got a good report.

    I am happy to hear you found a dress. I know how that must be a big relief.

    I have been under the weather today with a headache but feeling a bit better.

    Have a good day!

  11. This is the first time I've seen Crowned Chirps. They are so cute and I love the way you have used their crowns to hold various things. So sweet! Tammy

  12. Enjoyed all of your decorations Nellie, You always know how to place everything just right.
    I enjoyed reading about your weekend,and I too have nights that I am awake and can't sleep.Dh says it is because I have to much on my mind. lol
    I will continue to pray for your DH'S job situation,

  13. Hooray for the dress! "Thank You LORD for your goodness even in the little things!"

    Nellie, your vignettes and crowned chirp antics are soooo fun!

    Blessings Sweet Friend and we are praying for Jim. Love ya, Jess


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie