Monday, May 2, 2011

Happy Monday

Good Morning,
 Happy Monday to You!!

How are you????
Hope you had a great weekend!

I have to say we really did have a great weekend.

The first highlight of my Friday was
watching the royal Wedding of Kate and Will.
I only caught part of it tho, cause I didn't get up
 until 6:30 and to my surprise they had already
said their vows.  So I started watching just before 
the Priest gave them their charge about marriage
 and said the prayer they wrote for their marriage
 (how neat), and all the lovely prayers thereafter,
  Beautiful I might add!!

  Usually the news media covers so much stuff
 ahead of time, I figured I would get up and it 
would be an hour or two before they even got to
the wedding! So that was a bummer, 
 but thank goodness, for instant replays!!
Cause as the day unfolded I did get to
see most of the parts I missed.

Princess Katherine's dress was pretty much 
the style I thought she would go with,  and
 I had already heard that they aren't allowed
 to show their arms or shoulders, so she would
 probably have a dress with lace in those areas, 
so it was really a beautiful dress so befitting
 of her, I think.........She is a very elegant and
 modest young lady,  so refreshing 
in our day and age.

I think she has really captured the hearts of
everyone,  she is such a lovely lady!  I can sure
see why Prince William was so drawn to her,
as she has many qualities much like his Mother,
 Princess Diana.
Princess Catherine already seems to be a natural
 at being a Princess!

The 2nd  and most wonderful Highlight of my Friday
 was one of my long time best friends from Tenn. came
 by to see us, along with her sweet sister. 

 These sisters are so much alike it is really appalling,
 and  they are 2 of the neatest, most loving and giving,
 feel right at home with them ladies  and sisters in Christ
I have ever had the privilege of knowing!! 

 They are full of wisdom, information and love to share
 it with you, and they are full of great ideas as well.
I think they both have the gift of encouragement.
To say the time spent with them was so enjoyable
would be an understatement.
For me....they are a lil bit of heaven here on earth,
or as what one of my friends Diane calls it a lil
bit of Jesus with skin on!

Her sister Linda is a self taught hairdresser, and cut
 my hair for me and it looks great!  Arlene loaned 
me some pearl dangle earrings for the wedding. 
 They are always looking for a way to help.
 They really are amazing women.
So Friday was a mighty blessed day not only for
me, but hubby too!  We both love them too 
death,  we only wished they lived here.

Saturday was a good day too,  we spent some
time watching some videos we have, made by
a fellow called John Eldridge,  some are on
marriage and one is on walking with God.
They are really quite inspirational.
If you would like to watch the latter one.
 click here.

Scott and Megan were moving into their new
home (a larger apt. to accommodate 2 of them)
since the Wedding is only 11 days away now.
So they dropped by to bring us his newer than
 our grill, cause ours is getting where it needs 
some new grill racks replaced.  So that was
really sweet of them to do that.

Hopefully, early this week we will be able
to go see their new place.  

Then we mowed the yard, had din din, got
ready for bed and turned in about 11:00,
which is good for us!~!  lol

Sunday was Sunday school and Church,
and our fav smoothie for lunch, and a nap,
 then Scott and Megan came over to visit
 in the late afternoon and stayed and had
an easy dinner of salad and pizza.
It was a fun time,  they were so excited
about their new place,  and we just had
a great time chatting about all sorts
of stuff.

I have to say my heart was full to over
flowing from this whole wonderful weekend!

And then to get up and read  this morning
that they have rid our world of this evil man, 
Osama Bin Laden. 

 I was thinking of the
contrast of how we are all rejoicing over
this lovely young couple that just wed in 
the UK, who are great role models and who care
 so much about other people, and how now, just
 a few days later we are rejoicing over the death 
of such an evil person. 
Somehow it seems terrible to be rejoicing over
 anyone being killed, but then this scripture came
 to my mind.
and it sure fits................

When the righteous prosper, the city rejoices; 
when the wicked perish, there are shouts of joy.
Proverbs 11:10

That is pretty much what I have heard on
the news this morning! 

 The Lord did finally bring justice to
 Osama Bin Laden,  and I think the Lord
in His mercy, gave Osama 10 repent
of his evilness,  and nothing..............

Well, guess I had better hush up!!

Oh Yea!! Did you by any chance notice
 my new blog look????

I was looking for a new blog face and happened 
to see one that reminded me of a wedding, 
 so....... In Honor of my Son's Wedding and
 since everyone is still tuned in to the Royal
 Wedding, I thought it Perfect for this time!!!

So glad you came by to visit,
Always love hearing from you!!

Hope you truly have a Marvelous Monday!

Love, Hugs,
and Sunshiny Blessings,


  1. Well less than 2 weeks until the fabulous day that Megan officially becomes Scott's wife and your daughter. Y'all must be on cloud 9!!!

    I loved the wedding. I turned the TV on 2 hours before the ceremony started. Daughter and I didn't want to miss a bit of the festivities. WE loved every second of it. I hope and pray their marriage will not follow in the footsteps of his mom and dad or his uncle Andrew and Fergie. May they follow the example of Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillip!!

    Can't wait to see you in a couple weeks. Won't it be fun to talk face-to-face, instead of through email and blogs. They're great, of course, but there's nothing like face-to-face communication when possible. Just as you had over the weekend with your friends.

    Have a blessed day.


  2. I can sense the excitement building in you, Nellie! I'm excited WITH you and FOR you.

    Also very happy to read of your wonderful time with your sweet friends.

  3. I know you are all super excited about the wedding.. Congrats in advance to the happy couple.
    I think your new bloggie face looks great..
    Thank you for your kind words and good wishes you left in your comment to me. I am so proud to call you friend..


  4. I didn't watch the wedding, something about royals goes against me. I like the late night comedians take on the Captain Crunch uniforms though. Do you know she is not a princess because she is a commoner, until the Queen deems her worthy. So she is a Duchess. Diana was incorrectly called princess too. See, too many rules, here in America , you are just that, no royalty.
    I like your thoughts on the 10 yrs O had to repent.

  5. Nellie, that Proverb is the PERFECT one to describe this weekend. Loved it.

    I was up bright and early to enjoy the wedding too. I thought the charge to the couple was utterly inspiring. I got off on a wonderful rabbit trail studying that passage of scripture afterwards.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Nellie-
    It is so nice to talk to you, it has been a while! I love to hear what you think about everything...and that verse that you shared-WOW it fits perfectly. I LOVED the wedding and the dress, everything was beautiful. I have had a hard time understanding how to react to Osama's death, but I love how you said the Lord gave him a chance and he didn't take it (although that is so unfortunate). The Lord sure knew that he never would if went ahead and ended his life.

    On a brighter note-I am so excited for your family and the upcoming wedding. They are so much fun and I love celebrating such a special thing. I can't wait to see pictures! Good luck in preparing for everything!

    God Bless:)

  8. Hi Sweetie! So glad your weekend was filled with joy! Mine was, too. We are blessed indeed. Love your soft, pretty blog look! Perfect for the grooms' Mom!! :o) No grandy yet, but I think it will be soon. I have had a feeling that Sam will labor early...we'll see.

    Spending time on shop stuff today and then some wonderful alone time with hubby!! I'll call tomorrow! Maybe we can get together...finally!!

    Love you bunches!

  9. Sounds like a very busy, but wonderful weekend!


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie