Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Table Top Tuesday - New Topiary vignettes

Welcome Sweet Friends,

So....how has your Tuesday been?
Good,  I hope....uneventful in a good
way, I also hope!!

Our's has been good,  hubby did get 2 phone calls today,
 one just to say they were still working on things and didn't
want him to think they had forgotten him (how refreshing is
 that??) and the other to set up a phone interview for tomorrow.
  This will be a 2nd phone interview.  We are thinking maybe
 the Lord was just giving us time to enjoy the Wedding, and
 maybe soon something will happen.

We have just been praying, sunning, exercising and eating
 really well this week, and mostly concentrating on things to
do with the weddding.  I am wearing my shoes around
a lil everyday to break them in,  doing nails, stuff like that!
 Just got a call from the Tux shop,  am very happy about that
 cause I called earlier and they said they wouldn't be in till
 tomorrow,  but they are in now, would much rather go get it
 tonight and run to the store,  so we can chill  and do any last
 minute details that might just pop up tomorrow.

Well Now,  better hush

and Have you.......

Come on in to my kitchen and I'll show you
my new topiary tree, in case you didn't catch it
 yesterday.......I was experimenting and trying to
 decide where to put it.

Decided to try it on the kitchen table first.

 See where the idea for the plate of fruit came from......

Decided to change some of the fruit,  and added
some baked goods, along with the strawberries.
All faux....of course!!

I'm a lil teapot short and stout.....
here is my handle and here is my spout!!

 The flowers are so pretty.  They are dwarf azaleas in the
most lovely shade of pink.  I call it Hot Pink myself.

Decided to try something else with it. 
Miss short and stout,  with Mr Tall and Skinny.

Mr. Tall and skinny is the coffee pot that goes with a Rosenthal
dessert set we gave my in-laws 39 years ago as a 25th Wedding
Anniversary present.  We sent it all the way from Germany,
where we were living at the time,  as newly-weds.

Really can't get over how many buds this tiny lil tree has!!

I added some pea gravel to cover the dirt and it
looked mucho better especially since I have
it on the table.

Here she is on the dining room table.
I have decided to call her "Camila"

Took this pic today,  the flowers are opening more
and more!!  Very pretty,  hope I can keep from
killing Camila!!  lol

I tend to overcare for plants,  but I have to say
I am doing better than I used to ......

Know it is gonna have to go outside probably
at some point,  but just enjoying it inside for awhile.

We actually took Camila out to sun when we
did today,  since we thought she might need
a bit of sunshine herself!!  lol

I'm linking up to Marty over at 
a stroll thru life,  
to see more creative table tops

Thanks for coming by today,
always happy to hear from you.

Love, Hugs,
and Pink Azalea Blessings,

Only 3 more days.......................


  1. How fabulous. I havn't seen one of them that are real, and the flowers are gorgeous. I love it anywhere, it is perfect. Thanks so much for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty

  2. So pretty. I love it anywhere.

    You are in my thoughts and I have wedding jitters for you all. LOL. I am so far away from you but I feel so close.

    Thanks for all the sweet messages you leave.

    Relax and Enjoy!

    Blessings & Love

  3. Your topiary is just beautiful! A lovely touch to your dining area. Never would have guessed that the fruit was faux. Have a great week!

  4. Very pretty. Wherever you put it there is beauty. I must say I noticed the picture on the wall. Oh, I like it. Have a wonderful evening and I hope all goes well for you. Hugs, Karie

  5. Hi Nellie! Love that topiary! And so many blooms! I know it makes you smile every time you look at it!

    LOVED catching up a bit! Really looking forward to some time together! And praying for all the details of the wedding.

    Love and hugs to you! It will be delightful, I'm sure!

  6. You must be getting so excited! I think that's a great idea to wear the shoes in. We don't want aching feet to ruin your special day.

    I love the topiary. It's so pretty.

  7. Nellie,
    I swear that I left a comment yesterday. It doesn't show it so who knows. Ya, I am over 50, hee-hee. Just wanted to say how much I appreciated your sweeet comment on my blog. Camilla is a beauty and I wish her a long and happy life.

  8. That is just beautiful! I like it best with the two teapots, but I seem to be into white things right now! The wedding details seem to be coming together for you...exciting!

    Prayers for the jobs!

  9. Hi Nellie,

    Well tomorrow is the big day. I am so excited for all of you. You probably won't even see this until after the excitement. I just wanted you to know that we love you over here in CA and are thinking about all of you. Such a wonderful turn of events since I first learned of Scott and his trek with Joey on the trails of Appalachia long ago. He deserves this great happiness! I know you will look so beautiful in your pretty dress and you are smart to break in those shoes in advance! Nothing like aching feel to put a damper on things. I always landed up just kicking mine off at some point. Well, remember this day with happiness and enjoy every single minute. Cannot wait to see photos from you and Susie!

    Then when it is all over, pray that one of these phone interviews is exactly what you have been waiting and praying for. XOXO

    Much love,

    Bonnie (and Jim too.)

    What a wonderful wedding! I realize I don't have the energy I used to have, even when it's having fun!!

    Now the time for rest, ha!

    Your table tops are beautiful as always! I like the arrangement you did on the kitchen table. It looks very nice in the picture.

    Okay, Nellie, you now are the mom of another child, Scott's wife, Megan!

    See you Sunday!
    I love you all!!!

  11. Hi Nellie,

    I just adore your pink topiary as well as your pretty pastel teapot! You have created a beautiful setting.


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie