Thursday, April 28, 2011

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - April 28, 2011

(From last spring)

proclaiming aloud your praise
 and telling of all your wonderful deeds.
Psalm 26:7

Greetings Sweet Folks,

Hope your Thursday has been a good
one for you!!  I am amazed that it is
Thursday again already.  Is it just me,
 or does the time just seem to be going
 quicker and quicker??

Well,tomorrow will be just 2 weeks till the 
which leads me to my first Thankful.

 I am thankful
I was able to find a champagne colored
clutch purse to match with my shoes for
 the wedding, and it was only $12.
It was originally $32, and was made
by Jessica McClintock, and it is perfect!
God is just so good!!
So I am as ready as I can be..............

I am thankful
we discovered something was eating our large
bougainvilla plant Scott gave me for Mother's
day a few years back.  We think it might be 
deer cause it is about 5 feet tall, and something
ate the top of it.  So am glad we could find
a new home for it, before he completely
destroyed it!!

This is the bougainvilla he was eating, only it
wasn't blooming this much yet, this is a pic
from last year too!!

I am thankful
for the Lord's continued provision for us. 
 Hubby had some work again from his old
job, what a continued blessing that is!

I am thankful
for Alleve Sinus medication.  Though I rarely
 get sinus headaches like I used to.......they 
can be almost debilating when I do get them,
 and this stuff knocks them right out!!

I am thankful
I have dropped about 3 pds. recently,  cause
 I always seem to put a lil weight on over the
 Winter months from all the coffee and tea drinking
 I do, cause I like it with cream and sugar,  and 
I drink quite a few a day,  so glad to see the 
results leaving..............finally!! lol

(These are actually from a few years ago, but never used the pic,
so better late than never!! lol)

I am thankful
we had ham for Easter dinner, cause #1, it was
 delicious and #2 as we have been eating the 
leftovers it has made me thirsty....and I have
 been drinking water like a camel in the desert
and I really needed to get back to drinking 
more water!!  So this has made it easy!!

I am thankful
we got to keep Rosie for about 4 days last week.
Thursday thru Monday,  she is always such a joy
for us!!

I am thankful
Dee came and did my hair for me on Monday
evening.  It is always nice to spend some one
on one time with her.

I am thankful
for tablecloths, dishes, glasses, silverware
and napkins to set a pretty table.  That is such
a blessing of beauty and enjoyment to me and
my family and/or friends.

I am thankful
our church is having a special prayer service
on May 5th for the National Day of Prayer.
If there is anything our country needs more,
It is certainly prayer!!

This is a magazine photo, compliments of 
better homes and gardens,  I think!!

I am thankful
that Dee has found another really good
 photographer that she likes for her wedding 
in October.  She had chosen one she really
 wanted to use, but they didn't seem interested,
and she was of course, disappointed!
So great she has found another one.

I am thankful
for God's beautiful world, the sky, the sun,
clouds, stars,flowers, trees, the beach, parks, 
woods, and on and on it could go............
We just have to take the time to stop and
smell the roses, to see it all!

So glad you came by today.....
Hope you have joy
 in your heart today!!

 Hope you will share with us,
What you are thankful
 for today too!

Have a frivilously fun Friday, 

Love,  Hugs,
and Joyful Blessings,


  1. I'm thankful that in spite of wind and rain, we still have electricity and a roof over our heads.

    I'm thankful for a wonderful Easter dinner shared by 4 generations.

    I'm thankful for opportunities to minister in practical ways to a friend who has broken her right arm.

    I'm thankful for our ladies' Bible study that meets tomorrow--the content, the friendship, the meal we share afterward.

  2. Only 2 more weeks til the wedding. How exciting. You are always such a sweet inspiration.

  3. #1. I got to see that pretty purse too!
    #2. Ahh, what's the deer going to eat now? Ha!
    #3. I'm so glad our LORD says He will provide for us!
    #4. I think my cure will come when I stop being around all of these little ones with the infections!
    #5. Great going. I've not lost or gained any. I stay the same until I start trying to change.
    #6. It was a delicious ham! I always get the 98% fat free sandwich ham at the deli. I eat it wrapped in swiss cheese.
    #7. One sweet little dog!
    #8. Reminds me when mom and I would spend time (especially when we would go out to eat.) I miss her.
    #9. I like all of the different place settings you make.
    #10. We have to keep it going since the government has abandoned it!
    #11. The LORD has good choices. He let DeeAnna know which was the better!
    #12. I can hardly wait to start enjoying it more. I have always wanted an observation deck on top of my house. It is so neat to see the stars at night, especially when it is a cool and crisp evening, but only in my dreams, ha!
    Love to you all,

  4. Thankful you share your thankfulness,I am thankful also for so many blessings.
    And I'm also thankful for your visit to LazyonLoblolly,and your sweet comment.

  5. Don't you just love getting your hair done! Always makes me feel better - had mine cute yesterday! Yeah:)

    Definitely sounds like you are ready as ever for that wedding!

  6. Lots to be thankful for! Congrats on the weight loss...wish i could say that!

  7. Nellie

    What sweet blessings you have. The Wedding is getting so close. I am so excited for you.

    We are having a great time in Victoria. I will post when I get home.



Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie